what is the greatest influence on the course of human history, its social and cultrual development?

by Quinten Lockman 10 min read

What influences human development?

People are individuals and therefore, are all different people and will develop in different ways all depending on the influence of these three things in their lives. The first factor that influences human development is a person’s socioeconomic status.

What is the impact of Culture on development?

Culture influences development from the moment we’re born, making an impact on us as we grow. For instance, culture can affect how children build values, language, belief systems, and an understanding of themselves as individuals and as members of society.

How does culture influence people’s lives?

Be it how they comb their hair, dress, worship, eat, time they sleep at night, and so on. Culture is material and non material, and therefore, influences a great deal of people’s lives. This influence of culture can be on their human development from birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, through to adulthood.

How does socioeconomic status influence human development?

The first factor that influences human development is a person’s socioeconomic status. This indicates a person’s position in society as determined by income, wealth, occupation, education, and place of residence. As a child, socioeconomic status has a big effect on the way a child is raised and the opportunities available to him/her.

Which social science is most concerned with the physical and cultural development of humans?

Anthropology. Anthropology is the study of humans. Anthropology is the only discipline that seeks to understand all aspects of human life, including past and present social and cultural processes and biological adaptations.

What is cultural development history?

cultural evolution, also called sociocultural evolution, the development of one or more cultures from simpler to more complex forms. In the 18th and 19th centuries the subject was viewed as a unilinear phenomenon that describes the evolution of human behaviour as a whole.

What are the significant personalities that contributed to the development of the social sciences?

Today, Durkheim, Marx and Max Weber are typically cited as the three principal architects of social science in the science of society sense of the term. "Social science", however, has since become an umbrella term to describe all those disciplines, outside of physical science and art, which analyse human societies.

Why is history is the most important part in social science?

History is what made the world the way it is, and it is essential that people study it in order to have an appreciation for and understanding of the way the world works. Learning about history is what makes it possible to learn from the past and plan for the future.

How does history influence culture?

History and culture are two subjects intertwined in the establishment of individual identity. The traditions, values, and beliefs held by previous generations hold an indelible impact on how we view our place in the world.

What role does history take in the study of society culture and identity?

Through the study of history we can develop a feel for the way in which society will develop in the future. History helps one to understand the immense complexity of our world and therefore enables one to cope with the problems and possibilities of the present and future. History provides us with a sense of identity.

How do the social sciences and applied social sciences contribute to the development of society?

Thus, social sciences help people understand how to interact with the social world—how to influence policy, develop networks, increase government accountability, and promote democracy. These challenges, for many people around the world, are immediate, and their resolution can make a vast difference in people's lives.

How do social and human issues influence science?

Social and human issues influence science in the sense that they may prompt scientific studies aimed at solving them.

What are the historical factors that gave birth to the social sciences in the Philippines?

Social sciences came forth from the moral philosophy of the time and was influenced by the Age of Revolutions, such as the Industrial revolution and the French revolution.

Why is it important for the study of culture society and politics to be included in the school curriculum?

Helps Students To Become Better Citizens: Subjects in Social Studies like Economics, Political Science and History educate students on Political Ideologies, Constitutional Laws, Citizenship, Rights and Duties, Morals and Virtues, Social Code of Conduct, thus making children aware of their roles and responsibilities ...

What is the importance of history in the social and national life of the Philippines?

1. Through Philippine History, we've learned and observed the beginning and development of our country. 2. It strengthens our sense of nationalism.

What is the most important reason for studying history?

Studying history helps us understand and grapple with complex questions and dilemmas by examining how the past has shaped (and continues to shape) global, national, and local relationships between societies and people.

What are the most important developments in human history?

The Most Important Developments in Human History. Discovery and Harnessing of Fire. Researchers have speculated that controlled fires and cooked meats, first occuring 700,000 to 1 million years ago, influenced the evolution of the human brain. Language.

What did humans create in the early civilizations?

Between 25,000 and 518 B.C.E. humans created geometric designs, hieroglyphic numerals, arithmetic, geometry, and Pythagorean arithmetic and geometry. Development of Astronomy and the Calendar. The sun, moon, and planets were used as the basis for clocks, calendars, and navigation in early civilizations.

What was the Digital Revolution?

Digital Revolution. This revolution involved the change from analog mechanical and electric technology to digital technology. Innovations during this period, from 1980 - present, include digital electronics, computers, communication networks, the internet, and digitization.

When did farming begin?

Ancient farming began 15,000 to 20,000 years ago . Crops and animals of the neolithic period include barley, wheat, flax, goats, sheep, pigs, and cattle. The first evidence of counting occured around 50,000 B.C.E. among Neanderthals.

What are the three major technological innovations?

This revolution involved the change from analog mechanical and electric technology to digital technology. Innovations during this period, from 1980 - present, include digital electronics, computers, communication networks, the internet, and digitization. This revolution can be broken down into three distinct categories: 1 Communication: the invention of cellphones 2 Computation: development of personal computers and the internet 3 Fabrication: the invention of 3-D printers.

What is human development?

Human development involves all the individual’s activities starting from birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, through to adulthood. Therefore, human development and people’s view of the world during all these stages of a person’s life is influenced by people’s exposure to various cultures in so many ways.

How does culture affect people?

Culture is material and non material, and therefore, influences a great deal of people ’s lives. This influence of culture can be on their human development from birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, through to adulthood.

What is the meaning of culture?

According to Taylor (1996) culture refers to the patterns of behavior and thinking that people living in social groups learn, create, and share. Culture distinguishes one human group from others. It also distinguishes humans from other animals.

Why do people see things through their background?

Because different people are part of different cultures and backgrounds, people tend to see or interpret things through their background. ‘That is, culture acts as a filter, not only when perceiving things, but also when thinking about interpreting events.’.

Is culture elusive?

The attempt to define culture is elusive as many may suggest. Nevertheless, there are certain paradigms that constitute the sum total of culture and underlie cultural images and identity construction . It is the close affinity between cultural image and human identity that makes the definition of culture complex.

What is human development?

Human development can be intellectual, biological, social, economical, and many others. Human development involves all the individual's activities starting from birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, through to adulthood. Therefore, human development and people's view of the world during all these stages of a person's life is influenced by ...

What is culture in psychology?

Culture can also be defined as a set of values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors shared by a group of people, communicated from one generation to the next via language or some other means of communication (Barnouw, 1985).

What is the meaning of culture?

According to Taylor (1996) culture refers to the patterns of behavior and thinking that people living in social groups learn, create, and share. Culture distinguishes one human group from others. It also distinguishes humans from other animals.

Is culture elusive?

The attempt to define culture is elusive as many may suggest. Nevertheless, there are certain paradigms that constitute the sum total of culture and underlie cultural images and identity construction . It is the close affinity between cultural image and human identity that makes the definition of culture complex.

How does culture affect development?

Culture influences development from the moment we’re born, making an impact on us as we grow. For instance, culture can affect how children build values, language, belief systems, and an understanding of themselves as individuals and as members of society.

What is a bachelors in human development?

Bachelor's in Human Development and Family Studies. Cultural background gives children a sense of who they are. The unique cultural influences children respond to from birth, including customs and beliefs around food, artistic expression, language, and religion, affect the way they develop emotionally, socially, physically, and linguistically.

How do children learn?

Children learn, therefore, by observing and making associations about their surroundings. Exposure to positive influences can favorably impact a child’s development, while exposure to toxic or stressful influences can negatively impact development. All else being equal, a child’s cultural influences at birth are neutral.

Why are children more vulnerable to environmental hazards than adults?

As the CDC reports, environmental contaminants can cause greater harm to children than to adults because children’s bodies are still developing. In fact, children take in more air, water, and food per pound of body weight, making them more vulnerable to health issues from environmental hazards.

What is Maryville University's Bachelor of Arts in Human Development?

Maryville’s online Bachelor of Arts in Human Development and Family Studies program offers students the knowledge and skills they need to work with families and children in different stages of their lives. Through the program’s comprehensive curriculum, students explore the human experience and how individuals develop in their societies and interpersonal relationships. They also gain real-world experience through fieldwork, research projects, and service-learning opportunities in a range of settings where they can begin making an impact in their roles.

How does environmental influence affect child development?

Environmental influences on child development can include influences from community and culture as well as from environmental health hazards. Pollution from a nearby power plant, contaminated water, or lead in the home, for example, can cause lasting impacts on children’s health.

What do community health workers learn?

Community health workers learn about the factors that influence child development to help families access the healthcare resources they need. They also understand the influence of culture on how families and communities seek aid and respond to stress in crises .

How do social variables affect the progression of disease?

Subsequent to the development of illness, social variables may determine the rate of progression of disease (or recovery) through differential rates of access to treatment, treatment adherence, coping behaviors, or “direct” effects on immune surveillance and tissue repair.

What is social determinant?

Social Networks, Social Support, and Health. An independent social determinant of health is the extent, strength, and quality of our social connections with others. Recognition of the importance of social connections for health dates back as far as the work of Emile Durkheim.

Is education related to health?

The quality of education also may be relevant to health, but it is more difficult to assess accurately. An extensi ve literature has linked education to health outcomes, including mortality, morbidity, health behaviors, and functional limitations.

Is the causal relationship between income and health dynamic?

That is, the relationship between the two variables is acknowledged to be dynamic and reciprocal. Ill health is a potent cause of job loss and reduction in income.

How does culture affect people?

Culture can impact so many different aspects of people's behavior, including how they handle conflict, how they express different feelings through body language, and how they problem-solve.

What is ethnicity in social studies?

Ethnicity usually refers to the national background with which a person identifies. Race is a social construct that's often associated with skin color and other physical features. Though each of these factors is different and unique, each also overlaps with the other in significant ways.

What does Janice learn about ethnicity?

She learns that ethnicity usually refers to the national background with which a person identifies.

What does Janice think about culture?

She knows that culture is something that people learn implicitly from the moment they are born. For example, babies are raised to be part of the culture they're born into.

What is Janice's interest in sociology?

As a sociology student, Janice has become very interested in the different factors influencing people's identities and behaviors over time. Lately, Janice has been thinking about culture, race, and ethnicity. She realizes that these three concepts have areas of overlap as well as areas of divergence.

How does race affect attitudes?

Race and ethnicity can also impact attitudes. Many people feel a strong sense of pride based on their ethnicity, and this is an important part of their attitudinal approach to the world and to other people. Racially, some people may feel consciously or unconsciously superior to or biased against others.

What are the factors that affect human development?

In our day and time, socioeconomic status, cultural context, and ethnicity play a huge role in human development. Human development begins while in the womb and at birth and continues through life heavily depending on these particular factors.

What is the role of cultural context in children's development?

Cultural context is also a large factor that shapes a person’s development.

What are some examples of culturally taught ideas?

One example of a culturally taught idea here in America is the typical “American Dream” that we, as American children, have been taught through childhood and youth.

What is cultural context?

Cultural context is also a large factor that shapes a person’s development. Culture is defined as the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music, and arts.

How does socioeconomic status affect children?

As a child, socioeconomic status has a big effect on the way a child is raised and the opportunities available to him/her. Children that come from high socioeconomic status families typically are more successful because they have more resources readily available to their children.