what is the name of the learning center that is a hybrid course

by Dr. Elwyn O'Conner 6 min read

What is a hybrid learning course?

Jan 04, 2022 · This is where “hybrid classes” come in. What are hybrid classes? Hybrid classes aim to take the best aspects of online learning and combine them with the best aspects of traditional classes for an all-inclusive learning experience. Each university defines hybrid class slightly differently, however classes of this type generally meet between 25% and 50% of the …

Are hybrid classes the right fit for You?

The term "hybrid course" (a term we use interchangeably with the term "blended learning") names a model of course design that combines traditional, face-to-face class time with online and out-of-class course work. For UW Bothell specifically, we define hybrid courses as those where 25% to 50% of the traditional face-to-face class time isreplacedwith online or out-of-class work.

What is the difference between traditional 3-credit courses and hybrid courses?

Jan 21, 2021 · In a hybrid model that makes use of centers, every student attends class synchronously, whether in-person or at home. Educators design learning activities that are differentiated for students based on their physical location. For example, the teacher starts class with a warm-up activity posted on an LMS. Direct instruction via a mini-lesson is ...

What are the advantages of hybrid instruction?

Hybrid instruction, or hybrid courses, refer to classes where there is a carefully planned blend of both traditional classroom instruction and online learning activities. In other words, hybrid classes combine the best of both styles of instruction. Students are able to make a meaningful connection with their instructors, as well as other ...

How Do Hybrid Classes Work?

Here’s an example:A traditional 3-credit course would typically meet Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hour and a half each time. The same exact course...

Benefits of Hybrid Classes

As a balance between traditional and online learning, hybrid classes offer a number of unique benefits that you wouldn’t get with other course stru...

Things to Consider Before Signing Up For A Hybrid Class

Although there are a lot of benefits, hybrid classes are not perfect for everyone. They require strong time management skills and can be tough to f...

Do you have to email students after they register for a course?

Students should be told if there are minimum technological requirements necessary to participate in an online or hybrid course. You may even want to email students soon after they have registered for your course to ensure they are aware of the requirements.

Why is rigorous design important?

Rigorous instructional design is important for creating successful online and hybrid courses, which often require more intensive planning than face-to-face classes. This is especially true if it’s your first time teaching in this instructional mode.

Why is backward planning important?

Backward planning from learning goals can help a faculty member devise the structure for the class, and identify moments within it where different kinds of activities make sense. Learning goals are more than teaching goals.

Is Google Docs accessible?

Google Docs, while an excellent collaborative writing tool, is not as accessible as other programs. When using Google Docs, you can follow this tutorial from Michigan State University, to insure your document is as accessible as possible: http://webaccess.msu.edu/Tutorials/google-drive.html.

Can a screen reader read a PDF?

However, screen readers cannot recognize PDF files which contain text that is an image. Whenever possible, create course materials in Word, then, if desired, create a PDF from the Word document.

Hybrid Learning Centers

In a hybrid model that makes use of centers, every student attends class synchronously, whether in-person or at home. Educators design learning activities that are differentiated for students based on their physical location.

Adoption of Hybrid Learning Centers

Any shifts in current practice takes structured and consistent professional development (PD), training, resources, and time.

What is hybrid learning?

A hybrid learning course takes the “best of both worlds” by combining the best of face-to-face learning with the best of online learning. Technology may better facilitate some types of learning, and class time can be shortened and/or used for activities that better lend themselves to face-to-face interaction.

Why is technology important in learning?

Technology may better facilitate some types of learning, and class time can be shortened and/or used for activities that better lend themselves to face-to-face interaction. An integrated course model accommodates a wider range of learning styles by offering flexibility, more options for learning, and integration of learning activities ...

How can class time be used?

In addition to providing students opportunities to engage with the material in meaningful ways and to interact with classmates in their learning community, class time can be used to: Assess student learning more often with classroom assessment techniques.

What is hybrid class?

Hybrid instruction, or hybrid courses, refer to classes where there is a carefully planned blend of both traditional classroom instruction and online learning activities. In other words, hybrid classes combine the best of both styles of instruction.

What is hybrid instruction?

Hybrid instruction, or hybrid courses, refer to classes where there is a carefully planned blend of both traditional classroom instruction and online learning activities. In other words, hybrid classes combine the best of both styles of instruction. Students are able to make a meaningful connection with their instructors, as well as other students, ...

What are the benefits of hybrid classes?

In addition to these rather unusual benefits, some of the most important educational benefits are how hybrid courses help improve writing and computer skills.


Instructional Design

Scaffolding Your Assignments

  • Often students are confused about what faculty expect of them, and this is true of classes in every mode of instruction. In face-to-face classes, this confusion often becomes readily apparent in the room to mindful instructors, but it can be harder to detect online. Careful assignment design clarifies the expectations and effort you expect of students in your online or hybrid course. Here …
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Maintaining Engagement

  • Many faculty who teach online or hybrid courses have concerns about maintaining a sufficient level of student engagement throughout the semester. How can these courses be set up to maximize opportunities for engagement? 1. Be mindful of the personality, aesthetics, and usability of the online spaces you deploy in your courses. You want your space to be inviting and function…
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Creating Accessible Online and Hybrid Classes

  • In traditional classes, students with physical, psychological, or learning disabilities receive reasonable accommodations. The legal requirement and ethical imperative to create accessible classes holds for all online and hybrid classes. All faculty must be mindful of and vigilant about questions of accessibility in their courses, which has a signi...
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Minimum Technology Requirements

  • Students should be told if there are minimum technological requirements necessary to participate in an online or hybrid course. You may even want to email students soon after they have registered for your course to ensure they are aware of the requirements. Examples of requirements include: 1. A reliable Internet connection. 2. Regular access to a laptop or desktop …
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Anticipating Problems

  • Back-up your work
    Just as students can’t always get to campus on time due to events beyond their control, course websites might be unexpectedly unavailable, internet connections might be weak, and computers might crash. When working online, back work up frequently. 1. Save files: When composing blog…
  • Anticipate Problems and Cut Them Off
    While we can’t always divine when problems with the technology will emerge, we can reasonably expect that at some point we’ll run into issues such as server downtime, mistyped URLS, and email confusion. Try to anticipate when things may go wrong in your online learning environmen…
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Identifying Modes of Instruction

  • CUNY has designated the following codes that define how much online time you can allocate in a class. Students will see these codes in CUNYFirst when they register for classes. P = In-Person. No course assignments and no required activities delivered online. Note: this designation does not mean that digital tools won’t be required in the course. This is the default mode of instructio…
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Clarifying Modes of Instruction in CUNYfirst

  • Each academic department is responsible for sending course descriptions, with mode of instruction clarified, to the appropriate dean’s office, which forwards them to the registrar. The registrar then puts the information into CUNYFirst. However, students might not realize what taking an online or hybrid course involves, and they probably do not know what the “modes of in…
See more on tlc.commons.gc.cuny.edu

How to Design A Hybrid Learning Course

Online Learning Activities

In-Class Learning Activities

Getting Started with Hybrid Learning

How Can I Prepare Students For Hybrid Learning?

  1. Explain the rationale for using a hybrid learning approach and list the learning benefits (expect some resistance as students are pushed out of their learning comfort zones).
  2. Provide an orientation to the technology required in the course and inform students of where to go for additional support.
  3. Start with a “low-stakes” assignment to familiarize students with what is expected.
  1. Explain the rationale for using a hybrid learning approach and list the learning benefits (expect some resistance as students are pushed out of their learning comfort zones).
  2. Provide an orientation to the technology required in the course and inform students of where to go for additional support.
  3. Start with a “low-stakes” assignment to familiarize students with what is expected.
  4. Discuss time management strategies and communicate expected time-on-task for online learning activities.

What Can I Do with Extra Class time?
