what is the hardest course in ucsd

by Vincenzo Murray 10 min read

Full Answer

How hard are the classes at UCSD?

The academics are at a very high level and are challenging. The classes require a fair amount of studying but they are never impossible. What I really enjoy as a student of UCSD is the quarter system and the professors. Both of those factors are encouraging students to try harder and harder to reach their goals.

What are the easiest classes at UCSD?

Here is a list of 10 of the easiest classes at UCSD.POLI 113A – East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective.MUS 4. Introduction to Western Music.MUS 1A. Fundamentals of Music A.PSYC 1. Psychology.MUS 15. Popular Music.BIEB 146. Genome Diversity and Dynamics.SIO 45. Volcanoes.MGT 121A: Innovation to Market.More items...•

What is the hardest college course ever?

Organic Chemistry: It shouldn't surprise you that organic chemistry takes the No. 1 spot as the hardest college course. This course is often referred to as the “pre-med killer” because it actually has caused many pre-med majors to switch their major.

How hard is hum UCSD?

This gives Revelle students the advantage of potentially scoring a higher HUM grade elsewhere, but when solely comparing grades received at UCSD, HUM is the most difficult. It is harder to judge which writing sequence is the least rigorous.

What is a degree audit UCSD?

By. - UCSD degree audit is an analytical tool that enables you and your academic advisors to assess your progress toward completion of your major requirements, college general education requirements, university requirements, and (if applicable) minor requirements.

How do I submit an EASy request UCSD?

Step 1: Log onto MyTritonLink and select “Enrollment Authorization System (EASy)” under “Classes & Enrollment.” Page 2 2 How to Submit an EASy Request Step 2: Select “Begin New Request”. Step 3 (BISP 197 Students: Click here to skip to Page 7, Step 3A): Fill in fields 1-4 with the appropriate information.

What major has the highest dropout rate?

Computer sciences and business and administrative studies are among the degree subjects with the highest drop-out rates; with around nine per cent of students dropping out by their second year.

What is the hardest bachelor degree?

Architecture MajorArchitecture Major Architecture major is currently the hardest college major in the US. A study conducted by Indiana University (National Study of Student Engagement) has shown some of the reasons why major in architecture is so difficult.

What is the hardest major?

Introducing the 13 Hardest College Majors#8: Biochemistry or Biophysics. ... #7: Astronomy. ... #6: Physics. ... #5: Cell and Molecular Biology. ... #4: Biomedical Engineering. ... #3: Aero and Astronautical Engineering. ... #2: Chemical Engineering. ... #1: Architecture. Average Hours Spent Preparing for Class Each Week: 22.20.More items...•

What is UCSD known for?

With over one billion dollars in annual research funding, UC San Diego is a premier research university. UCSD (and its award winning faculty) often tops the list of the world's best universities offering over 140 undergraduate majors with 29 programs ranked in the top 10.

Is a degree from UCSD worth it?

Within California, UCSD is a Great Quality for a Great Price. University of California - San Diego is ranked #12 out of #116 in California for quality and #7 out of #90 for California value. This makes it a great quality and a great value in the state.

What UCSD College is best for biology?

Some students have mentioned that biology majors/pre med majors seem to prefer Revelle as their first choice.


A general program that focuses on the systematic study of the production, conservation and allocation of resources in conditions of scarcity, together with the organizational frameworks related to these processes.


A general program that focuses on the scientific study of individual and collective behavior, the physical and environmental bases of behavior, and the analysis and treatment of behavior problems and disorders.

Computer Science

A program that focuses on computer theory, computing problems and solutions, and the design of computer systems and user interfaces from a scientific perspective. Includes instruction in the principles of computational science, computer development and programming, and applications to a variety of end-use situations.


A program that focuses on the comprehensive study of communication, and that spans the study of mass communication/media studies, old and new media technologies, social and political applications, and speech communication and rhetoric.

Management Science

A general program that focuses on the application of statistical modeling, data warehousing, data mining, programming, forecasting and operations research techniques to the analysis of problems of business organization and performance.


A program that focuses on the scientific study of organ systems, tissue structures, and whole bodies together with their cellular and structural components and dynamics.


A program that focuses on the scientific study of the chemistry of living systems, their fundamental chemical substances and reactions, and their chemical pathways and information transfer systems, with particular reference to carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.

1. POLI 113A – East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective

This course examines the major traditions of East Asian thought in comparative perspective. Topics include Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and contemporary nationalist and East Asian political thought. Throughout, focused comparisons and contrasts will be made between western and eastern thought.

2. MUS 4. Introduction to Western Music

A brief survey of the history of Western music from the Middle Ages to the present. Much attention will be paid to the direct experience of listening to music and attendance of concerts. Class consists of lectures, listening labs, and live performances.

3. MUS 1A. Fundamentals of Music A

This course, first in a three-quarter sequence, is primarily intended for students without previous musical experience. It introduces music notation and basic music theory topics such as intervals, scales, keys, and chords, as well as basic rhythm skills.

4. PSYC 1. Psychology

This course provides an overview of the basic concepts in psychology. Topics may include human information processing, learning and memory, motivation, development, language acquisition, social psychology, and personality.

5. MUS 15. Popular Music

A course on popular music from different time periods, covered through lectures, films, and listening sessions. Topics vary from year to year.

6. BIEB 146. Genome Diversity and Dynamics

Modern sequencing technology has revolutionized our ability to detect how genomes vary in space among individuals, populations, and communities, and over time.

7. SIO 45. Volcanoes

This class will provide students with an introduction to volcanoes, including the mechanisms, products, and hazards associated with various types of volcanic eruptions. A key area of emphasis will be the impact of volcanism on human societies.
