what is the course of smelly discharge?

by Clementina Franecki 6 min read

Change in hormone and discharges also lead to a foul-smelling vagina. Vaginal discharges during menstruation and between ovulation and your next period can have a more unpleasant smell. Another possible hormonal cause is menopause, during which decreased estrogen levels cause vaginal tissue to thin and be less acidic.

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Why does my discharge smell bad?

Aug 20, 2021 · Abnormal discharge can be green or yellow or foul-smelling. Generally, Yeast or bacterial infection causes the abnormal foul-smelling discharge. The vaginal smell can vary all through your menstrual cycle and may be particularly noticeable right after the sex. Usual sweating can also be a reason for vaginal odor.

Why does discharge smell bad?

Nov 17, 2021 · Thin, gray, white or green vaginal discharge. Foul-smelling "fishy" vaginal odor. Vaginal itching. Burning during urination. Bacterial vaginosis usually clears up in 2 or 3 days with antibiotics, but treatment goes on for 7 days. Do not stop using your medicine just because your symptoms are better. Be sure to take the full course of antibiotics.

Why does my discharge smell like ammonia?

Nov 29, 2019 · Smelly discharge – i.e. if yours is suddenly a whole lot funkier than is standard, for you – can feel a little alarming. ... Then, if it isn’t better after the recommended course, seek ...

What should vaginal discharge look and smell like?

Apr 06, 2022 · Gonorrhea: This highly infectious sexually transmitted infection will make you produce a green-yellow smelly discharge. You may even experience lower abdominal pain. You have up to 90% chances of developing this infection …

What does it mean when you smell a discharge?

Smelly or otherwise unusual discharge can come from various parts of the body. It may indicate an infection or another underlying health issue. “Discharge” refers to any fluid that drains from the body. Many types are healthy and show that the body is working as it should.

Why does my discharge smell?

Smelly discharge can come from various parts of the body, and it is usually a sign of an infection. Anyone with unusual or smelly discharge should see a doctor, who will diagnose the issue and recommend treatment. The right approach depends on the cause of the discharge.

What are the symptoms of genital herpes?

If symptoms do occur, they may include: smelly discharge from the genitals. blisters around the genitals, anus, or mouth that may burst and become painful sores. a burning sensation when urinating. Females with genital herpes may also experience bleeding between periods.

Why does my genitals smell?

Sexually transmitted infections. Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) produce unusual discharge from the genitals. A doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat STIs that are bacterial or parasitic and antiviral medications for STIs caused by viruses. Some examples of STIs that can cause smelly discharge include:

How do you know if you have thrush in your penis?

a tight foreskin, or one that is otherwise difficult to pull back. irritation, burning, and redness beneath the foreskin and around the head of the penis.

What does it mean when your vagina is green?

green or yellow discharge. watery or foamy discharge. discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese. discharge with a strong odor of fish or eggs. It is especially important to seek medical care if there are also blisters, sores, pain, or bleeding from the vagina.

What does it mean when your penis is burning?

itchiness or irritation inside the penis. a burning sensation following urination or ejaculation. Females with trichomoniasis may experience: changes to vaginal discharge. itching, burning, or soreness of the genitals. redness of the skin on and around the genitals. discomfort during urination.

What does it mean when your discharge smells yellow?

If yellow smelly discharge occurs in pregnancy, it can cause miscarriage or preterm delivery if not treated early. 2. Brown smelly discharge. Normal: Brown discharge is a normal kind of discharge experienced by women. It can be from mild vagina tear during sexual intercourse, ovulation, or implantation.

Why is my discharge pinkish?

It may be bloody discharge, yellowish discharge or pinkish brown discharge and still normal. Bloody discharge is due to the mixture of blood with your discharge. It does not smell or cause any form of vaginal itching. It is normal kind of discharge in women during ovulation and implantation.

How do you know if you have gonorrhea?

Common symptoms of gonorrhea are. Smelly white vaginal discharge or yellow-green vaginal discharge. Pain in the lower part of the abdomen. Pain or discomfort while having intercourse. Discharge of pus-like fluid from your vagina. Severe discomfort or burning sensation while urinating.

Why does my vaginal discharge have a white clump?

If your discharge becomes clumpy white and cottage cheese like then it could be due to yeast infection. However, yeast infection does not smell but causes vaginal itching, swelling, and excoriations.

What causes a woman's genital tract to smell?

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) PID can cause smelly discharge in women. It is an infection that spreads up a woman’s genital tract from the vagina to the cervix, the fallopian tubes through the uterus.

Why is my discharge yellow?

A vaginal infection commonly causes yellowish discharge. It could also be normal due to oxidation of your discharge when exposed to air or stress. Pinkish discharge or brownish discharge is also due to the mixture of discharge with blood.

What is the best treatment for bacterial vaginosis?

The cause of your smelly discharge will be treated. Treatment of bacterial vaginosis is by use of oral metronidazole (Flagyl). It has an excellent success rate and cures the infection.

Why does my discharge smell bad?

Bad odor in discharge due to vaginal infections. One of the most frequent reasons for which discharge may have a bad odor has to do with vaginal infections of a bacterial or viral type. It is a common condition that can affect both sexually active women and those who are not, causing various symptoms including a bad smell in the discharge.

What does it mean when your discharge is yellow?

However when the discharge looks yellow, green or brown or has a bad smell it is an indication that something is not right.

Why does my vagina smell?

Hormonal changes. If you don't feel any of the symptoms mentioned above, then your vaginal odor may be caused by a non-bacterial or viral reason. If you have recently been through some kind of hormonal imbalance such as pregnancy or menopause, this may be causing the smell due to low levels of pH.

What does it feel like to smell fish?

Apart from the bad smell, which will smell like fish, you will also feel the following: Itching and pain in the vaginal area, especially when urinating. Vaginal bleeding. Increased and grey-white colored discharge.

Why does discharge change during menstruation?

Throughout the menstrual cycle vaginal discharge changes in order to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy and, in the event that this does not occur, prepare the body for menstruation. As a result it is normal to observe that at certain times of the month the discharge is thicker or more abundant than in other moments; however, ...

Why does my genital area smell?

Sometimes an unpleasant smell in the genital area may be due to hygiene reasons or choice of clothes, not the discharge itself. If you commonly wear synthetic underwear instead of natural fabrics, this may also cause an unusual smell.

What to do if you suspect a sexual infection?

It is important that if you suspect you are suffering from a sexual infection you see your gynecologist as, depending on the type of bacteria or fungus you have, treatment should be applied in order to completely remove the infection. Let's take a look at the rest of the symptoms you'll notice in each case:

Why does my discharge smell?

7 reasons why you've got smelly discharge. 1. You’ve got Bacterial Vaginosis. Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is one of the most common vaginal infections, says Adib. Indeed, according to the Family Planning Association, one in three women will experience it at some time in their life.

What is it called when you run down and your immune system is weakened?

You have a condition called Ureaplasma. Although ureaplasma bacteria are part of the bacterial population you naturally have living in your body, if they get out of balance – for example, if you’re run-down and your immune system is weakened – it can lead to health problems.

What are the symptoms of STI?

Other symptoms can include painful periods, irregular bleeding, pain during sex or when you wee, and an itchy burn-y sensation around your vagina.

Can ureaplasma cause BV?

Adib suggests watching out for symptoms such as pain or itching around your vagina, or smelly discharge; ureaplasma can lead to BV and urethritis. Again, head to your GP if you suspect you are dealing with this issue and get prescribed antibiotics. 4. You’ve forgotten to remove a tampon.

Can you take over the counter meds with no change?

If you have taken over-the-counter meds for over a week with no change, Adib suggests you head to your GP. One thing to note: if your discharge is smelly, do not be tempted to douche. ‘It’s commonly thought that cleaning inside the vagina or douching can help treat smelly discharge,’ says Adib. ‘But don’t.

What does it mean when you smell a discharge?

Gonorrhea: This highly infectious sexually transmitted infection will make you produce a green-yellow smelly discharge. You may even experience lower abdominal pain. You have up to 90% chances of developing this infection if you have sex with someone who already has it.

Why does my discharge smell brown?

Cancer or Inflammation: You may notice brown smelly discharge due to pelvic inflammatory disease or cervical cancer. Pelvic inflammatory disease will cause pain in pelvis or lower abdomen, fever, painful urination and discharge with unpleasant odor. Forgotten Tampons: You may experience an increase in natural discharge due to 'lost' tampons'.

What causes a brown discharge?

You will notice a brown smelly discharge – it will have a fishy odor, especially after you are exposed to menstrual fluid or semen.

What does it mean when your discharge changes color?

A sudden bad smell, a sudden change in color, and itching outside your vagina with pain in your tummy usually indicate infections .

How to get rid of a swollen vagina?

Use apple cider vinegar (ACV) for cleaning or simply take an ACV bath. Add some ACV to your bathtub and soak in it for some time. It helps because ACV helps restore pH level in your vagina that improves the vaginal flora. This will reduce your risk of infection. Add organic, unflavored yogurt in your diet.

Why does my period smell brown?

It may also be the outcome of implantation bleeding which means pregnancy, but when the brown discharge is accompanied with bad smell, it can indicate vaginal infections.

How to clean a vagina?

Use mild soap for cleaning and make use of a handheld shower to reach hard-to-clean areas. Be sure to clean the labia and inner folds as well. Avoid douching though because it puts you more at the risk of developing vaginal infections. Use apple cider vinegar (ACV) for cleaning or simply take an ACV bath.

What is the smell of a frothy discharge?

Trichomonas: Trichomonas infection produces a frothy, yellow-green vaginal discharge with a strong odor. Associated symptoms can include discomfort during intercourse and urination, as well as irritation and itching of the female genital area.

What is the color of a discharge?

Bacterial vaginosis: Not all women with bacterial vaginosis will have symptoms, but bacterial vaginosis typically produces a discharge that is thin and grayish-white in color. It is usually accompanied by a foul, fishy smell. Trichomonas: Trichomonas infection produces a frothy, yellow-green vaginal discharge with a strong odor.

What causes burning and itching in the vagina?

Gonorrhea: Gonorrhea may not produce symptoms in up to half of infected women, but it can also cause burning with urination or frequent urination, a yellowish vaginal discharge, redness and swelling of the genitals, and a burning or itching of the vaginal area. Chlamydia: Like gonorrhea, Chlamydia infection may not produce symptoms in many women.

What is the STD of gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea is the sexually-transmitted disease ( STD) resulting from infection by the bacteria known as Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Chlamydia is another sexually-transmitted infection (STD) due to the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. Although infected women may not have symptoms, a vaginal discharge may occur. Yeast infection ( candidiasis) ...

What causes a vaginal discharge?

Infections such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia (all STDs ); and yeast infection can all cause vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge can be associated with other symptoms such as burning or itching.

What does it mean when your vagina is changing color?

A change in vaginal discharge (such as an abnormal odor or color or increase in amount), or the presence of vaginal discharge associated with irritation or other uncomfortable symptoms, can signal that an infection is present.

When is it appropriate to seek medical attention for vaginal discharge?

It is appropriate to seek medical care any time you have a change in the character (color, odor, consistency) or amount of vaginal discharge or if you have other symptoms such as pain, burning, or itching of the vaginal area.

Why does my vagina smell?

Causes of vaginal odor are a forgotten tampon left in the vagina or not showering or bathing regularly. However, vaginal discharge can mean that you have a sexually transmitted infection, especially if you are having unprotected intercourse.

Can you use perfume spray on your vagina?

It’ s NOT okay to douche or use strong soaps, deodorants, or perfume sprays near your vagina because it can upset the balance of good bacteria that are normally found in your vagina. These types of products can cause an allergic reaction, and/or irritation, and removes the good bacteria that are normally present.
