what is zone of inhibition in kirby bauer test course hero

by Marlen Spinka 8 min read

The zone of inhibition is used to determine whether a particular bacterium is susceptible to the action of a particular antimicrobial agent or not; this may help the physician to choose a more effective course of treatment in relatively less time. It can also be used to determine if the compound has antimicrobial activity.

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What is the purpose of Kirby Bauer test?

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What is Kirby Bauer procedure?

Uses of Kirby Bauer Disc Diffusion Method

  • Antibiotic susceptibility testing is a very important step to monitor antimicrobial resistance.
  • It guides the clinician to select the best antimicrobial agent.
  • To acquire information on microorganisms of public health importance.

What is Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method?

What is the Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method? The Kirby-Bauer test, known as the disk-diffusion method, is the most widely used antibiotic susceptibility test in determining what choice of antibiotics should be used when treating an infection. The organism will grow on the agar plate while the antibiotic “works” to inhibit the growth.

What is Kirby Bauer sensitivity?

The Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion susceptibility test determines the sensitivity or resistance of pathogenic bacteria to various antimicrobial compounds in order to assist physicians in selecting treatment options their patients. The pathogenic organism is grown on Mueller-Hinton agar in the presence of antimicrobial impregnated filter paper disks.

What is Zone of Inhibition in Kirby-Bauer test?

In the Disk Diffusion Antibiotic Sensitivity test (The Kirby-Bauer test) a thin film of bacteria applied on a plate is subjected to various antibiotics. The Zone of inhibition is a circular area around the spot of the antibiotic in which the bacteria colonies do not grow.

What is the zone of inhibition in a Kirby-Bauer test quizlet?

The area around the disc where there is a lack of bacterial growth.

What does a zone of inhibition indicate when using the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method?

Antibiotic-containing paper disks are then applied to the agar and the plate is incubated. If an antibiotic stops the bacteria from growing or kills the bacteria, there will be an area around the disk where the bacteria have not grown enough to be visible. This is called a zone of inhibition.

What does a zone of inhibition probably indicate on a Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion assay quizlet?

Antibiotics that are produced by many different types of bacteria are called broad spectrum antibiotics. In the Kirby-Bauer test, any visible zone of inhibition around the antibiotic disk indicates that the bacterium is sensitive to that antibiotic.

What is a zone of inhibition quizlet?

Zone of Inhibition is an area where bacteria cannot grow due to the presence of antibiotics.

What is the zone of inhibition and what are the units of measurement?

The Zone of inhibition is a circular area around the spot of the antibiotic in which the bacteria colonies do not grow. The zone of inhibition can be used to measure the susceptibility of the bacteria to wards the antibiotic.

What does inhibition zone mean?

zone of inhibition: This is an area of media where bacteria are unable to grow, due to presence of a drug that impedes their growth. minimum inhibitory concentration: This is the lowest concentration of an antimicrobial drug that prevents visible growth of a microorganism after overnight incubation with media.

What does the Zone of inhibition imply?

The size of the zone of inhibition is usually related to the level of antimicrobial activity present in the sample or product – a larger zone of inhibition usually means that the antimicrobial is more potent.

How do you read zone of inhibition?

0:096:20Interpreting the Results of the Bauer Kirby Method of Antibiotic ...YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipTo interpret the results of the Bauer biotic susceptibility testing we're going to be measuring theMoreTo interpret the results of the Bauer biotic susceptibility testing we're going to be measuring the diameter of zones of inhibition in millimeters using a metric ruler. So make sure you have the

What is the zone of inhibition for vancomycin VA in this Kirby-Bauer test?

For vancomycin, the KBT results were considered as sensible if the inhibition zone was >12 mm, Intermediate: 10-11 mm and Resistant: <9mm, 24 hours after disc exposure.

What does the Zone of Inhibition tell us about a microbe's susceptibility to an antimicrobial?

These are called zones of inhibition. They indicate that the organism was susceptible to the antimicrobial agent. The larger the zone of inhibition surrounding an antimicrobial agent is, the more susceptible the organism is to the antimicrobic.

What determines the size of the zone of inhibition around an antibiotic disk?

The size of the zone of inhibition of growth is influenced by the depth of the agar, since the antimicrobial diffuses in three dimensions, thus a shallow layer of agar will produce a larger zone of inhibition than a deeper layer.

Statistics of CDC

There are more 23,000 deaths annually due to antibiotic resistance, in America. Clostridium difficile infections cause around 14,000 deaths every year!

Definition of Zone of Inhibition

The testing for sensitivity of an organism to antimicrobial agents is usually done using agar diffusion or disk diffusion test. The parameters of this test were specified (or standardized) by the scientists W. M. M. Kirby and A. W. Bauer and is also referred to as the Kirby-Bauer antibiotic testing.

How to Find the Zone of Inhibition

In order to find zone of inhibition the disk diffusion method is followed.

Density of the Bacterium

A particular density of the organism needs to be maintained, as a low density won’t lead to the formation of lawn growth on the agar, and a high density would not allow proper development of the zone of inhibition. The density of the bacterium used is around 10 6 cells.


In order to a get well-defined zone of inhibition, it is necessary to make sure that there is no excess moisture present on the surface of the medium or on the lid.

Components of the Medium

Certain components of the medium like thymine, sulfonamide, or thymidine may inhibit the activity of antibiotics like trimethoprim, and may yield false results. For this reason, the Mueller-Hinton agar is the medium prescribed. This medium has a low thymine, sulfonamide, and thymidine content.
