what is the difference between advertising and personal selling course hero

by Beaulah Douglas Sr. 8 min read

The main difference between Advertising and Personal Selling is that Advertising is a way of communicating the messages through different modes to attract the customers towards the product, whereas Personal Selling is a way to attract the customers towards the product by directly visiting them. Advertising vs. Personal Selling

Full Answer

What is difference between personal selling and advertising?

Content: Advertising Vs Personal Selling Advertising is a means of communication, which calls customer's attention towards the product or service, through mass media. Personal selling refers to a form of promotion, wherein the sales representative sells the product to customers, by directly visiting them.

Which of the following is a difference between sales promotion and personal selling?

Which of the following is a difference between sales promotion and personal selling? a. Sales promotion refers to the marketing activities designed to stimulate immediate sales activity through specific short-term programs, while personal selling is the person-to-person presentation of products to potential buyers.

What is personal selling concept?

What is Personal Selling. Definition: Personal selling is also known as face-to-face selling in which one person who is the salesman tries to convince the customer in buying a product. It is a promotional method by which the salesperson uses his or her skills and abilities in an attempt to make a sale.

What are the similarities and differences between advertising and sales promotions for the product?

Advertising is done to build brand image and increase sales, whereas Promotion is used to push short-term sales. Advertising is one of the elements of promotion while the promotion is the variable of the marketing mix. Advertising has a long term effect but at the same time promotion has short term effects.

What is the difference between personal selling?

Personal selling occurs when an employee or salesperson has a conversation with a potential customer. Direct marketing involves using campaign materials like emails, text messages, fliers, catalogs, letters and postcards, and does not involve interacting directly with customers.

What is personal selling example?

A good example of personal selling is found in department stores on the perfume and cosmetic counters. A customer can get advice on how to apply the product and can try different products. Products with relatively high prices, or with complex features, are often sold using personal selling.

What is the importance of personal selling?

Personal selling provides a detailed explanation or demonstration of the product. This capability is especially desirable for complex or new goods and services. The sales message can be varied according to the motivations and interests of each prospective customer.

Why is personal selling more effective than advertising?

Personal selling is more effective than advertising when the customer base is small and widespread. Small because the sales force cannot reach every individual and widespread so that multiple salesmen can cover different areas and sell their products or services to people of that area.

What is the purpose of personal selling?

Uses person to person communication: Personal selling involves direct contact of the salesperson and the customer. To sell an offering: The purpose of personal selling is to motivate and persuade the customer to purchase the intended offering a detailed explanation or demonstration of the product.

What is the main difference between advertising and sales promotion?

Sales promotion is the direct approach to the customers to encourage them to buy your products or services while advertising is an indirect approach towards encouraging them to buy your products or services.

What is the main difference between advertising and promotion?

Advertising is a one-way communication whose purpose is to inform potential customers about products and services and how to obtain them. Promotion involves disseminating information about a product, product line, brand, or company.

What are the differences between advertising and marketing?

In basic terms, marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and determining how best to meet those needs. In contrast, advertising is the exercise of promoting a company and its products or services through paid channels. In other words, advertising is a component of marketing.

What are the difference between sales promotion and publicity?

Major Difference among Advertising, Publicity and Promotion Publicity is an action which is engrossed by the media in the eyes of the public. Promotion is a method of informing their targeted audiences about the products and urging them to make a purchase at the spur of the moment.

How advertising is different from sales promotion publicity and personal selling?

Advertising is promoting a product or a service where as publicizing is creating awareness of a subject amongst public. Publicity can be done about individuals, organizations, art and entertainment and also goods and services.

What is the difference between sales and marketing?

While marketing is about building awareness about a brand and organization, sales turn that viewership into profits by converting the potential customers into actual customers.

Is there any difference between marketing and selling?

In simple words, selling transforms the goods into money, but marketing is the method of serving and satisfying customer needs. The marketing process includes the planning of a product's and service's price, promotion and distribution.

What is personal selling and advertising?

Both advertising and personal selling are two major elements of promotion mix, which is employed by the organization to reach communication objectives. Advertising differs from personal selling, in the fact that the former is a monolog activity, but the latter is dialogue. To further comprehend the difference between advertising ...

What is advertising in marketing?

Advertising is a means of communication, which calls customer's attention towards the product or service, through mass media. Personal selling refers to a form of promotion, wherein the sales representative sells the product to customers, by directly visiting them. Conveys message to end number of individual in less time.

What is the purpose of advertising?

It is an impersonal, paid message, delivered to the general public with the sole aim of creating demand for the product and thus increasing sales.

What is the greatest advantage of advertising?

The greatest advantage of advertising is its range, i.e. it reaches a large number of people in one go.

Is advertising a personal communication?

Advertising is a non-personal form of communication the message reaches the target audience after it is being aired. On the contrary, personal selling, as the name suggest involves salesman visit to customer’s place individually, which is a personal form of communication.

Is there feedback in advertising?

There is a lack of feedback in advertising, whereas, in personal selling, feedback is always present.

Who controls the advertising?

The sponsors of the advertisement, have full control over it. The advertising message is aired through various channels like radio, television, magazines, newspapers, posters, billboards, websites, blogs, apps, text messages, social networks, e-mail, etc.

What is the difference between advertising and personal selling?

The main difference between Advertising and Personal Selling is that Advertising is a way of communicating the messages through different modes to attract the customers towards the product, whereas Personal Selling is a way to attract the customers towards the product by directly visiting them.

What is Personal Selling?

Personal selling is such a technique of communicating the messages in which the agent is selling the product directly or personally by visiting the people. Personal selling is a spoken communication; personal selling is a two-sided communication because, in this method, the messages are not only transferring to the customers but also getting their replies at the same time. Personal selling is an entirely separable way of communicating messages. The main ideas of personal selling are to motivate ordinary people and fascinate them to purchase the product.

What is the process of advertising?

The process of advertising is taking less time to convey the message to a large number of the people; on the flip side, the operation of the personal selling is making lots of time to send the message to the few people only. The response of the adverting process is prolonged; on the converse, the response of personal selling is immediate.

Why is the advertising process so long?

The response of the adverting process is prolonged because it is not an individual process and it has to pass some procedures for getting the response, in the case of the advertising there is only a seller at a time ...

What is the role of advertising in the market?

The advertising is playing a notable role in promoting the products in the market , it is also playing a decisive role to aware the people about the newly launched products , but in this process, only limited information conveys. The advertising method usually is looking suitable for non-technical products.

Why is the message consistent in advertising?

In the case of advertising, the message is consistent, because there is no flexibility in the advertising, and notes cannot be changing according to the customers. Some different ways of mass media are using to promote advertising, like television, radio magazines, newspapers, billboards, websites, and many more.

Is advertising taking time?

Advertising is taking much time to get a response; on the flip side, personal selling is receiving rapid replies.

What is the difference between personal selling and advertising?

For example: TV, radio, & newspaper advertisements. On the other side, Personal Selling is the face-to-face interaction in which one person who is the salesman tries to persuade the customer for buying the product . The salesman uses his skills and abilities to make a sale. According to my view point both the terms have their seperate benefits We cannot say that only one is good and the other one is not.

Why is advertising and personal selling important?

Advertising and Personal Selling are the important tools for enhancing the sales of the company. It also helps to the company for promoting the products with their features and generating the revenue. To know more about the differences of both the terms firstly we have to know about meaning of the following terms:

What is advertising in marketing?

Advertising refers to the conversion-focused activities that are directed towards a specific target audience. For example: TV, radio, & newspaper advertisements. In other words we can say that it is an act of making something familiar to the general public through some type of paid media. To Inform, To Remind and To Persuade are the main objectives of advertising.

What is Advertising?

Advertising is a form of communication designed to attract the attention of potential customers and persuade them to make a purchase. Advertisers may play on the emotions of consumers, create images that show an ideal life, or offer discounts that make it easy for people to buy.

What is Personal Selling?

Personal selling is a persuasive communication strategy in which people are encouraged to purchase products directly from the company. It is popular in industries with an extended customer service cycle, such as banking or healthcare.

Advertising and Personal Selling

Nearly every day, we are exposed to hundreds of advertisements that are used for either commercial or social reasons. We receive these messages through different media, even when we do not recognize them.


Main Difference

Advertising vs. Personal Selling

  • Advertising is such a way of communicating the messages in which the different modes are using for attracting the customers towards the product or services; on the other hand, personal selling is such a way of describing the words in which the trader is selling the product directly or personally visiting the people. Advertising is an excellent way ...
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What Is Advertising?

  • Advertising is such a technique of communicating the messages in which the various means are using for fascinating the customers towards the product or services. Advertising is a broadway of communication; it is a one-sided communication because, in this method, only the message is transferring to the customer without getting the immediate reply. It is also an impersonal approa…
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What Is Personal Selling?

  • Personal selling is such a technique of communicating the messages in which the agent is selling the product directly or personally by visiting the people. Personal selling is a spoken communication; personal selling is a two-sided communication because, in this method, the messages are not only transferring to the customers but also getting their replies at the same ti…
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Key Differences

  1. Advertising is one way messaging, whereas personal selling is two way massaging.
  2. Advertising is not a personal process; on the other hand, personal selling is an individual process.
  3. Advertising is using a pull strategy; conversely, personal selling is using a push strategy.
  4. There is no flexibility in advertising; on the flip side, personal selling has flexibility according t…
  1. Advertising is one way messaging, whereas personal selling is two way massaging.
  2. Advertising is not a personal process; on the other hand, personal selling is an individual process.
  3. Advertising is using a pull strategy; conversely, personal selling is using a push strategy.
  4. There is no flexibility in advertising; on the flip side, personal selling has flexibility according to the customer.


  • Both procedures the advertising and personal selling are two main features of promoting the products. There are various ways of advertising; it is a widely used way that we almost go through daily, but personal selling is containing direct interaction among the seller and the buyer, and it is one of the best ways to creating a large number of business customers.
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