what is the hazmat awareness course

by Annabelle Marks 5 min read

The Hazardous Materials Awareness course provides students with training to proficiency in identifying hazardous materials; utilizing the U.S. Department of Transportation’s 2016 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) to identify hazardous materials risks and protective actions, utilizing hazard communication documents to identify hazardous materials risks and protective actions, and determining awareness-level personnel and public protective actions.

Course Description
The Hazardous Material Awareness online course discusses chemical safety in the workplace and the hazards associated with such materials. Upon completion of this online awareness-level course, participants will understand these hazards and how to best protect themselves, others, and the environment.

Full Answer

What is HAZMAT safety training and who needs it?

US DOT’s official policy is that “Safety Training” is for hazmat employees who physically handle or transport hazmat packages and who may be exposed to hazmat as a result of a transportation accident.

What is hazmat training courses do I Need?

  • General Awareness training: provides familiarity with the requirements and allows employees to recognize Dangerous Goods in the workplace,
  • Function-specific training: detailed job-specific training,
  • Safety training: includes emergency response and measures to be taken in case of an emergency at your workplace, and

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Who is required to have hazmat training?

The Federal hazardous materials transportation law (49 U.S.C. 5101, et seq.) is the statute pertaining to the transportation of hazmat in the United States, and requires the training of ALL hazmat employees. The purpose of this training is to increase a hazmat employee’s safety awareness and to be an essential element in reducing hazmat incidents.

How to develop stimulating hazmat training?

How to Develop Stimulating Hazmat Training . ... Hazmat training should also be realistic with a focus on real-life situations that the team has faced in the past or could face in the future.

What is the meaning of "hazardous"?

An understanding of hazardous substances and the risks associated with them in an emergency. An understanding of the potential outcomes associated with an emergency created when hazardous substances are present. The ability to recognize the presence of hazardous substances in an emergency. An understanding of the role of the first responder at ...

What is the role of the first responder at the Awareness Level?

The ability to recognize the presence of hazardous substances in an emergency. An understanding of the role of the first responder at the Awareness Level, including site security and control and use of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Emergency Response Guidebook.


The purpose of this program is to identify emergency service personnel who demonstrate competency in the performance requirements necessary to perform the duties of a firefighter.

Certification Documents

PLEASE NOTE: All certification applications must be typed using the PDF fillable document.


The objectives of this DOT Hazmat: Security Awareness course address the Federal Department of Transportation training requirements for 49 CFR 172.704 (a) (4).

Per 49 CFR 172.704 (a) (4)

Security Awareness Training.

Learning Objectives

Understand the security threats and targets associated with transporting hazardous materials;

Topics Covered

Section 1 - Course Overview Section 2 - Potential Targets and Threats Section 3 - En Route Security Section 4 - Prevention Tools Section 5 - In-depth Security Plans

What is Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response?

Employees who may be exposed to hazards and take these actions should be trained under HAZWOPER (hazardous waste operations and emergency response) to the 8-hour level. Operations is designated for someone who has the training to determine how far to evacuate and assess the initial dangers without entry.

What does "awareness" mean in a leak?

Awareness means they may recognize there is a leak or an emergency, initiate an alarm and/or evacuation, gather information OUTSIDE of the danger zone (such as getting an SDS), and other activities that are well away from the danger.

How long is OSHA training?

OSHA inserts the mandate that the training is 24-hours AND the employee is trained for the PPE and hazards and other tasks, so it leaves it up to the trainer to assess the skill level needed and adapt the training, also taking into consideration an employee’s background.

What is a technician level operation?

Technician level operations may perform OFFENSIVE actions, meaning they may shutdown and contain a leak, in addition to performing rescues, gathering information, and taking other defensive actions, if appropriate. They also must be trained to at least the 24-hour HAZWOPER level, but it’s important they’re trained in all ...

What is the 4th level of PPE?

Allowing employees to operate at a higher level than their training and PPE allows can get you in trouble. Additionally, the 4th level is specialist. Specialist is not so much a level of operations as it is a level of competency. So somebody that is a specialist isn’t just trained to respond, but would be able to assess more complex potential ...

Is there a significant threat to the environment?

8. There is no significant threat to the environmental? Here’s the lowdown. If you have hazardous materials, such as anhydrous ammonia, hazardous waste, large quantities of caustics, and so on, you need to train employees who handle, or may be exposed to, these hazards BEFORE they are at risk.

Is Hazmat an emergency?

Hazmat operations are primarily regulated by 29 CFR 1910.120 (OSHA regulations). First, you need to determine if an incident is an emergency, or incidental (non-emergency) situation. So, with a chemical spill or reaction, ask the following questions. If ANY of them answer no, it is an emergency: 1.


Course Objectives

49 CFR 172.704

  • General awareness/familiarization training.Each hazmat employee shall be provided general awareness/familiarization training designed to provide familiarity with the requirements of this subchapter, and to enable the employee to recognize and identify hazardous materials consistent with the hazard communication standards of this subchapter.
See more on osha.com

Learning Objectives

  • At the end of this course, students should be able to: 1. Identify the basic hazmat hazard classes and divisions and understand their associated hazards; 2. Use the hazmat table to locate proper shipping names, identification numbers, hazard classes, packaging and labeling requirements, and more; 3. Complete shipping papers for hazardous materials; 4. Demonstrate the proper use …
See more on osha.com

Topics Covered

  • Module 1 - Using Respiratory Protection 1. Section 01 - 16 Hour HAZWOPER Upgrade Course Overview 2. Section 02 - Module Overview 3. Section 03 - Using Respiratory Protection 4. Section 04 - Types of Respiratory Protection 5. Section 05 - Respirator Selection and Use 6. Section 06 - Respirator Medical Evaluation 7. Section 07 - Respirator Fit Testing 8. Section 08 - Respirator Tr…
See more on osha.com