what is the goal of association mapping? course hehro

by Bettie Block II 9 min read

What is association mapping?

Association mapping (genetics), also known as "linkage disequilibrium mapping", is a method of mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that takes advantage of historic linkage disequilibrium to link phenotypes (observable characteristics) to genotypes (the genetic constitution of organisms), uncovering genetic associations.

What are the advantages of population based association mapping?

The advantages of population based association mapping, utilizing a sample of individuals from the germplasm collections or a natural population, over traditional QTL-mapping in biparental crosses, primarily are due to availability of broader genetic variations with wider background for marker and trait correlations.

What is family-based association mapping?

In family based association mapping instead of multiple unrelated individuals multiple unrelated families or pedigrees are used. The family-based association mapping can be used in situations where the mutant alleles have been introgressed in populations. One popular family-based association mapping is the transmission disequilibrium test.

What is the resolution of the mapping?

The resolution of the mapping depends on the extent of LD, or non-random association of markers, that has occurred across the genome. Association mapping offers the opportunity to investigate diverse genetic material and potentially identify multiple alleles and mechanisms of underlying traits.

Why is association mapping important?

Association mapping allows the possibility of exploiting historically measured trait data for association, and lastly has no need for the development of expensive and tedious biparental populations that makes approach timesaving and cost-effective.

What is association mapping?

In genetics, association mapping, also known as " linkage disequilibrium mapping ", is a method of mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that takes advantage of historic linkage disequilibrium to link phenotypes ( observable characteristics) to genotypes (the genetic constitution of organisms), uncovering genetic associations .

Why do populations carry a specific gene variant?

Populations showing a desired trait also carry a specific gene variant not because the variant actually controls the trait, but due to genetic relatedness. In particular, indirect associations that are not causal will not be eliminated by increasing the sample size or the number of markers.
