what is your primary motivation for taking this course?

by Gail Heathcote Sr. 8 min read

What are your reasons for taking this course? To learn to recognize better methods and architecture in solving design issues. Professional development. Interest in software engineering and software o-o analysis & design. For code & architecture reuse.

Full Answer

What drives your motivation?

Motivation is driven by personality, skills, expectations, drive, ambition, gender, age, needs, wants, desires…the list goes on and on…which is why being asked what motivates you can seem almost like an impossible question to answer… especially in job interviews.

What motivates students to learn?

Curiosity and motivation to learn are the forces that enable students to seek out intellectual and experiential novelty and encourage students to approach unfamiliar and often challenging circumstances with anticipation of growth and expectation to succeed. There is no end to education.

Why do we need a comprehensive understanding of motivation?

A comprehensive understanding of motivation is desperately needed to: 1 promote engagement in our classrooms, 2 foster the motivation to learn and develop talent, 3 support the desire to stay in school rather than drop out, and 4 inform teachers how to provide a motivationally supportive classroom climate.

What are the three components of motivation?

There are three major components to motivation: activation, persistence, and intensity. Activation involves the decision to initiate a behavior, such as enrolling in a psychology class.

What is your motivation to study your course?

Researchers believe that your motivation to study can either come from inside you or outside of you. You can be motivated by an internal drive to learn as much possible. Or, you might be motivated to study by an external reward like a good grade, or a great job, or someone promising you a car.

What is your primary motivation?

One's primary motivation is that underlying value, belief or perception that most of our actions true back to; our behavior can be explained and interpreted by our strict adherence to this fundamental motivator.

What is your motivation sample answer?

working well as part of a team. leading a team to success. completing a difficult project, and seeing it through to the end. spotting flaws and errors so as to make sure the end result of a project is as good as possible.

How do you answer what motivates you examples?

Good Answers to the Tricky Interview Question "What Motivates You?"learning new things.acquiring new skills.meeting deadlines, goals and targets.coaching others.improving processes, finding ways to solving problems.leading a team or being a part of a team.completing a difficult project.overcoming challenges.More items...

What do hiring managers want?

Hiring managers want to know what you like doing and why you like doing it. They also want to know what you’re good at. They’re looking for answers that show them examples of characteristics you possess that will help them decide if you’re going to be a great employee.

Do hiring managers like to be self motivated?

Even if the job you’re applying for has you working on a team, hiring managers want to know that you’re strong enough on your own to complete the tasks assigned to you. If all your motivation comes from outside forces, a hiring manager might feel some concern about your ability to complete tasks if not constantly supervised.

What are the factors that influence motivation?

According to one study (Malone, & Lepper, 1987), seven factors endorse motivation: challenge. curiosity. control.

Why is motivation important in research?

One reason why the study of motivation matters is because researchers have been able to design and implement successful interventions to improve lives, for our students as well as their teachers and parents.

What is self determination theory?

It explains it in terms of self-regulation, where extrinsic motivation reflects external control of behavior , and inherent motivation relates to true self-regulation (Ryan, & Deci, 2000).

What is curiosity and motivation to learn?

Curiosity and motivation to learn is the force that enables students to seek out intellectual and experiential novelty and encourages students to approach unfamiliar and often challenging circumstances with anticipation of growth and expectation to succeed. There is no end to education.

What is the ability of students to generate novel and useful ideas and solutions to everyday problems?

Our students’ ability to generate novel and useful ideas and solutions to everyday problems is a crucial competence in today’s world and requires high levels of motivation and a good dose of creativity.

What is intrinsic motivation?

According to Ryan and Deci, intrinsic motivation defines an activity done for its own sake without the anticipation of external rewards and out of a sense of the sheer satisfaction it provides (2000).

What is part 1 of the autonomy workshop?

Part 1 was a three-hour morning workshop offered before the beginning of the semester. During the workshop, teachers learned about their motivating style, the benefits of autonomy support, and the costs of interpersonal control. Part 2 was a three-hour afternoon workshop to learn the “how-to” of autonomy support.

What are the components of motivation?

There are three major components of motivation: activation, persistence, and intensity. 3 . Activation involves the decision to initiate a behavior, such as enrolling in a psychology class. Persistence is the continued effort toward a goal even though obstacles may exist. An example of persistence would be taking more psychology courses in order ...

Why is motivation important?

Understanding motivation can: Help improve the efficiency of people as they work toward goals. Help people take action.

What is the arousal theory of motivation?

The arousal theory of motivation suggests that people are motivated to engage in behaviors that help them maintain their optimal level of arousal. 3  A person with low arousal needs might pursue relaxing activities such as reading a book, while those with high arousal needs might be motivated to engage in exciting, thrill-seeking behaviors, such as motorcycle racing.

What are the different types of motivation?

Types of Motivation. Different types of motivation are frequently described as being either extrinsic or intrinsic: Extrinsic motivations are those that arise from outside of the individual and often involve rewards such as trophies, money, social recognition, or praise.

What is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors?

Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It is what causes you to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge. Motivation involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behavior.

How to get better at a job with no motivation?

If there are things you feel insecure about, try working on making improvements in those areas so that you feel more skilled and capable. What to Do When You Have No Motivation.

What is the theory of instinct?

The instinct theory of motivation suggests that behaviors are motivated by instincts, which are fixed and inborn patterns of behavior. 5  Psychologists including William James, Sigmund Freud, and William McDougal have proposed a number of basic human drives that motivate behavior. Such instincts might include biological instincts that are important for an organism's survival such as fear, cleanliness, and love.

What is the best tool to study motivation?

Website and app blockers. This is a classic study motivation tool because it literally takes away whatever is distracting you, assuming your distraction is digital. If you need just a little help with your self-control, these are for you. There are quite a few blockers available for your phone and your computer: try Freedom or AppBlock.

How to get more delayed gratification?

Once you get in the groove or start to find a little more motivation, you can work up to more delayed gratification. To really put the pressure on and encourage yourself to do well, try creating a reward for yourself that you can only receive if you do well on the exam or in the course as a whole.

How to make the most of your breaks?

You can make the most of your breaks by getting up and doing something physical that gets your blood pumping. If you use your breaks to watch 10 minutes of a TV show, you probably won’t be very motivated to jump back in. The Pomodoro Technique also works really well in conjunction with website and app blockers.

Why is studying so hard?

If you’re a social person, studying can be difficult because you don’t like the solitary silence. It can be motivat ing to have a group of people to study with. Your study group could even consist of your parents or a friend who isn’t in the same class--they can help quiz you and just keep you company while you study if you go stir crazy being quiet and alone.

Why do we need a timer for study?

No matter how you customize it for yourself, when you know the end is in sight and a break is coming up, it makes it easier to study for longer periods of time. To help keep track of time and make sure you’re not constantly checking the clock, set a timer for both your study sessions and your breaks.

Why is teaching a class full of motivated students enjoyable?

Simply put: Teaching a class full of motivated students is enjoyable for teachers and students alike. Some students are self-motivated, with a natural love of learning. But even with the students who do not have this natural drive, a great teacher can make learning fun and inspire them to reach their full potential.

How to get students excited about learning?

Here are five common steps to get your students excited about learning: 1. Encourage Students. Students look to teachers for approval and positive reinforcement, and are more likely to be enthusiastic about learning if they feel their work is recognized and valued .

How to teach responsibility to students?

One way to encourage students and teach them responsibility is to get them involved in the classroom. Make participating fun by giving each student a job to do. Give students the responsibility of tidying up or decorating the classroom. Assign a student to erase the blackboard or pass out materials. If you are going over a reading in class, ask students to take turns reading sections out loud. Make students work in groups and assign each a task or role. Giving students a sense of ownership allows them to feel accomplished and encourages active participation in class.

How to make students feel important?

You should encourage open communication and free thinking with your students to make them feel important. Be enthusiastic. Praise your students often. Recognize them for their contributions. If your classroom is a friendly place where students feel heard and respected, they will be more eager to learn.

What are the incentives for students?

Incentives can range from small to large giving a special privilege to an exemplary student, to a class pizza party if the average test score rises. Rewards give students a sense of accomplishment and encourage them to work with a goal in mind. 4. Get Creative.

When will I ever need this?

“When will I ever need this?” This question, too often heard in the classroom, indicates that a student is not engaged. If a student does not believe that what they’re learning is important, they won’t want to learn, so it’s important to demonstrate how the subject relates to them. If you’re teaching algebra, take some time to research how it is utilized practically for example, in engineering and share your findings with your students. Really amaze them by telling them that they may use it in their career. Showing them that a subject is used everyday by “real” people gives it new importance. They may never be excited about algebra but if they see how it applies to them, they may be motivated to learn attentively.

Why is it so hard to be a teacher?

One of the most difficult aspects of becoming a teacher is learning how to motivate your students. It is also one of the most important. Students who are not motivated will not learn effectively. They won’t retain information, they won’t participate and some of them may even become disruptive. A student may be unmotivated for a variety of reasons: They may feel that they have no interest in the subject, find the teacher’s methods un-engaging or be distracted by external forces. It may even come to light that a student who appeared unmotivated actually has difficulty learning and is in need of special attention.

How to remain motivated in schools

For me, there are two key aspects to remaining highly motivated. The first is all about connecting with the original purpose of embarking upon something; it’s all about refreshing your focus; reminding yourself of the benefits and seeing the relevance. In other words, keeping it real.

Our Motivation score

So, let’s examine my model in more specific detail and in particular how the two key aspects play out when considering motivation in schools. I want you to go back to school yourself for a minute and ask yourself what your favourite lesson was, i.e. mine was French.

Teachers need motivation too!

It is exactly the same by the way for every member of staff who swap classes and groups five times a day in high schools or for Primary and Elementary schoolteachers who have to teach five or six subjects and topics in one day to the same class.

Addressing Motivation in schools & its issues

So, now we have a fresh new way of understanding levels of motivation and its’ transient nature, how can we address these issues? The key is to talk about these issues, educate both staff and students about how they feel about the swings they are feeling on a daily basis.

What is motivation in learning?

The role of motivation in learning. Motivation, as the name suggests, is what ‘moves’ us. It is the reason we do anything at all. For teachers, a lack of motivation has long been one of the most frustrating obstacles to student learning. While the concept of motivation may intuitively seem fairly simple, a rich research literature has developed as ...

Why is intrinsic motivation important?

In short, intrinsic motivation fost ers strong and flexible critical thinking skills.

How does extrinsic motivation lead to intrinsic motivation?

There is also some research to suggest that extrinsic motivation can lead to intrinsic motivation, in the sense that students may embark on a task for reasons associated with extrinsic motivation but become intrinsically motivated through the process of engaging with the task and learning to value it.

What is intrinsic motivation?

Intrinsic motivation is the act of doing an activity purely for the joy of doing it, and it is frankly very rare in school and work contexts. Extrinsic motivation, or the use of external rewards or punishments to encourage student work completion, is generally painted in education as the enemy of good instruction.

How do expectations and values affect learning?

Second, the extent to which a student values learning a skill or concept directly impacts their effort and mastery of that skill or concept. Expectations and values themselves are influenced by beliefs about one’s competence (otherwise known as self-efficacy) and by beliefs about the difficulty of the task. If the student remembers doing well ...

What is overlap in motivational theory?

While there is a great deal of overlap between motivation theories, researchers differ in their identification of the underlying belief systems leading to motivational variation. Some theorists emphasise belief in oneself and one’s competency, others prioritise goal orientation, and a third group argues that the difficulty ...

How does goal orientation affect persistence?

Goal orientation has a strong impact on persistence through a rigorous task , as described in Expectancy Value Theory. According to this model, expectations and values influence performance and task choice directly. There are two main components to this theory. First, a student’s effort, the level of challenge they choose and ultimately their performance will follow their expectation of success or failure. Second, the extent to which a student values learning a skill or concept directly impacts their effort and mastery of that skill or concept. Expectations and values themselves are influenced by beliefs about one’s competence (otherwise known as self-efficacy) and by beliefs about the difficulty of the task. If the student remembers doing well or feeling satisfied when completing a similar task in the past, they are more likely to push themselves to work hard on the current task. However, if the student remembers that the activity was too difficult to be completed and they became frustrated, or not difficult enough and they became bored, they are unlikely to engage with it.

What does teaching to me mean?

263). In this sense, teaching to me is not simply a job, but instead a means to contribute and engage with ...

How do teachers influence young people?

They can influence young people’s personal dispositions toward others, and toward their own futures.
