what is the popol vuh? course hero

by Gianni Robel 4 min read

The text of the Popol Vuh, within the course reader, focuses on the story of the birth of the Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque, and how they are significant to the creation of the world after their triumphs in the Underworld.

Full Answer

What is the significance of the Popol Vuh?

View Popol Vuh.docx from PHILOSOPHY PHIL201-20 at American InterContinental University, Houston. Intro to philosophy Popol Vuh “SURELY we must go, our grandmother. But first we will advise you. This ... Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. ...

How is the Popol Vuh taught in Guatemala?

Whose theoretical framework might give us most insight into this narrative Cultural/historical context Popol Vuh means “book of the community” or “book of the people” 3500 BCE: earliest …

When was the Popol Vuh written?

How does Xquic become impregnated with the hero-twins? the spittle/saliva of the decapitated Hun-Hunahpu’s head drips on Xquic, a maiden goddess, and impregnates her with the hero …

What happens in the third part of the Popol Vuh?

 · The Popol Vuh is the story of creation according to the Quiche Maya of the region known today as Guatemala. Translated as `The Council Book', The Book of the People' or, …

What is Popol Vuh summary?

The Popol Vuh is the Mayan story of the creation and of the Hero Twins and their victory over the lords of Xibalba (the underworld). It begins with the origin of everything that is and proceeds to the account of this dramatic conflict.

What is the central idea of the Popol Vuh?

Key Themes and Symbols One important theme in the Popol Vuh is the creation of life from natural materials. The gods try to create humans from mud, and later from wood. These are failures, and the gods destroy them. Finally, the first successful humans are created from corn—a crucial food in the Mayan diet.

What is Popol Vuh quizlet?

Popul Vuh. - Book containing the story of the Mayan creation. - Under christian influence. - rewritten through a colonial lens.

What does Popol Vuh illustrate about Mayan concepts of heroism?

It's important to remember that the Popol Vuh was a text that showed Mayan rulers how to rule properly and become heroes themselves. This turns the text into a teaching tool first and foremost, as its intent is truly to teach Mayan people how to be properly Mayan.

What does the Popol Vuh reveal about the culture from which it comes?

"The Popol Vuh showcases the origins and history of the universe through Mayan storytelling and displays the importance of modern Central American and Latino culture in order to prevent erasure of the great Mayan civilization's influence and consciousness."

Where is the Popol Vuh?

GuatemalaThe Popol Vuh is the story of creation according to the Quiche Maya of the region known today as Guatemala. Translated as `The Council Book', The Book of the People' or, literally, `The Book of the Mat', the work has been referred to as "The Mayan Bible" although this comparison is imprecise.

Who are the Hero Twins in Popol Vuh?

The Hero Twins are famous Mayan semi-gods called Hunahpu and Xbalanque, whose story is narrated in the Popol Vuh (“The Book of Council”).

Who defeats death and seven deaths?

This leads One Death and Seven Death to summon ball players to Xibalba with the intention of putting an end to the noise. One and Seven Death are successful in tricking and killing One Hunahpu and Seven Hunahpu, but they are outsmarted time and again by One Hunahpu's sons, Hunahpu and Xbalanque.

How does blood moon become pregnant quizlet?

How does Blood Moon become pregnant? Blood Moon becomes pregnant when One Hunahpu spits in her hand. Blood Moon becomes the mother of Hunahpu and Xbalanque because the head of One Hunahpu "spit out its saliva, which landed squarely in the hand of the maiden.

Who wrote Popol Vuh?

Popol Vuh: The Sacred Book of the Ancient Quiché Maya By Adrián Recinos (1st ed.).

What were the first two things to exist at the beginning of Popol Vuh?

Like many other creation myths from around the globe, the Popol Vuh reads that in the beginning there was the void – the nothingness. The world consisted of the sky and the sea. The gods resided in either the sky or the sea and realized the great potential for the emptiness.

What did the Mayan gods represent?

Beings who represent love, life, and death in a vast universe of stories and legends. In the world, there were polytheistic cultures that found ways to personify forces, feelings, and stars in different gods, some of whom are adored to this day. One of them is the Maya culture.

Which of the following is the best definition of a rite of passage?

rite of passage, ceremonial event, existing in all historically known societies, that marks the passage from one social or religious status to another.

How does Xmucane treat the hero twins when they are born?

Xquic passes a test in which she produces a netful of corn by pulling the silk from a single ear. She then gives birth to the Hero Twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque (Hunter and Jaguar Deer). As infants, they are abused by their older twin brothers, Hun Batz and Hun Chuen.

Which of the following was not one of the goals of a kachina dance as discussed in the reading?

Which of the following was not one of the goals of a kachina dance, as discussed in the reading? Purifying the body through sweat.

What do the 2018 lidar scans in Mesoamerica suggest about the Maya?

What do the 2018 laser scans in Mesoamerica suggest about the Maya? Christianity and Buddhism replaced the Roman and Han imperial governments, inasmuch as they acted to unify their respective regions after those empires ended.

What is the Popol Vuh about?

The last part of the Popol Vuh details the subsequent generations of the Quiché houses and how they increased their domain and developed their social structures. The second generation of Quiché nobles makes another eastward pilgrimage, just as their fathers did. Rather than receiving totems of their gods, however, they receive emblems suitable to their noble positions from a person called Nacxit, the ruler of a large and prosperous domain. This lays the foundation for a formal social structure and a way for the Quiché to organize their expanding population and territory.

What is the third part of Popol Vuh?

The third part of the Popol Vuh begins with a story of One and Seven Hunahpu, told with the intention of providing a background to the story of their sons Hunahpu and Xbalanque. The lords of Xibalba, the underworld in Mayan mythology, become irritated by the noise One and Seven Hunahpu make playing a ball game near the road to the underworld. The Xibalban lords foment a plan to defeat One and Seven Hunahpu and have their messengers summon the brothers.

How do the lesser tribes steal the Quiché gods?

After the Quiché and lesser tribes return west and begin making homes for themselves, the lesser tribes plan to steal the Quiché gods and overthrow the noble lineages. They attempt to steal away the gods by seduction. When this fails, they try to destroy Quiché strongholds with military force. In each case, the Quiché, though lesser in number, triumph through the superior knowledge and skill bequeathed to them by their gods. Ultimately, the lesser tribes come fully under the dominion of the Quiché houses, laying the foundations for a Mayan empire.

What do the lords of the underworld do to the twins?

Even though Hunahpu and Xbalanque win the ball game, the lords of the underworld have one more trick to kill the twins. However, the twins see the hour of their death and prepare for it, ensuring that they will return. Ultimately, although they are burned in an oven, they return to life and take up a guise as traveling performers. By doing this, they eventually gain an invitation to Xibalba in disguise and trick the lords of the underworld into becoming sacrificial victims. Finally, they retrieve the remains of their fathers and attempt to put them back together, but they are only partially successful.

How do Hunahpu and Xbalanque learn the location of their fathers' ball-game equipment?

Hunahpu and Xbalanque learn the location of their fathers' ball-game equipment after capturing one of the animals who had been sabotaging their attempts at gardening. They begin to loudly play the ball game at the same place their fathers did, again causing great annoyance to the lords of Xibalba. Once again, the lords of the underworld send summons with the intention of defeating and sacrificing Hunahpu and Xbalanque. However, where One and Seven Hunahpu failed the tests of Xibalba, their sons succeed. Hunahpu and Xbalanque pass all the Xibalban tests and play them in a ball game, revealing the lords' treacherous intent.

What causes Hunahpu and Xbalanque to be jealous?

Hunahpu and Xbalanque are born and immediately demonstrate amazing skill and knowledge. This causes their half brothers, One Monkey and One Artisan, to be jealous. These two (sons of One Hunahpu by Egret Woman) had to spend a great amount of time and energy learning their skills, so they resent their younger half-siblings. As such, they mistreat Hunahpu and Xbalanque, setting them out on an anthill to sleep and refusing to give them meals. None of this fazes the young twins, but they nonetheless punish One Monkey and One Artisan by trapping them in the branches of a high tree and transforming them into actual monkeys.

Why did Hunahpu and Xbalanque kill Seven Macaw?

The story of the defeat of Seven Macaw and his sons introduces Hunahpu and Xbalanque, two gods who are said to be essentially and completely good. They are asked by Hurricane to kill Seven Macaw and his two sons, Zipacna and Earthquake, because they are "magnifying themselves." That is, they are claiming to be greater than they really are and are claiming responsibility for things they did not do. Seven Macaw is defeated when he is shot out of a tree and breaks his jaw. Subsequently, Hunahpu and Xbalanque enlist the aid of two sages known for their skill in medicine to remove Seven Macaw's metal eyes and teeth under the guise of healing him. Seven Macaw dies, having lost everything that he took pride in.

What is the Popol Vuh?

Definition. The Popol Vuh is the story of creation according to the Quiche Maya of the region known today as Guatemala. Translated as `The Council Book', The Book of the People' or, literally, `The Book of the Mat', the work has been referred to as "The Mayan Bible " although this comparison is imprecise. The Popol Vuh is not regarded by the Maya ...

When was the Popol Vuh written?

Origin & History. The Popol Vuh was probably written c. 1554-1558 CE at a time when it had become abundantly clear that the ancient beliefs and practices of the Maya would no longer be tolerated by their Christian conquerors.

Who published the Quiche text?

In 1857 Scherzer published Ximenez' Spanish translation under the patronage of the Hapsburgs in Vienna, members of the same royal lineage that had ruled Spain at the time of the conquest of the Quiche kingdom, and in 1861 Brasseur published the Quiche text and a French translation in Paris.

Who was the hero twin in the book The Creation of the World?

The work recounts the creation of the world, the exploits of the hero twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque in the underworld and their triumph over the Lords of Death, the creation of humans, and the early history of Quiche migration and settlement up until the Spanish Conquest in the 16th century CE. The Spanish Bishop Diego de Landa burned as many ...

Why is the book of the mat called the book of the mat?

The Quiche referred to the book as an Ilb'al - an instrument of sight - and it was known as "The Book of the Mat" because of the woven mats the people would sit on to hear the work recited at the council house. One such building, at Copan, features stone lintels `woven' to look like such matting.

How many books are in the preamble of the Quiche?

The work is divided into a brief preamble and four books. The preamble states the intention of the author in writing the work, sets the time period as post-conquest, and makes the point that the original work "takes a long performance and account to complete the lighting of all the sky-earth" (63). This has suggested to some scholars that the original work was much longer than the present Popol Vuh but, to others, it simply means that one should take one's time in hearing the work in order to appreciate the story. The extant manuscript does not seem to contain any gaps in the narrative but, since there is no record of the earlier work - and no evidence outside of the one line in the preamble alluding to it and another at the end - there is no way of knowing what the author of the work may have left out or whether he left out anything at all. The Mayanist Allen J. Christenson, who translated the work, considers it complete and the last remaining pre-Columbian Maya work of the Quiche people.

How many books are in the Popol Vuh?

The manuscript, which presently is divided into four books, originally had no divisions and was a seamless narrative recorded from oral tradition. The work itself, however, mentions an "original book and ancient writing " which suggests that the author of the Popol Vuh was working from some earlier written source.

What is the Popol Vuh?

The Popol Vuh is the Mayan story of the creation and of the Hero Twins and their victory over the lords of Xibalba (the underworld). It begins with the origin of everything that is and proceeds to the account of this dramatic conflict.

Who created the Popol Vuh?

An online version of the creation story taken from the Popol Vuh text, as well as other Maya links, can be found at this site, created by Debbie Ledo-Anderl at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire:#N#http://www.uwec.edu/academic/curric/greidebe/hos/Hist/dlacreation.htm

Who created the alphabetic version of the Popol Vuh?

A Christian priest, Francisco Ximénez, copied this text and translated it into Spanish in the early 1700s.

What is the Popol Vuh?

The Popol Vuh describes the creation of the earth by a group of creator deities , as well as its sequel. The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel relates the collapse of the sky and the deluge, followed by the slaying of the earth crocodile, the raising of the sky and the erection of the five World Trees. The Lacandons also knew the tale of the creation of the Underworld.

What are the four efforts of Popol Vuh?

The Popol Vuh gives a sequence of four efforts at creation: First were animals, then wet clay, wood, then last, the creation of the first ancestors from maize dough. To this, the Lacandons add the creation of the main kin groupings and their 'totemic' animals. A Verapaz myth preserved by Las Casas in his 'Apologética Historia Sumaria' assigns the creation of mankind to artisan gods similar to the Popol Vuh monkey brothers. The creation of humankind is concluded by the Mesoamerican tale of the opening of the Maize (or Sustenance) Mountain by the Lightning deities.

What does the shroud on Popol Vuh mean?

The other episode, not represented in the Popol Vuh, has the hero brothers tend to a dying deer covered by a shroud with crossed bones, in a scene that may represent the transformation of the heroes' father into a deer. In both Maya and non-Maya hero tales, such a transformation is equivalent to the origin of death.

What is the hero of the story of the hummingbird?

Hummingbird Suitor. As mentioned earlier, 'Hummingbird' is the hero of a widespread narrative about the wooing and abduction of the daughter of the principal mountain deity. Since the daughter represents the 'bride-wealth' of the earth, this tale was also recited as part of the procedures to ask for the hand of a girl.

What is Popol Vuh?

Popol Vuh. The Mayan book of creation, the dawn of life, and the glories of gods and kings. This magnificent epic was saved from destruction at the hands of the Spanish by Quiché chroniclers. Once repressed, the story is now interwoven with the history of today's Mayan people. Featured speakers include archaeologist Richard Hanson, ...

What did the authors of the Popol Vuh in the 1550s know?

What the authors of the Popol Vuh in the 1550s know is that armed resistance is useless. It didn’t work; they need to find other modes of coexistence, cohabitation, reaffirmation of their key identity. Amlin: 1554 to 1558 somewhere in there, they felt a real necessity to write…write down the Popul Vu.

What is Carlos Rafael Rivera's work?

Much of his work has been influenced by mythology, both personal and cultural, and in 2009 he collaborated with indie rock musicians to create the Popol Vuh -inspired multimedia production The Long Count , which debuted at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Carlos Rafael Rivera.

Who created Popol Vuh?

Ms. Amlin created the 1987 animated film Popol Vuh: The Creation Myth of the Maya. It took her more than ten years to complete this project, for which she says she had the help and prayers of Mayan elders. She also served as director of the Animation Program at San Francisco State University.

When was the Popol Vuh written?

Christenson: Even though the Popol Vuh was written in the mid-1500’s by a specific group of Maya living in the highlands of Guatemala, it contains ideas and even history that we now know date back at least twenty-five hundred years. Like the idea of creation, the idea of Hero Twins. Coe:

What is the beginning of the Popul Vu?

The Popul Vu is made up of three major sections. The beginning is creation . This is the beginning of the creation account in the Popul Vu in the original Quiché language.

What does "wu" mean in the book of Popol?

Wu is pretty easy. It means paper or book. And so it is the book of Popol. Giron: The word pop, comes from the word mat, it was like the Book of the Mats, like the Book of Counsel, the book of the community. Taylor: The sacred book of the Maya in Guatemala. Christenson:


Preface and Introduction

Part 1

  • The text of the Popol Vuh begins by relating the Mayan creation story. At first, there is only undifferentiated sea and sky. A council of gods, including Hurricane and Sovereign Plumed Serpent, develop plans for the creation of land and stars and then carry them out. Animal life is created when the gods create beings capable of recognizing their cr...
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Part 2

  • The story of the defeat of Seven Macaw and his sons introduces Hunahpu and Xbalanque, two gods who are said to be essentially and completely good. They are asked by Hurricane to kill Seven Macaw and his two sons, Zipacna and Earthquake, because they are "magnifying themselves." That is, they are claiming to be greater than they really are and are claiming respon…
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Part 3

  • The third part of the Popol Vuhbegins with a story of One and Seven Hunahpu, told with the intention of providing a background to the story of their sons Hunahpu and Xbalanque. The lords of Xibalba, the underworld in Mayan mythology, become irritated by the noise One and Seven Hunahpu make playing a ball game near the road to the underworld. The Xibalban lords foment …
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Part 4

  • In Part 4 the narrative returns to the gods' attempts to create creatures capable of gratitude and the keeping of days. They finally succeed in creating such creatures, who become the first true humans: Jaguar Quitze, Jaguar Night, Not Right Now, and Dark Jaguar. However, while these humans recognize their creators and express gratitude, they are too capable for the gods' liking. …
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Part 5

  • The last part of the Popol Vuhdetails the subsequent generations of the Quiché houses and how they increased their domain and developed their social structures. The second generation of Quiché nobles makes another eastward pilgrimage, just as their fathers did. Rather than receiving totems of their gods, however, they receive emblems suitable to their noble positions from a per…
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