what is the course list at brandeis

by Giovanna Thiel 3 min read

(200 and above) Primarily for Graduate Students

Course # Time Location Instructor (s)
HS 215B 1 Corporate Finance TBD Sisli Ciamarra, Elif
HS 215B 2 Corporate Finance TBD Sisli Ciamarra, Elif
HS 218A 1 Coexistence and Conflict Fie ... TBD Jones, Sandra Faith
HS 230A 1 SID Field Practicum Course TBD Jones, Sandra Faith
Apr 27 2022

Full Answer

Is Brandeis a great school?

American Studies. Anthropology. Applied Mathematics. Arabic Language, Literature and Culture. Architectural Studies. Art History. Asian-American Pacific Islander. Biochemistry. Biochemistry …

Which is better, BU or Brandeis?

On our Summer 2022 Course Syllabi page you can review draft syllabi from instructors. Summer course syllabi are posted as soon as they are received by the Summer School. Please remember these are draft syllabi, and are submit to change at the discretion of the instructor. Visiting students from other colleges and universities may find these ...

Does Brandeis University have good research programs?

Recommended first courses: CHEM 11a General Chemistry I and CHEM 18a General Chemistry Laboratory I. CHEM 15a Honors General Chemistry I and CHEM 19a Honors General Chemistry Laboratory I. Courses for students not majoring in a science: CHSC 3b Solving Environmental Challenges: The Role of Chemistry

How to get into Brandeis University?

American Studies Anthropology Applied Mathematics Art History Biochemistry Biological Physics Biology Business Chemistry Classical Studies Comparative Literature and Culture Computer Science Creative Writing East Asian Studies Economics Education Studies English Environmental Studies European Cultural Studies Film, Television and Interactive Media

What does Brandeis specialize in?

Brandeis students may choose from a variety of majors in four broad areas: the creative arts, the humanities, the sciences and the social sciences. Many of these programs are interdisciplinary, and draw faculty from several different departments.

How many classes is a semester at Brandeis?

The minimum course load for students in the Brandeis Adult Student Option is one course per semester.
Course Load.
Number of coursesEquivalent number of credits
Minimum per semesterthree12
Maximum per semester5.522
Minimum per yearseven28
Maximum per year1144

How many majors does Brandeis?

44 majors
Brandeis offers 44 majors and 51 minors across the full spectrum of academic disciplines — plus a constantly evolving curriculum of interdisciplinary and pre-professional programs.

How many credits do you need to graduate Brandeis?

128 credits
Credits Required For Graduation

All students are required to complete a minimum of 128 credits. A minimum of 112 of the 128 credits must come from Brandeis fall/spring semesters, Brandeis Summer School, approved fall/spring Study Abroad programs, or approved Justice Brandeis Semester programs.

What is Brandeis acceptance rate?

Brandeis University admissions is most selective with an acceptance rate of 34%. Half the applicants admitted to Brandeis University have an SAT score between 1320 and 1510 or an ACT score of 31 and 33.

What AP scores does Brandeis accept?

Brandeis University
Exam NameMin Score RequiredEquivalent course
Sort examTitle ascendingSort minScoreSort courseEquivalent
AP Calculus BC3MATH 10a
AP Chemistry4CHEM 11a,b,18a,b
AP Chinese Language and Culture4CHIN 30-level
30 more rows

What division is Brandeis women's soccer?

Division III
Brandeis is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (Division III) and competes in 19 intercollegiate sports through the University Athletic Association.

What GPA do you need for Brandeis?

There's no minimum GPA for admission to Brandeis, but more than three-quarters of our accepted students graduate in the top 20% of their high school class.

What is unique about Brandeis University?

The best thing about Brandeis is the social justice foundation. Everyone at this school holds themselves and the community accountable to make the world a better place, and fix injustice. One of the amazing things about Brandeis is the openness of the student body.

How do you beat fail a class at Brandeis?

After your final grades post and before the published deadline, email [email protected] with the list of courses from the spring that you wish to convert to a P grade. For the spring term, all courses on your class schedule that receive a letter grade are eligible.

What is the Brandeis core?

The Brandeis Core reimagines our general education requirements for undergraduates entering the School of Arts and Sciences in fall 2019 or later. The Core curriculum focuses on five broad areas to strengthen mastery of academic, personal, social and career goals.

How much credits do you need to graduate high school?

StateCourse credits (in Carnegie units)High school exit exams
Total required credits for standard diploma, all coursesExit exam required for standard diploma
40 more rows

What is a minor in Brandeis?

A minor can be a limited version of a major, a more specialized subset of a particular field of study, or a structured opportunity to explore areas of study that are interdisciplinary in scope. Minors are optional. Satisfactory completion of a minor is noted on a student's transcript. Majors and Minors offered at Brandeis.

What is AAAS in African American studies?

African and African American Studies (AAAS) is a unique opportunity to explore the histories and experiences of Africans and African descended people and their impact on the world. Using multiple disciplines and strategies we offer courses that consider culture, class, gender, race, work and citizenship.

What is the AmST 100A?

AMST 100a Foundations of American Culture. American Studies takes an interdisciplinary approach to the culture, society, politics, institutions, identities, thoughts, values and behavior of Americans, including the critical issues that confront the United States domestically and internationally.

What is American studies?

American Studies takes an interdisciplinary approach to the culture, society, politics, institutions, identities, thoughts, values and behavior of Americans, including the critical issues that confront the United States domestically and internationally .

What is a biochemistry major?

The biochemistry major is designed to equip students with a broad understanding of the chemical and molecular events involved in biological processes. The biochemistry major provides a fundamental training for careers in biomedical research, medicine, biotechnology and related fields.

What is the most important course to take in the first year of college?

The most important course to take in the first year is BIOL 15b (offered both fall and spring), because it is a prerequisite for the lab course (BIOL 18b) that many students take in fall of the second year.

What is general chemistry?

General Chemistry is a required course in the chemistry, biology, biochemistry and neuroscience majors. It is also required of pre-medical, pre- dental and pre-veterinary students, so most first year students with these academic and/or professional interests enroll in this introductory course.
