what is the word for a school course

by Emerson Quigley 8 min read

The set of courses, coursework, and their content, offered at a school or university. curriculum. modules. subjects. syllabus.

What is a synonym for course?

course of study. 3 a usually fixed or ordered series of actions or events leading to a result. set out on the course that would lead to a college degree. Synonyms for course. operation, procedure, proceeding, process. Words Related to course.

What is the meaning of course of study?

synonyms for course of study. Compare Synonyms. course. division. grade. room. seminar. session. study.

What is a course description?

The word class is often misused as a synonym for a course, but it is different. In college, the word “class” is used to describe a particular instance of a course. For example, a student may say, “I have to go to my Algebra II class now.” Most of the time, class is …

How do you describe your course of study in high school?

The process or act of teaching. A quick, intense course, especially one which is informal or hurried. Verb. To assign or regard as belonging to a particular category. … more . . Noun. . The process or act of teaching.

What is another word for course of study?

course of studycourse.division.grade.room.seminar.session.study.subject.More items...

What is the name for the course of study in a school?

Also called core curriculum, core course of study refers to a series or selection of courses that all students are required to complete before they can move on to the next level in their education or earn a diploma.Aug 29, 2013

What is another word for class in school?

What is another word for classes?crash courseclasscourse of studyeducational programshort courseintensive coursesyllabusstudyeducationconference33 more rows

What is another word for course?

What is another word for course?routewaydirectionpathtackpassagepathwaytrailtrajectorycircuit55 more rows

What is meant by the term course of study?

(kɔːs əv ˈstʌdɪ) an extended period of organized study, often leading to a qualification. a course of study at a European university.

What is the difference between a course and a module?

Think of Modules and Courses in the terms of books. Modules are the chapters within a book, whereas a Course is the book itself. Think of your favorite book.Jul 20, 2021

What is the synonym of lecture?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for lecture. exhortation, lesson, sermon, speech.

What is a antonym for classes?

Antonyms. war deregulate disorganize disorganise untidiness disorderliness divest. bourgeoisie lower class agriculture stratum estate of the realm.

What is another word for off course?

What is another word for off-course?strayedastrayconfuseddisorientedlostlost one's bearingoff-trackroamingrovingadrift92 more rows

What is the antonym and synonym of course?

course. Synonyms: order, sequence, continuity, direction, progress, line, way, mode, race, career, road, route, series, passage, succession, round, manner, plan, conduct, method. Antonyms: disorder, discussion, solution, interruption, deviation, hindrance, error, conjecture, hazard, speculation, caprice.

What is another word for Corse?

What is another word for corse?corpsecadavercarcassremainsstiffbonesrelicscorpusbodydead body15 more rows

What is a lesson in a course?

Courses are made up of multiple lessons (and, in turn, classes) Lessons are the building blocks of a course that are taught during class. Lessons are the subject matter or course material that is taught progressively. A class is the particular time and day that a lesson takes place. Photo by Miguel Henriques on Unsplash.

What is required course?

In this way, institutions designate how many units, or credits, of each must be attained to graduate. Required courses are also called core courses. Elective courses are outside of one’s major and allow students a chance to learn about other subjects that interest them.

What are the benefits of online college?

Some of the biggest benefits of attending college online include: 1 A flexible schedule 2 A less expensive alternative 3 A more accessible setup 4 Democratized education for students around the world

What is a major in college?

A major is your specialized area of study. Another word for a major is a concentration. This subject makes up a student’s core curriculum, or the bulk of the courses taken. At the same time, students are usually required to take elective courses.

How many digits are in a college course?

In the United States, a course is often named after an abbreviation of the major and then given a 3- to 4-digit number.

What is lecture in a classroom?

A lecture generally takes place in a large room with theatre-like seating. A professor stands in the front and talks for most of the time. During this time, students take notes. A lecturer may use a PowerPoint presentation, whiteboard, handouts, etc.

What is a discussion in a lecture?

A discussion may also be called a section. In a discussion, it’s a small setting that’s more like a classroom. In discussions, you talk with peers, go over homework, ask questions and work with a teacher’s assistant.

What is STEM in high school?

STEM or non-STEM : In some schools, the last two high school years focus on STEM subjects such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses. If you were in such a high school tracks, write “STEM” (or non-STEM otherwise).

What is the ambiguity in the application form?

When asked for your course of study on a U.S. job application, it is usually on a form with a row for each level of school and a column for “major.”. In other words, it is an ambiguity in the application form! If a job application asks for your major (or area of study) in the high school section, you can just leave it blank.

What is the definition of course?

Medical Definition of course. 1 : the series of events or stages comprising a natural process the course of a disease. 2 : a series of doses or medications administered over a designated period a course of three doses daily for five days.

What is a course in English?

English Language Learners Definition of course. (Entry 1 of 2) : the path or direction that something or someone moves along. : a path or route that runners, skiers, bikers, etc., move along especially in a race. : a series of classes about a particular subject in a school.

What does "movement" mean in science?

1 : motion from one point to another : progress in space or time The earth makes its course around the sun in 365 days. During the course of a year he meets dozens of people.

What is online class?

Online classes: Courses you take by computer instead of in a traditional classroom. Part-time student: A student who doesn’t enroll in enough credit hours to become a full-time student, as defined by your college or university. Part-time students often take only one or two classes at one time.

What is a bachelor's degree?

Bachelor’s degree: A degree awarded to undergraduates, usually after four years of college classes. Commencement: Day of graduation. Course Number: The number your college or university uses to classify a course. You usually need this number in order to register for a class.

What is an advisor in college?

Advisor: School official, usually assigned by your college or university, who can help choose your classes and make sure you are taking the right courses to graduate. Associate’s degree: A type of degree awarded to students at a US community college, usually after two years of classes.

How many years of study is required for a masters degree?

The awarding of a master’s degree requires at least one year of study (and often more, depending on the field) after a student earns a bachelor’s degree. Minor: Your secondary area of study. Fewer classes are required for a college minor than for a major.

How long is a semester?

Semester: Type of academic term. A school with this system generally will have a fall semester and a spring semester (each about 15 weeks long), along with a summer term. (See also: “Quarter”) Senior: Fourth-year college student. You are a senior when you graduate from college. Sophomore: Second-year college student.

What is the highest degree?

Doctorate: Highest academic degree. Awarded after a bachelor’s degree. Elective: A class you can take that is not specifically required by your major or minor. Extracurricular activities: Groups you belong to outside of class, such as sporting teams, clubs and organizations.

What is a freshman student?

Freshman: First-year college student. Full-time student: A student who enrolls in at least a minimum number (determined by your college or university) of credit hours of courses. General education classes: Classes that give students basic knowledge of a variety of topics.
