what is the role of cabinet members course hero

by Roxane Heaney Jr. 8 min read

What is the role of Cabinet members?

The role of the US Cabinet is to counsel the President on various matters related to their respective offices. The secretaries of each department are expected to directly advise the President in any way that he or she may require.Feb 25, 2022

What are the two main duties of all Cabinet members?

Cabinet members have two major jobs: Individually, each is the administrative head of one of the executive departments. Together, they are advisors to the President.

Which describes Cabinet members?

What is the function of cabinet members in the federal bureaucracy? They oversee large executive departments and report to Congress. They oversee large independent agencies and report to the president. They oversee large federal departments and report to the president.

What are the top 4 cabinets?

Terms in this set (4)state department. the federal department in the United States that sets and maintains foreign policies.treasury. the government department responsible for collecting and managing and spending public revenues.defense. ... justice.

What is the role of the Cabinet and how do Cabinet members get their jobs quizlet?

What is the role of the cabinet and how do cabinet members get their jobs? Their role is to direct government policy and make decisions about national issues. Cabinet officers are nominated by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate by a majority vote.

What is the role of Cabinet members quizlet?

The cabinet is an advice-giving group selected by the president to aid him in making decisions, membership of which is determined both by tradition and by presidential discretion. By tradition, it is made up of the heads of the fifteen executive departments.

What is the role of the cabinet in governance in the Philippines?

The cabinet secretaries are tasked to advise the president on the different affairs of the state like agriculture, budget, finance, education, social welfare, national defence, foreign policy, and the like.

What is the function of cabinet members in the federal bureaucracy?

What is the function of cabinet members in the federal bureaucracy? They oversee large executive departments and report to Congress. They oversee large independent agencies and report to the president.

How is the president's cabinet selected and what is its role?

The Cabinet is an advisory body made up of the heads of the 15 executive departments. Appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, the members of the Cabinet are often the President's closest confidants.

Who protects cabinet members?

The United States Secret Service, one of the nation's oldest federal investigative law enforcement agencies, was founded in 1865 as a branch of the U.S. Treasury Department.

Who are the 15 members of the Cabinet?

Trump's Cabinet includes Vice President Mike Pence and the heads of the 15 executive departments – the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, ...

What is the role of the cabinet in governance?

Keep records of decisions and actions made by the cabinet. Certify Cabinet action to proper parties. Provide Secretariat services for the Council of State and other advisory bodies to the President. Provide a catalog of Cabinet actions and decisions for immediate access of the Cabinet.

Who were the four Treasury Secretaries?

Grant had four Secretaries of Treasury: George S. Boutwell (1869-73), William A. Richardson (1873-74), Benjamin H. Bristow (1874-76) , and Lot M. Morrill (1876-77). George S. Boutwelll is probably the most noteworthy of Grant's Treasury Secretaries. He was a gifted administrator who was reform-minded. He worked to reorganize the Treasury Department, supported a reduction of the national debt, and called for a return to the Gold Standard. Boutwell was also forced to react to the Gold Panic of 1869 after speculators attempted to corner the market.

Who was Washburne a leader of?

An ally of Abraham Lincoln, and a congressmen from Illinois (as Lincoln had also been), Washburne was a leader of the Radical Republicans, a group of Republicans who favored civil rights and took a hard-line stance against former Confederates.
