what is the expectations of the course interpersonal communication

by Jordon Welch 5 min read

The Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication

Interpersonal communication is an exchange of information between two or more people. It is also an area of study. Communication skills are developed and may be enhanced or improved with increased knowledge and practice. During interpersonal communication, there is message sending and message receiving. This can be conducted using both direct and indirect methods.

course at National University aims to help students identify the various theories around interpersonal communication and apply them to real-life experiences in the workplace. “Communication skills vary between the upbringing people had, where they went to school, and where they lived,” says Dr. Rumpf.

You will explore clear examples of verbal and nonverbal habits, effective listening, self-concept, differences in conversational styles, and conflict management. You will also learn about practical strategies you can use to improve communication at home, in social situations, and in the workplace.

Full Answer

Why take the interpersonal communication course?

This course is a must for anyone seeking to have a better, happier existence with more fulfilling and satisfactory relationships a key component of that contentment. In this course, we will traverse several components of interpersonal communication.

What is interpersonal communication competence?

Interpersonal communication competence is the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately. Communication researchers have identified three main skills for interpersonal communication competence: To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. What is interpersonal communication and its example?

What is the functional perspective of interpersonal communication?

The functional perspective of interpersonal communication indicates that we communicate to achieve certain goals in our relationships. We get things done in our relationships by communicating for instrumental goals.

What are the three main skills of interpersonal communication?

Communication researchers have identified three main skills for interpersonal communication competence. Cognitive Complexity: This is the ability to understand and reflect on situations from multiple points of view.

What is the importance of studying interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal communication skills can improve your personal and professional relationships by helping you to express your thoughts and convey your intent clearly. Additionally, you'll be more able to understand and empathise with others due to your listening skills.

What are the main two purposes of studying interpersonal communication?

Uses of Interpersonal Communication Give and collect information. Influence the attitudes and behaviour of others.

What do you learn in interpersonal studies class?

Interpersonal Studies teaches essential principles of personal development, decision-making, adulthood, and the roles and influences of families, peers, technology, and stress.

What do you learn in intrapersonal communication?

Intrapersonal communication skills are the foundation of emotional intelligence. They allow us to understand our own emotions and those around us. They help us navigate relationships, manage stress, and make decisions that align with our wants.

What is interpersonal communication in your own words?

Interpersonal communication is the process of exchange of information, ideas and feelings between two or more people through verbal or non-verbal methods. It often includes face-to-face exchange of information, in a form of voice, facial expressions, body language and gestures.

What is the most important aspect you can apply for having knowledge of interpersonal communication?

Listening is a vital interpersonal communication skill. Our Listening Skills page acts as an introduction to the subject and lists the ten principles of listening. Active Listening provides a lot more information about how to listen effectively and can help you to avoid misunderstandings.

What can I expect from a communications class?

Students who take beginning communication courses will often begin with a public speaking or debate course to learn the fundamentals of oral communication and debate, including research, reasoning and arguments. Oral presentations and classroom debates are usually mandatory assignments in such courses.

How will you interpersonal communication help you as a student?

Developing interpersonal skills is really important for students for a better learning, expressing themselves to others, personality development and improving academics too. It is considered that students who have good interpersonal skills have a successful career and personal life too.

How can students improve interpersonal skills?

How to improve your interpersonal skillsEstablish your goals. Setting meaningful goals is an important first step for improving your interpersonal skills. ... Observe successful interactions. ... Identify ways to practice. ... Solicit feedback. ... Reflect and modify. ... Keep interactions focused. ... Leverage recording technology. ... Stay positive.More items...•

Why is it important for a learner to develop their intrapersonal and interpersonal communication skills?

intrapersonal skills, which one is more important? Your intrapersonal communication skills and interpersonal skills are deeply connected. Both contribute to your emotional intelligence and your ability to communicate your needs, goals, and ideas to others in an effective way.

What is interpersonal communication and its example?

Interpersonal communication is the exchange of information between two or more people. In contrast to other forms of communication, it is interacti...

What are the 5 elements of interpersonal communication?

The five elements of interpersonal communication are that (1) it involves independent individuals who each have their own motivations, expectations...

What are the 4 types of interpersonal communication?

There are four different types of interpersonal communication. Verbal communication uses spoken words. Nonverbal communication uses body language,...

What is interpersonal communication?

This course presents concepts essential to understanding the complex dynamics that go into constructing and maintaining our relationships, offering a multitude of research-based insights that will help students better understand themselves, their relationship partners, and relationship dynamics. The concepts presented here can be applied to relationships of all types--personal and professional: family, friends, romantic partners, co-workers, and supervisors.

What is the goal of the Communication Competency course?

The goal with this course is to provide you with the knowledge and tools to help you improve your own communication with others. Additional lesson topics: What Is Communication Competency? 10 Total Points

How does employing the insights presented here lead to increased satisfaction within your relationships?

Employing the insights presented here will very likely lead to increased satisfaction within your relationships as you learn to navigate those relationships with a consciousness of your own communication behaviors and the personal, human needs of the other person. When your own needs are increasingly being met and you are more sensitive to meeting the needs of the other person, how can your relationship not improve?

What is the purpose of the relationship dynamics course?

This course presents concepts essential to understanding the complex dynamics that go into constructing and maintaining our relationships, offering a multitude of research-based insights that will help students better understand themselves, their relationship partners, and relationship dynamics.

What are the rewards of relationships?

The rewards they bring are emotional, material, and physical. In terms of emotional rewards, our relationships give us emotional support and encouragement in difficult times. Additional lesson topics: The Art of Relationships 10 Total Points

What is communication in a conversation?

Communication is the sending and receiving of messages. These messages can be written, verbal, or nonverbal.

How many points are there in self-presentation?

Additional lesson topics: Self-Presentation Strategies; Types of Strategic Self-Presentation 11 Total Points

What is functional perspective in interpersonal communication?

The functional perspective of interpersonal communication indicates that we communicate to achieve certain goals in our relationships. We get things done in our relationships by communicating for instrumental goals. We maintain positive relationships through relational goals.

How does interpersonal communication help establish relationships?

Aside from functional aspects of interpersonal communication, communicating in relationships also helps establish relationship cultures. Just as large groups of people create cultures through shared symbols (language), values, and rituals, people in relationships also create cultures at a smaller level. Relationship cultures are the climates established through interpersonal communication that are unique to the relational partners but based on larger cultural and social norms. We also enter into new relationships with expectations based on the schemata we have developed in previous relationships and learned from our larger society and culture. Think of relationship schemata as blueprints or plans that show the inner workings of a relationship. Just like a schematic or diagram for assembling a new computer desk helps you put it together, relationship schemata guide us in how we believe our interpersonal relationships should work and how to create them. So from our life experiences in our larger cultures, we bring building blocks, or expectations, into our relationships, which fundamentally connect our relationships to the outside world (Burleson, Metts, & Kirch, 2000). Even though we experience our relationships as unique, they are at least partially built on preexisting cultural norms.

Why is interpersonal communication important?

This is because interpersonal communication is strategic, meaning we intentionally create messages to achieve certain goals that help us function in society and our relationships.

How do rituals help form relationships?

Routines and rituals help form relational cultures through their natural development in repeated or habitual interaction (Burleson, Metts, & Kirch, 2000).

How can a competent communicator manage how others perceive them?

Indeed, competent communicators can successfully manage how others perceive them by adapting to situations and contexts. A parent may perform the role of stern head of household, supportive shoulder to cry on, or hip and culturally aware friend to his or her child.

What is instrumental talk?

In short, instrumental talk helps us “get things done” in our relationships. Our instrumental goals can be long term or day to day. The following are examples of communicating for instrumental goals: You ask your friend to help you move this weekend (gaining/resisting compliance).

What motivates you to communicate with someone?

What motivates you to communicate with someone? We frequently engage in communication designed to achieve instrumental goals such as gaining compliance (getting someone to do something for us), getting information we need, or asking for support (Burleson, Metts, & Kirch, 2000). In short, instrumental talk helps us “get things done” in our relationships. Our instrumental goals can be long term or day to day. The following are examples of communicating for instrumental goals:

How does interpersonal communication differ from other forms of communication?

Interpersonal communication differs from other forms of communication, like mass communication, in that it is: Interactive : it involves timely reciprocal engagement between parties. Relational: it is geared towards building and maintaining relationships. Interpersonal communication has five key characteristics:

What is the difference between interpersonal and impersonal communication?

In contrast, impersonal communication is merely transactional and people are viewed as objects. You must c C reate an account to continue watching. Register to view this lesson.

Why is interpersonal communication rational?

Interpersonal communication is rational because it is meant to be understood by others. It involves personal choice. Ultimately, people choose what they say and how they say it, which makes interpersonal communication a learnable skill and not an innate process. It is constant and inescapable.

What is cognitive complexity?

Cognitive complexity, or the ability to reflect on situations from multiple viewpoints, is a crucial skill for interpersonal communication competence. Interpersonal communication is the exchange of information between two or more people.

What is an example of interpersonal communication among a group of people?

Similarly a virtual meeting over Zoom or Skype is an example of interpersonal communication among a group of people.

How are relationships built and sustained?

Relationships are built and sustained only through interpersonal communication. Leadership: Effective leadership involves the ability to motivate team members to work towards a common goal. To do so, leaders must possess the interpersonal communication skills needed to motivate their teams.

Why is argument an example of interpersonal communication?

An argument is a great example of interpersonal communication because it balances relationship maintenance with negotiation of contrasting goals.

What is interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal Communication. Interpersonal communication, or communication between people, depends on a lot of things. It depends on having a shared language, perhaps technology such as a phone and internet, and subtler things, like social etiquette, norms, and conventions. In this lesson, we're going to go over why the latter three are important ...

What are interpersonal norms?

These norms and conventions may include: Looking into someone's eyes as you talk with them. Not interrupting someone as they speak.

What is etiquette in social studies?

Etiquette is a term that refers to the conventions and norms of social behavior. They are accepted codes of conduct with respect to interpersonal communication. Some example forms of etiquette with respect to communicating with others might include: Looking into someone's eyes as you talk with them.

What are some examples of etiquette?

Some example forms of etiquette with respect to communicating with others might include: 1 Looking into someone's eyes as you talk with them 2 Not interrupting someone as they speak 3 Avoiding negative expressions and feelings, such as swearing or an angry tone 4 Not picking your nose as someone talks to you 5 Showing up on time to a meeting or a date 6 Being polite; for example, saying please and thank you as necessary 7 And/or shaking one's hand when meeting them or saying goodbye

What does it mean to enroll in a course?

Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams.

Do social conventions apply to all interpersonal relationships?

These social conventions may not apply to all interpersonal relationships within a culture or, even more so, across the globe. For example, while in Western societies it is considered proper and necessary to look (but not stare forever) into someone's eyes while speaking to them, this isn't the case in all cultures.

Do you have to be a Study.com member to unlock this lesson?

To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member.


Scholars who study of interpersonal communication are interested in understanding how people engage in their relationships with others. Interpersonal communication includes the processes surrounding individuals’ social interactions with each other to modify rapport and accomplish goals.


"My focus on interpersonal communication has provided me with the tools to be a successful communicator and jump-start my academic career.

What is interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal Communication is the study of theories and practice in verbal and nonverbal communication with a focus on interpersonal relationships. Emphasis is on improving interpersonal skills and increasing communication competence in everyday social exchanges.

What is the meaning of "competence in speaking"?

37. “ Competence in speaking is the ability to communicate orally in clear, coherent, and persuasive language appropriate to purpose, occasion, and audience.”. “ Listening at the college level means the ability to analyze and interpret various forms of spoken communication.”.

What are the principles of interpersonal communication?

There many principles of Interpersonal communication such as irreversible, complicated, inescapable, contextual and others. These principles are applied to make interpersonal communication effective between two people or more and establish strong relationships.

How can interpersonal communication be used in establishing and maintaining good relationships?

Interpersonal communication can be used in establishing and maintaining good relationships is not only business affairs but also family matters. These interpersonal communications skills are the ones we use in our daily lives to interact with our friends either in class, work, church or at home. They allow people to build a strong and long-lasting relationship.

Why is interpersonal communication important?

Interpersonal communication is considered as an essential aspect in building strong relationships in workplace, family and other places. It helps in solving problems between people. Economists have defined interpersonal communication as the process of exchange of information, feelings and ideas between two or more people through verbal or non-verbal methods.

What is interpersonal skill?

The level of one's interpersonal skills is measured by the effectiveness of transferring information to others.

What would be difficult without interpersonal skills?

Without interpersonal skills everyday business would be very difficult, as all aspects of work involve communication. Many jobs also involve collaboration and interaction with different types of people, and inter

How to solve communication problems ethically?

Some of the solutions to these problems include; involving a mediator to listen to both sides and help in returning the relationship. A mediator plays a crucial role in examining the problem in the relationship and giving a solution.

Why is learning workplace etiquette important?

Learning workplace etiquette is a great way to leave a lasting impression on those you meet.
