what is the significance of a void of course moon in horary

by Jess Olson 7 min read

One of the first observations made by students of horary astrology

Horary astrology

Horary astrology is an ancient branch of horoscopic astrology in which an astrologer attempts to answer a question by constructing a horoscope for the exact time at which the question was received and understood by the astrologer.

is that the Moon is ‘Void of Course’ (VOC). VOC is an ancient expression that means that the Moon makes no further aspects while it is in the present sign. In this case the Moon at 29.52 Aquarius makes no aspects to other planets before it leaves Aquarius.

Full Answer

What is the void of course Moon?

The Moon is the fastest moving body in astrology. She spends about two and a half days in a sign. After she forms her last aspect she is void until she enters the next sign. Visualize any endeavor begun with it being stamped VOID in bold capital letters and you can grasp the importance of following the Void of Course Moon.

Does Moon tracks have a void of course dates table?

Thank you! Although Moon Tracks Astrology Calendars already has Void of Course information on one of its calendar systems, it has been decided to bring the Moon's Void of Course Dates Table onboard to provide current information quickly, efficiently and concise.

How long does a void moon last?

Usually, because of how often the moon forms aspects to planets, the moon doesn't end up void-of-course until it's reached the very last degrees of a sign (if it even voids at all) — meaning the void moon will only last for a few hours or less at a time.

What to do during a void of course Moon?

Some Examples of Do's during a Void of Course Moon: 1 Prayer and meditation. 2 Sleep and dream. 3 Non-material matters. 4 Let someone start proceedings AGAINST you in court. 5 End a relationship or get divorced. 6 Close doors to end business. More ...

What is void of course moon?

As mentioned, the void-of-course moon is the moon flying solo for a short stint — during this time, the moon lacks support from the other planets in astrology that it is usually in contact with, making us feel a little hazier and less grounded than usual.

What is the moon void?

In simple terms, the void-of-course moon (sometimes just called the void moon, or abbreviated as VC or v/c) describes a period of time before the moon moves into a new sign during which it doesn't form any significant meet-ups with any of the other planets. It's sort of a planetary siesta for la luna, or a period of respite between all ...

How long does the moon last in the zodiac sign?

The moon spends a little more than two days at a time in each of the 12 zodiac signs as it travels through the zodiac wheel (it completes its rotation through all 12 signs in about 28 days, which is a full moon cycle). As the moon moves through the zodiac, it forms planetary aspects with the other major planets rather frequently.

What does a void moon mean?

But knowing what a void-of-course moon means in astrology can actually be super helpful — and while you may not be able to define it just yet, I can guarantee you've felt its effects. In simple terms, the void-of-course moon (sometimes just called the void moon, or abbreviated as VC or v/c) describes a period of time before ...

What to do during a void moon?

During the void-of-course moon, pamper the moon-ruled sides of yourself. Up the self-care, prioritize introspective time alone, and take time out to process what's happening in your life at the moment.

What are the aspects of the moon?

As the moon moves through the zodiac, it forms planetary aspects with the other major planets rather frequently. Aspects are actually just angles in an astrology chart that are formed between two or more planets, and these angles represent different types of relationships. There are "hard aspects," which can result in challenges ...

What does the moon do in astrology?

If you dabble in studying astrology or even just read your horoscope regularly, then you know the moon in astrology is a huge part of the daily cosmic scene — it rules over our emotions and feelings, our instincts and vulnerabilities, and the ways we feel safe and nurtured. As the moon moves through each of the 12 zodiac signs during its ...

What are some examples of don'ts during a Void of Course Moon?

Some Examples of Don'ts during a Void of Course Moon: 1. Submit your resume for a new job, either by e-mail or snail mail. 2. Be interviewed for a new job or do a business presentation. 3.

What happens if you buy an object while the moon is void of course?

If you buy any object you never use it fully. Enterprises founded while the Moon is Void of Course do fail after long and costly effort. Human judgment is more fallible than usual during the time the Moon is Void of Course. This is the principle factor in all observed experience thus far.

What happens when the moon goes void?

The Moon rules our subconscious, emotions and feelings. When she goes "void" this is experienced on a mass global level. People are not tuned into reality 100%. Often they are prone to be detached from reality, spacey, and feel unanchored.

What is the fastest moving body in astrology?

Defects or shortages come to light. Delay and frustration are commonly experienced while the Moon is Void of Course.”. The Moon is the fastest moving body in astrology. She spends about two and a half days in a sign.

What does void of course mean?

VOID OF COURSE. If while within a sign a planet does not enter into conjunction with another, although in aspect to other planets, it is said to be void of course, and is regarded as having separated from conjunction whether in that sign or not. (This name is given to it because the field is empty and it moves without any companion.)

What does the Moon do?

The Moon conveys the message from other celestial bodies. When the Moon is not in a good state, sometimes the result which comes out from a firmament may not reach the realm under the Moon (the world we live in), or it may reach falsely, although it seems to be good with other planets above the Moon. That is during the void-of-course time period, the result from the firmament does not arrive accurately. It does not mean nothing happens.#N#For instance, at the boxing title match, even if the chart indicates the victory of a challenger, the result does not reach the ground when the Moon is void of course. In other words, the champion wins because a void Moon signifies no change in the situation (p.118).

What does the 62nd consideration mean?

The 62nd CONSIDERATION is that you look to see whether the Moon is void in course: for the voiding of a course signifies that the matter about which it is asked, could hardly or never be perfected or arrive to a good end. And if it were perfected, it will be perfected with labor, and likewise with distress, and sorrow, unless the Lord of the Ascendant or the significator of the matter were of very good condition; because if it were so, even though impeded, it does not destroy the matter entirely. Yet it is a good time then for drinking, bathing, feasting etc., and to use ointments to take away hair, especially if Moon is in Scorpio.

How long does it take for the moon to go through the void of course?

It takes approximately 27.5 days for the moon to loop all the way around the Earth.

Who studied the void of course moon?

Al H. Morrison studied the Void Of Course Moon for over 45 years, and his conclusion was that the Moon was Void after its last Ptolemaic aspect to the Sun or one of the planets, and that the semisextile, quincunx or other minor aspect could not save the Moon from being Void.

How long does it take for the Moon to cycle around the Earth?

It takes approximately 27.5 days for the moon to loop all the way around the Earth. Many interactions (aspects) are made between the Moon and the various planets as it cycles around the Earth. Typically, each aspect will last only for a few hours since the Moon's transiting cycle is the shortest (fastest) of all the planets.

What is a void of course?

The Void-of-Course (VOC) is similar to a short-lived rest or a recuperation period for the Moon before it starts on its next emotional path into the fresh astrological sign. The Moon's transit through a sign sets the stage for our feelings.

Why should new ideas not be implemented during the VOC?

It is believed that new ideas or new tasks should not be implemented during the VOC because the time will be misspent or the task will be done incorrectly and need to be redone later. This "loss" may be caused by an inattention to details or missed information.

What is the void of course moon period?

The void of course Moon periods are characterized by inconsistency, a weird feeling of being somehow detached of reality and immersed into the cosmos, into the interplanetary space, floating somewhere among the rings of Saturn or the hoard of asteroids.

What does it mean when the Moon is void?

William Lilly, a most reputed medieval astrologer, said that when the Moon is void of course in Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Cancer, it "performs somehow", that is when the Moon currently occupies a sign where a benefic planet (Venus or Jupiter) is exalted or ruler, it can lead to a favorable outcome in selected cases.

What is the void of course?

The term VOID OF COURSE refers to the condition of the Moon between the moment it performed the last major aspect with another planet in its current sign and the moment of stepping into the next sign. The abbreviation of "void of course" is VOC.

What does "no aspects, no events" mean?

It is commonly considered in the traditional astrology that the Moon carries the signification of the upcoming events, but only when she relates to other planets by a major aspect.

How long does the Moon last?

They last usually a couple of hours, the range being from a few minutes to even the entire two days and a half period, when the Moon makes no major aspects to other planets from its current astrological sign.

When you want something to happen, what should you do?

The basic rule is: when you want something to happen, if you want to be successful, avoid the void of course Moon periods, at all costs. However, if you wish something not to happen, then choose this moment.

What is the void of course?

The Void of Course (VoC) is similar to a short respite or a reprieve of emotions before the Moon journeys into the next astrological sign. The Moon rules over our feelings, emotions, nurturing feminine side (yes, even men have a nurturing feminine influence), as well as our childhood memories and family matters.

What degree is the VoC Moon?

This may work for them based on their interpretation. What some people consider to be the VoC Moon may be more closely associated with the Anaretic Degree of the sign. The Anaretic Degree is the last active degree of any sign; aka 29th degree. This degree should NOT be confused with the Void of Course.

Why is the VoC period important?

Yet, the VoC period is useful if we have the ability to kick back, postpone making important decisions, and simply enjoy being "one" with the Void Moon. A great article to refer to on the Moon's Void of Course energies can be found on The Mountain Astrologer . Return to Top.

What happens after the Moon moves into the next sign?

In simpler terms, immediately after the Moon forms the last Major Aspect to another planet from the sign that the Moon is transiting, until the Moon moves into the next sign, the Moon is considered to be Void of Course.

What is the plus button in the Eastern Hemisphere?

Eastern hemisphere residents will use the plus (+) radio button. Let's use the Pacific Time Zone as an example. During the Standard Time (PST) the time difference from UTC is -8. Click on the minus radio button and select 8 from the dropdown window then click the "Change" button to adjust the time.

Is it advisable to learn during the VoC Moon?

It is not advisable to initiate new concepts during the VoC Moon. For example, many students complain of not being able to remember what was taught during the Moon's Void of Course transit. From a psychological perspective, Learning and Memory are both closely associated with Emotions.

Can a moon transit be a void?

Yes, it can occur on rare occasions. When the Moon transits through an entire sign, without forming any major aspect, Julius Firmicus Maternus deemed that type of Moon's transit to be a Void Moon throughout the entire transit.