what is the season for augusta golf course

by Andy Cole I 6 min read

Augusta National is a seasonal club. The course is shut down each May and reopens in October to eliminate a lot of wear and tear during the peak summer months in Augusta's humid, subtropical climate. That time of year is when improvements and construction on the course take place.Apr 8, 2021

Is Augusta National golf course open all year?

Augusta National closes in late spring and doesn't open again until fall. Part of this stems from its origins in the mid-1930s. Jones wanted it to be a “national” club, meaning members live all over the country to play.

What month is Augusta closed?

Near the end of each season, club employees get the chance to tee it up before Augusta shuts down for the summer. (Augusta National is closed between the months of May and October.)

Can pro golfers play Augusta anytime?

Not just the Masters itself, but the run-up to the tournament and the preparation that goes into playing. Players who are eligible are allowed to play practice rounds at any time the club is open.

How much does it cost to play a round of golf at Augusta National?

around $40There are roughly 300 members of Augusta National, and being invited by one of them is the quickest way to get a round in at the famous course. Members are allowed to bring up to four guests on the course at a time, each for a relatively small fee of around $40.

How much is a ticket to the Masters 2022?

$115How much are tickets to the Masters? The cost for 2022 practice round tickets is $75, while daily tournament tickets will set you back $115, plus shipping and handling, if applicable.

Why does Augusta shut down in the summer?

Augusta National is a seasonal club. The course is shut down each May and reopens in October to eliminate a lot of wear and tear during the peak summer months in Augusta's humid, subtropical climate.

Is Tiger Woods an Augusta member?

However, despite being a 5-time champion at the Masters, Tiger Woods doesn't have a membership at the Augusta.

Can you smoke at the Masters?

And even though Augusta, Georgia, passed a strict smoking ordinance that is now in effect, it's still legal to smoke on the course (or in the crowd).

How much do Masters tickets cost?

Below is a rundown of ticket prices for the Masters, from various ticket vendors (prices listed reflect the cheapest available option): TicketSmarter: $2,883 (one-day pass) | $11,550 (four-day pass) StubHub: $2,750 (one-day pass) Vivid Seats: $2,707 (one-day pass) | $10,073 (four-day pass)

Can anyone golf at Augusta?

Can I play a round of golf at Augusta National or can I go visit the course? No. Augusta National Golf Club is a private club and is only accessible to club members and their guests. The public may visit the course only during the Masters Tournament and only with the proper ticket or badge.

How much does it cost to play golf at St Andrews?

The Old Course also ranks as GOLF's third-best course in the world, behind only Uber-private Pine Valley and Cypress Point. The cost to play the Old Course isn't outrageous, either. Peak rates for 2022 (April 18 to Oct. 16) are £270 — roughly $320 — but they drop substantially during the shoulder season (Oct.

How much is it to play 18 holes at Augusta National?

Non-Member Rates at Augusta MunicipalWeekday Rates (Monday-Thursday)9 Holes Walking$1018 Holes Riding$279 Holes Riding$19Hero Card$2215 more rows

Can Masters champions play Augusta anytime?

For as long as he lives, or as long as he can physically swing a club, every Masters winner can enter the tournament again every year.

How often can members play at Augusta?

Members are allowed as many as four guests at a time, depending on the time of the year, and guests can play without a member, as long as the member is on the property while his guests are playing. No guests are allowed during the four big member-only events each year.

How much does it cost to belong to Augusta National?

Membership is believed to cost between $100,000 and $300,000 and annual dues were estimated in 2020 to be less than $30,000 per year. Club members are sometimes referred to as "green jackets."

Can you go to the pro shop at Augusta National?

Official Masters merchandise can only be purchased from one of the merchandise stands at Augusta National Golf Club and it can only be purchased during the Masters tournament. Access to the main pro shop near the first fairway is only granted to those with appropriate credentials.

Who founded Augusta National Golf Club?

Augusta National was founded in 1932 by Bobby Jones and Clifford Roberts on the 365-acre site of a former nursery/antebellum plantation called Fruitland (later Fruitlands). [1] Jones sought to create a world-class winter golf course in his native state of Georgia. During the first decade of the club's existence, membership was low and finances were short due to the Great Depression and the relatively remote location of Augusta, forcing the duo to scrap future plans for a "ladies' course," squash and tennis courts, and various estates.

What is Augusta known for?

Augusta is renowned for its well-maintained impeccable appearance: pine needles are imported, bird sounds are played on inconspicuous speakers, and even the ponds were once dyed blue. The club is famed for its azaleas and dogwoods.

Why is Augusta National in Richmond County?

Because Augusta National has spent so much to acquire land, homeowners in Richmond County have had to apply for special property tax assessments in order to negate the effects of the club's activities. Investors have also begun to purchase property and condos next to Augusta National.

How many holes are there in the Augusta National Women's Amateur Championship?

In 2018, chairman Fred Ridley announced that the club would establish the Augusta National Women's Amateur Championship in 2019, a 54-hole event for the world's top amateur players.

How much did Augusta National buy?

From 1999 to 2019, the club spent about $200 million to buy 100 separate properties totaling over 270 acres, some more than a mile distant from the club proper. Most purchases are arranged via LLCs connected to Augusta National in order to obfuscate the transaction's details. More than a dozen of these LLCs are known to exist, and up to five may be involved in a single purchase. Augusta National ultimately purchases each LLC, acquiring its land holdings and keeping the real estate price away from public records. Non-disclosure agreements are also commonly employed.

When was Augusta National first opened?

When Augusta National originally opened for play in January 1933, the opening hole (now the 10th) was a relatively benign par 4 that played just in excess of 400 yards. From an elevated tee, the hole required little more than a short iron or wedge for the approach. Maxwell moved the green in 1937 to its present location – on top of the hill, about 50 yards back from the old site – and transformed it into the toughest hole in Masters Tournament history. Ben Crenshaw referred to Maxwell's work on the 10th hole as "one of the great strokes in golf architecture".

When was the Masters held?

The Masters were first held in 1934 in an attempt to attract crowds and players. Roberts persuaded Jones, then retired, to return to play in the tournament. (Jones initially was against the name Masters .) In 1948, Dwight D. Eisenhower and his wife Mamie were personally invited to Augusta by Roberts.

How much does it cost to join Augusta?

The membership costs at Augusta are relatively low for a club of its stature. The initiation fee is estimated to be in the range of $40,000. And the yearly dues are estimated at “a few thousand” dollars per year. There are other costs involved, whether for guest fees or on-site lodging, but those are also relatively low.

How many beds are there in Augusta National?

In all, there are just over 100 beds available to stay on the Augusta National property. That includes 10 cabins. Seven of those are in a semi-circle to the left of the 10th hole (think Rory in 2011 territory) while the three most famous — the Eisenhower, Butler and Cliff Roberts cabins — stand more visible nearer the clubhouse.

Who was the youngest player to play for Augusta National?

When USA Today published a list of Augusta National’s membership fr0m 2002, 39-year-old Jefferson B.A. Knox was listed as the youngest. He was a fantastic player then and has emerged as a cult hero around the club.

Can you remove a green jacket from Augusta National?

Augusta National members are each issued one green jacket, for which they are charged a small fee. They aren’t allowed to remove these jackets from the grounds. Instead, a member will arrive on property to find his or her jacket freshly prepared in the locker room.

Is Augusta National a member of Masters Week?

Augusta National members are easily visible during Masters Week, dressed in green jackets and nametags as they play host to the famed “patrons” arriving on their course. The rest of the year, however, the club and its members are shrouded in privacy. Still, we’ve gleaned plenty of insider info over the years on how things are conducted up Magnolia Lane. Here are 10 things you need to know about being a member at Augusta National.

When Do the Golf Courses Open and Close in My State?

Most states start the golf season in March or April. The exception to this rule is that some states offer all-year-round golfing. In order to submit your handicap legally and post a score, you must play within the stated months that dictate the golfing season in your state.

What Months are the Golf Season?

Below you can find information in your area for when the golf season starts and the months you can play on your favorite course. Our updated stats are based on the USGA Handicap Active and Inactive Season Schedule which you can check out for more details.

FAQs on the US Golfing Season

Q: On your table my state is currently not in the golf season, does that mean my local course is closed? A: No not necessarily. The dates published on Windtree Golf for the months of the golf season by state are the official dates that you can submit your scores (handicap index) to your GHIN account.

Augusta Members: Who are they and How and How Much Does it Cost to Be?

The Augusta National Club (Georgia, USA), which organizes the Masters Tournament, strives to maintain the privacy of its approximately 300 members- a select group that includes some of the richest and most powerful persons in the world.

Augusta is Closed from May to October!

It is perhaps the most important detail to have the perfect field. Augusta National closes six months a year. For your reference, the golf courses that host the big ones (Us Open, The Open Championship and PGA Championship) usually close a month before at least.

How Much Does it Cost to Golf at Augusta?

Having significant economic capital is not an essential condition to enter either.

How to play at Augusta National?

A few years back, a survey showed the result of ranking the 50 things people would do before they die. It is no less curious than swimming with dolphins was in the first place, and 43rd place was playing at the Augusta National.

Why is Augusta National closed in the summer?

Augusta National is a seasonal club. The course is shut down each May and reopens in October to eliminate a lot of wear and tear during the peak summer months in Augusta's humid, subtropical climate .

What is the greenest golf course in the world?

Augusta National Golf Club's fairways and tees are the greenest. The blooms on the dogwoods and azaleas are the brightest and prettiest. And the ponds that guard some of the most famous holes in golf are picture-book shades of blue.

Who founded the world's Wonder Inland Golf Course?

Clifford Roberts, who co-founded the club with Jones, wrote that Mackenzie died before the course was fully covered with grass. Mackenzie often called it the "World's Wonder Inland Golf Course."

Does the club pack the flowers in ice to ensure they bloom in time for the Masters each year?

No. With such a large property, it would be virtually impossible to do that. Most of the varieties, such as the dogwoods and azaleas, bloom in the spring around the time of the tournament.



Facilities and grounds

Augusta is renowned for its well-maintained impeccable appearance: pine needles are imported, bird sounds are played on inconspicuous speakers, and even the ponds were once dyed blue. The club is famed for its azaleas and dogwoods.
Rules and policies imposed on employees, club members, and visitors (referre…


Augusta National was founded in 1932 by Bobby Jones and Clifford Roberts on the 365-acre site of a former nursery/antebellum plantation called Fruitland (later Fruitlands). Jones sought to create a world-class winter golf course in his native state of Georgia. During the first decade of the club's existence, membership was low and finances were short due to the Great Depression and the relatively remote location of Augusta, forcing the duo to scrap future plans for a "ladies' …


Augusta National Golf Club has about 300 members at any given time. Membership is strictly by invitation: there is no application process. In 2004, USA Today published a list of all the current members. Membership is believed to cost between $100,000 and $300,000 and annual dues were estimated in 2020 to be less than $30,000 per year. Club members are sometimes referred to as "green jackets."

Green jacket

Every member of Augusta National receives a green sport coat with the club's logo on the left breast. Members are required to wear them during the tournament, and the jackets are not allowed to be removed from the grounds. The idea of the green jacket originated with club co-founder Clifford Roberts. Many believe it is because he wanted patrons visiting during the tournament to be able to readily identify members. Since Sam Snead's victory in 1949, the winne…


Augusta National employs a staff of caddies to assist members, guests, and professionals. Augusta's caddie staff wears trademark white jumpsuits year-round.
Before 1983, staff caddies were assigned to players at the Masters. All four majors and some tour events required the use of the host club's caddies well into the 1970s — the U.S. Open had this policy through 1975 — but by 1980, only the Masters and the Western Open near Chicago retained t…

Appearances in video games

Augusta National Golf Club is featured in the Japan-exclusive video game franchise Harukanaru Augusta, which started in 1989. The games were produced by T&E Soft. One of its last titles Masters '98: Haruka Naru Augusta was released for the Nintendo 64.
Augusta National Golf Club and the Masters Tournament are also featured in the video game Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters, and has subsequently featured in later iterations of the game…

Further reading

• Roberts, Clifford (1976). The Story of the Augusta National Golf Club. Garden City, New York: Doubleday. ISBN 9780385115438. OCLC 1992063.
• Andrisani, John, ed. (2007). Golf Heaven: Insiders Remember Their First Trip to Augusta National Golf Club. New York: Thunder's Mouth Press. ISBN 9781560257882. OCLC 84741355.