what makes a memorable course mean

by Mr. Malcolm Koepp DVM 3 min read

What is the meaning of memorable experience?

2 worth remembering or mentioning. a classic Broadway musical with a raft of memorable songs. Synonyms for memorable. citable, mentionable, nameable. (also …

What is the difference between memorable and unforgettable?

Jan 10, 2011 · Here's an excellent cliche explained and presented by Lee Martin, in the most recent Glimmer Train bulletin: "Make it memorable," the editor of a respected literary journal told me when he came to visit Arkansas and to critique student manuscripts. That was the thing that made a story jump out of the slush pile and onto the pages of a lit journal.

What is a synonym for memorable?

Find 68 ways to say MEMORABLE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Why is it important to be memorable?

Sep 02, 2013 · Marcella P September 6, 2013 · 5:58 pm. One of my most memorable experiences in school had to be taking engineering as a freshman four years ago. I had never taken a course like this before and I was the only female in the class. It was terrifying at first but as the months went by I became more comfortable.

What makes a course great?

Interactive, collaborative environment. Interaction between students, and between student and teacher are critical to promoting deeper learning. Be sure to include interactive lessons, group projects, hands-on labs, class discussions, and private chats that students can use to connect directly with their teacher.Jan 28, 2019

How do I make a class memorable?

Making Learning Memorable
  1. Think about what you want your students to most learn. ...
  2. Don't be afraid to joke. ...
  3. Use technology, but don't overdo it. ...
  4. Disasters happen. ...
  5. Time is on your side, or at least it can be if you learn how to manage it. ...
  6. What happens outside the class is as important as what happens in the class.
Mar 3, 2015

How can I make the lesson fun meaningful and memorable?

Teaching Strategies to Make Your Class More Fun
  1. Incorporate Mystery Into Your Lessons.
  2. Don't Repeat Classroom Material.
  3. Create Classroom Games.
  4. Give Your Students Choices.
  5. Use Technology.
  6. Don't Take Teaching so Seriously.
  7. Make Your Lessons Interactive.
  8. Relate Material to Your Students' Lives.
Aug 16, 2019

What makes online courses successful?

Flexibility and convenience are two of the great benefits of online learning, however students have to have discipline enough to make time to study, complete coursework, and participate in discussions and groups. Learners need to plan to commit 6 – 9 hours per week per three-credit class.

How do excellent teachers make learning memorable?

Teachers who take risks and do things differently stand out in a sea of sameness. They make learning memorable and go out of their way to find the stickability factor. They demand magnificence and get it by enabling students to see the world from new perspectives. They use a variety of hooks to capture attention.Sep 20, 2017

What is a memorable teacher?

A memorable teacher is one who teaches students the required skills and curriculum, but who also teaches them life skills that will stick with students for years to come. Memorable teachers are always finding impromptu opportunities to teach lessons that will hopefully inspire and encourage their students.Jan 13, 2020

Why is history being taught?

History actually teaches many useful skills, which are of great value to both individuals and the economy. These include the ability to think critically and construct reasoned arguments, awareness of differing points of view and understanding of cultures (both one's own and those of others).

How do you engage students in active learning?

4 ways to engage students in active learning
  1. Make learning a game. We mentioned that active learning isn't just about games, but that doesn't mean that games don't have any place in the classroom — quite the opposite! ...
  2. Make learning hands-on. People learn best by doing. ...
  3. Collaboration and debate. ...
  4. Give students a choice.
Jun 4, 2019

How can you make learning meaningful to students?

Your Weekly Eureka Moment
  1. Connect Content With Meaning. My student found no reason to remember facts which meant little to her personally. ...
  2. Discourage Rote Memorization. ...
  3. Encourage Self-Testing. ...
  4. Let Students Figure Out the Problem. ...
  5. Give Frequent, Low-Stakes Assessments. ...
  6. Don't Penalize Errors Harshly.
Sep 14, 2015

What is one characteristic of a great online course?

This well-developed presentation outlines 6 characteristics of effective online courses: access to technology, clear guidelines and procedures, participation, collaborative learning, transformative learning, assessment and evaluation.Aug 22, 2013

How do you stay productive in online classes?

Tricks for Studying Online & Staying Attentive
  6. TAKE NOTES. ...
Apr 26, 2021

How do you ensure the quality of online courses?

So, here are three ways to ensure online course quality at your university.
  1. Enable students to interact with their instructors. ...
  2. Use the same materials for online courses as for campus-based courses. ...
  3. Use the advantages of online learning to the fullest.
Dec 21, 2018

Why is unexpected in training important?

Being unexpected in your training is not doing something different just for the sake of being different. The purpose is always relevant to your training. And when done well, it can add a powerful dynamic to your training.

Who is Ken Brown?

Ken Brown is an experienced educator, instructional designer, facilitator and videographer. He blogs about how to create engaging, memorable and unexpected training at www.kenwbrown.com.

What are some questions to ask about science?

To help answer the question, you might ask yourself: 1 What comes to mind when you think back over the best, or worst, moments in the science, technology, engineering or math classes you have taken since you were a child? What lessons, activities or assignments were especially memorable? Why? 2 How have your experiences outside of school taught you about scientific, mathematical or technological concepts? For example, you might remember an exhibition at a science museum, or something you made or experimented with in an after-school club . 3 Based on your experience, what advice would you give teachers of STEM subjects? Why?

How old do you have to be to get a stipend?

Anyone who is 13 to 19 years old, from anywhere in the world, is eligible.

What was the cooler filled with?

Turns out the cooler was filled to the brim with dry ice (or solid CO2) . I don’t remember exactly what we did, but we tested out a whole bunch of properties and did a whole page-sized list full of experiments that lasted us through that entire week. During the week, we consistently went back to everything we had learned in the unit—and I mean everything. It was extremely fun, and I was never bored for an instant in that class.

Why is science important?

Science is an incredible way of knowing whats all around you. Without science you wouldn’t know how the waves in the ocean is created. You wouldn’t know that the planets revolve around the sun because we would still believe that the Earth is in the middle of the solar system. Science is involved in your everyday life.

1. Be different, not better

It is hard to be better. Even when you are, no one really cares.

2. Be "the guy."

Most people say, “I do legal work," or “I help people with the accounting," or “I set up computer systems." Aspire to be "the guy" or “the gal" for a niche category in your industry. So instead of doing computers, be “the computer guy." Why does this matter? It's because language has great power. What we repeat, we believe.

3. Listen intently

People are intelligent. They can easily spot when you are pretending to be interested in them. Be genuine when you speak and be intent when you listen. Show that you are truly passionate about what you have to say and that you really are interested in what they are saying. People appreciate sincere conversation.

4. Be an individual

Often times, we try to turn off the traits that make us unique as people. Getting pushed around in grade school or picked on in high school convinced us that it is a mistake to stand out from the norm and we should strive to diminish our uniqueness. If you want to be memorable, re-discover and harness the traits that make you, well, you.

5. Be genuine

No one likes fake people. No one enjoys the company of someone whose life is portrayed as perfect. While we may think we admire people who seem flawless, in truth, we're often waiting and watching for them to stumble, to fail. We like people we can relate to. We remember people we can identify with.

6. Tell stories

We're visual creatures by nature, though much of our workdays don't engage our creative visual natures. Finding ways to connect with people in a way that appeals to their imagination creates bonds that are memorable.

7. Do what you love

It feels like everyone is increasingly busy, frazzled, stressed and worried. We rush around trying to do more with less, and in the process we can lose sight of some of life's simpler pleasures. One of those pleasures is meeting someone who genuinely loves what they do.

How to bring the real world to the classroom?

Bring the real world to your classroom – Each time we attempt to solve a problem creatively, or think about something in a novel way, we produce physical connections in our brains. And what more fun way to achieve this than to ponder on problems that we come across with in our daily lives. You can acquaint students to real-world research, show a documentary, listen to podcasts, or even encourage them to ‘publish’ their works (i.e., through blogposts, creating a YouTube video, or taking part in events similar to TED talks).

How to infuse meaning in a lesson?

Here are five points to help you infuse meaning to your lessons: Make the content as meaningful as possible – This can be achieved when students are offered the opportunity to link their classroom activities to real-life experiences . It is important to bear this principle in mind, especially with rigorous content.

How to help students with their learning experience?

Adopt a student-centred approach – When students are more involved in designing their learning experience, they end up having better grasp of the goal of the lesson and are more attached to the learning outcomes. Ask them open-ended questions, encourage student collaboration and group projects, and give them assignments that will allow them to reflect and synthesise what they have learned. But also consider the factors that could influence this approach.

Why is it important to have a great learning experience?

We think great learning experiences should inspire our students to become lifelong learners, and encourage them to pursue education beyond just the course we are creating.

Why is understanding the why important?

For us, understanding the why is a core part of our design process. It allows our team to constantly push for better, and to develop our own standard of what makes a learning experience exceptional. Most importantly to us, without understanding the why, we can’t incorporate these great elements from one project into another. We need to cultivate a shared language of what makes learning experiences great, in practical, non-abstract terms.

What does "helping them understand something they couldn't before" mean?

This means we are helping them understand something they couldn’t before, it’s easy to use, and well-crafted. The entire experience should feel purposeful, and put the needs of the learner first.
