what is the most common cause of down syndrome course hero

by Dr. Trever Ernser 8 min read

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. This extra genetic material causes the developmental changes and physical features of Down syndrome.

Full Answer

What are the causes of Down syndrome?

10. What is the most common cause of Down syndrome? Maternal nondisjunction Maternal nondisjunction 11.

How does Down syndrome affect the body?

 · Answer s: Paternal nondisjunction Maternaltranslocations Maternal nondisjunction Paternal translocations Response The most common cause of Down syndrome is maternal, not paternal, Feedback: nondisjunction. Translocation is not a cause of this syndrome.

How many children are born with Down syndrome each year?

 · A patient with sudden onset of oliguria with elevated plasma BUN and plasma creatinine levels is experiencing classic symptoms of: Renal cancer Nephrotic syndrome Calculus lodged in ureter Acute Q&A Hypoxia causes the kidney to secrete whathormone? catecholamines erythropoietin epinephrine cortisol 1 points Question 2 A man with a cauda equina ...

Can people with Down syndrome have romantic relationships?

The most common cause of Down syndrome is maternal nondisjunction. Down syndrome is not related to paternal nondisjunction. Down syndrome is related to the maternal side, but not due …

Which is the most common cause of Down syndrome?

About 95 percent of the time, Down syndrome is caused by trisomy 21 — the person has three copies of chromosome 21, instead of the usual two copies, in all cells.

What is Down's syndrome and how common is it?

Down syndrome continues to be the most common chromosomal disorder. Each year, about 6,000 babies are born with Down syndrome, which is about 1 in every 700 babies born. Between 1979 and 2003, the number of babies born with Down syndrome increased by about 30%.

What are the 3 possible genetic causes of Down syndrome?

Chromosomal Changes That Can Cause Down SyndromeComplete trisomy 21. In this case, an error during the formation of the egg or the sperm results in either one having an extra chromosome. ... Mosaic trisomy 21. Not every cell in the body is exactly the same. ... Translocation trisomy 21.

What are the most common complications of Down syndrome?

Potentially serious complications — The most serious complications of Down syndrome include heart defects, blood disorders that can include leukemia (cancer of the blood), and immune system problems. Heart defects — Approximately half of all babies with Down syndrome are born with (often repairable) heart defects.

Why is Down syndrome so common?

The number of babies born in the United States each year affected with Down syndrome is the result of several factors, including the number of fetuses conceived that carry the third copy of chromosome 21 (older mothers are more likely to conceive Down syndrome-affected fetuses, and the childbearing population in the ...

What causes Down syndrome in pregnancy?

TRISOMY 21 (NONDISJUNCTION) Down syndrome is usually caused by an error in cell division called “nondisjunction.” Nondisjunction results in an embryo with three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual two. Prior to or at conception, a pair of 21st chromosomes in either the sperm or the egg fails to separate.

Which of the following is the most common cause of Down syndrome quizlet?

The most common cause of Down syndrome is translocation. The risk for having a baby with Down syndrome increases with maternal age. 50% of people with Down syndrome will develope heart problems.

What increases the risk of Down syndrome?

A Mother's Age at Conception In the majority of Down syndrome cases, the errors in cell division that lead to the extra 21st chromosome come from the child's mother. (4) “And as maternal age increases, risk for Down syndrome increases,” Heller says.

How is Down's syndrome inherited?

Is Down syndrome inherited? Most cases of Down syndrome are not inherited, but occur as random events during the formation of reproductive cells (eggs and sperm). An error in cell division called nondisjunction results in reproductive cells with an abnormal number of chromosomes.

What is the most common heart defect in Down syndrome?

ATRIOVENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT (AVSD) AVSD is the most frequently diagnosed congenital heart condition in children with Down syndrome. Various studies place the incidence rate between 30 and 47 percent of CHDs in children with Down syndrome, according to the book Advances in Research on Down Syndrome.

What is associated with Down syndrome?

An individual with Down syndrome inherits all or part of an extra copy of Chromosome 21. Symptoms associated with the syndrome include mental retardation, distinctive facial characteristics, and increased risk for heart defects and digestive problems, which can range from mild to severe.

What are 4 common congenital anomalies of a child with Down syndrome?

The other most common anomalies associated with cases with DS were syndactyly, club foot, polydactyly, limb reduction, cataract, hydrocephaly, cleft palate, hypospadias and diaphragmatic hernia. Many studies to assess the anomalies associated with DS have reported various results.

What is the most common cause of Down syndrome?

There are three types of Down syndrome, each with separate causes, and trisomy 21 is the most common of these. In trisomy 21, a random error in cell division occurs. This error is called "nondisjunction." Typically, each pair of chromosomes from the father and mother separate at conception, to provide one-half of the embryo's pairs of chromosomes. In trisomy 21, one of the pairs of 21st chromosomes does not separate. As a result, the embryo has three 21st chromosomes instead of two, which is replicated throughout development. This is the most common cause of Down syndrome.

Why do women have a higher risk of Down syndrome?

Some researchers believe that this is because a woman has a finite supply of eggs. As a woman ages, so do the eggs, and they may deteriorate over time.

What is the cause of translocation?

Translocation is another type of Down syndrome, although it not nearly as common a cause as standard trisomy 21. When translocation trisomy 21 occurs, there are still only 46 chromosomes in the cells, just as there would be in a person without Down syndrome. However, a copy of all or part of the 21st chromosome will attach itself it another chromosome within the cell. This is what causes Down syndrome traits in translocation. Like trisomy 21, translocation can be inherited or random. Patients usually have all of the physical and cognitive symptoms of Down syndrome when it is caused by this genetic complication.

How much Down syndrome is passed from mother to child?

Down syndrome is passed from mother to child directly more than 30 percent of the time, and some research even suggests that it may be passed on nearly 50 percent of the time. Men, however, are likely to be infertile, so the risk of them passing it on is very low. Advertisement.

Can Down syndrome be diagnosed with a risk test?

While risk tests are not a cause of Down syndrome, you can determine if your pregnancy is at a higher risk of participating in genetic counseling and taking a risk test. There are several tests available, ranging from blood tests and sonograms to chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis.

What is the rarest type of Down syndrome?

Another cause of Down syndrome is mosaicism. This is the rarest type of Down syndrome and affects only a small fraction of pregnancies. It also typically results in less severe symptoms, such as fewer physical characteristics of the condition. In mosaicism, only some of the embryo's cells contain an extra 21st chromosome.

Can you have another child with Down syndrome?

For parents who have one child with Down syndrome, the chances of having another child with the condition increase dramatically. This increase in likelihood is even greater if the cause of Down syndrome in your first child was trisomy 21. However, the risk goes down for cases in which the cell division error happened on the paternal side. If the error occurred due to improper cell division in the egg, it is more likely to be repeated in future pregnancies. An OB/GYN or genetic counseling specialist will be able to help you decide if the probability of having another child with Down syndrome is more likely in your specific case.
