what is the florida premarital course?

by Adrian Rolfson 10 min read

Is a premarital course required in Florida?

In Florida, couples are required to take a four-hour premarital education course or wait three days for the marriage license to be effective. Non-residents don't have to take this course.

What is premarital preparation course Florida?

Couples that take a premarital course are offered a $25 discount off their Florida marriage license. View the marriage license checklist to learn more. By taking our premarital course, you are actively taking steps to protect your marriage from harm by learning more about your significant other through fun activities.

Can you take Florida premarital course online?

We offer the perfect mix of convenience and online marital training. Let us help your relationship and save you money on your marriage license.

How long is the Florida premarital course good for?

one yearHow long is the certificate of completion valid? The certificate is valid for one year from the date it is issued.

How much does the premarital course cost in Florida?

Florida Premarital Course Online, Licensed Provider - Only $19.95.

Is the Florida premarital course free?

My fiancé and I just completed the complimentary premarital counseling course. After 4 years dating, we have found that there is still so much to learn about each other such as our Love Language and communication styles.

What do you need to do to get married in Florida?

To obtain a marriage license you need:Identification: a picture ID such as a driver's license, state ID card, or valid passport; both parties will also have to provide their Social Security numbers, but do not need to provide their Social Security Cards.Fees: $93.50.

Who can do premarital counseling in Florida?

A marriage and family therapist licensed under chapter 491.4. A mental health counselor licensed under chapter 491.5. An official representative of a religious institution which is recognized under s. 496.404(19), if the representative has relevant training.

Can you get married the same day in Florida?

Residents of Florida who apply for a marriage license have a choice: you can wait three days for the license to become effective, or you can attend a premarital preparation course from a registered provider waiving the three-day waiting period.

How soon can you remarry after divorce in Florida?

If noticed that we didn't include a waiting period for remarrying after a divorce, that wasn't a mistake.In Florida, there is no such waiting period to remarry after a divorce. There is, however, a mandatory three-day waiting period after a license is issued that must pass before two people can get married.

Does a marriage license mean you are married in Florida?

Couples wishing to be married in the state of Florida must apply for a marriage license. A marriage license may be obtained from any county in the State of Florida (regardless of where you live or where you are getting married), and may be used to be married in any county within Florida.

Do you need a Florida marriage license to get married in Florida?

In order to get married on the beach in Florida, or anywhere else in Florida, you need to apply and receive a Florida marriage license, regardless of the state you reside in. This is the document that allows you to officially Tie the Knot under the law, and once married, your union will be recognized nationwide.

Instant Access & Earn Immediate Official Certificate

Download and Print Official Certificate IMMEDIATELY upon completion of our 4hr course.

Approved in all 67 Counties

We are approved in all 67 counties. Each county handles certificates differently. Most will allow you to self-print them. Click the button below for more details.

Marriage License Checklist

The State of Florida believes in the importance of premarital counseling courses. Couples that take a premarital course are offered a $25 discount off their Florida marriage license.


Our marriage preparation course has a lot to offer. But don't just take our word for it. See what couples are saying about our course!


You have asked the question, the answer is yes and you are getting married!!! I'm so excited for you and so happy to have you here on this page. Why you ask? Because you are getting married and you are serious about learning about the ins and outs of what it takes to be married.

Can you tell I'm excited that you're here?

I am and we are going to have fun together and hopefully you will learn a thing or two while you are here!

Getting Started is Easy

Signing up takes only a few minutes and then all of the course materials are open to you both. In four hours, you'll have your premarital certificate in your inbox, ready to print** and take to the courthouse.

You'll even make money by taking this course!

Taking a premarital course in most Florida counties will give a $32.50 discount on your marriage license, which actually puts money back into your pocket!

How long does it take to read a premarital course in Florida?

Florida law requires that you spend a minimum of 4 hours on the premarital course. It is not my rule. It is not just my course. It is true for every premarital course because it is Florida law. You can read the material probably in an hour and a half. (If English is not your primary language, it may take longer.

How to pay for premarital course without a PayPal account?

Here is how to pay with OR without a Paypal Account: When you click on the Buy the Premarital Course button, you will go to the next page where you will have an option to either log in and pay with a Paypal account OR, below the log In button, there is a gray button to pay with any Credit Card even if you don't have a Paypal account.

Do premarital courses expire?

It has important information AND the quiz links. Download the premarital course to your computer because the link will expire. Once you download it, you can take your time in doing it. The quiz links will not expire. The course is in a PDF file that you can either read on your computer or print out.

Respect & Encouragement

Encouraging each other and committing to the marriage as something bigger than just yourselves.

Couple's Closeness

Remaining close is an important aspect of your relationship that you must continue to work on.

Couples Flexibility to Change and Creativity in Problem Solving

Flexible couples will survive and overcome the challenges and changes that are normally encountered throughout family life cycles.

Managing Conflicts

When a conflict arises and you are disagreeing, what do you think is most important to do?

Are you Fighting for Control?

Happily married couples report their "partner is seldom too controlling" as a personality issue in the top 10 strengths.

Affection, Touch & Sex

Affection means different things to different people. It's important to discuss what affection means to each of you.

Preparing for Children

Having children is like starting on a new adventure to travel the world over.
