what is the course for learning hebrew when making aliyah

by Lauriane Torphy 6 min read

What is required to make an aliyah?

Here are some main reasons: 1. People in Israel speak, read and write in Hebrew. While it is true that Israeli kids study English at school, you won’t hear them using it outside of the classroom. …

How can I learn Hebrew as quickly as possible?

Learning Hebrew - Ulpan Olim are entitled to free Hebrew studies, known as 'Ulpan'. Hebrew language programs are available in most major Israeli cities and many smaller ones and offer a …

What are the benefits of making an aliyah?

Where is the best place to learn Hebrew in Israel?

Step 1: Get called Up

The gabbai (beadle) announces in Hebrew: “Arise, (your name) son of (your father’s name)!” Upon hearing your Hebrew name called, rise and walk over...

Step 2: Prepare to Bless

The reader will show you where the Torah reading begins and ends. Touch the beginning and end of the Torah reading with the corner of your tallit (...

Step 3: The Blessings

The blessings recited over the Torah thank G‑d for choosing us as His nation and for giving us the Torah, His covenant with us.Start by saying the...

Step 4: The Reading

While the Torah is being read, hold the handle of the scroll nearest you. If possible, follow the Hebrew words inside the scroll and read along sil...

Step 5: The Second Blessing

This is what it sounds like:Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai Eh-lo-hay-nu meh-lech ha-o-lahm, a-sher na-tan la-nu toh-raht e-met, v’cha-yay o-lahm na-ta b’to...

Where to stand after the Aliyah?

After the aliyah, stand on the right side of the bimah until the end of the following aliyah (or, if it was the last aliyah, until the Torah is raised). When returning to your seat, do not use the shortest route.

How to read the Torah?

While the Torah is being read, hold the handle of the scroll nearest you. If possible, follow the Hebrew words inside the scroll and read along silently. When the reader concludes, touch first the end and then the beginning of the reading with the corner of your tallit (or the Torah's sash) and kiss it.

What does the Gabbai mean in Hebrew?

The gabbai (beadle) announces in Hebrew: “Arise, (your name) son of (your father’s name) !” Upon hearing your Hebrew name called, rise and walk over to the bimah (reading platform) and stand to the right of the reader, facing the Torah scroll. It is customary to take the shortest route to get there, expressing an eagerness to approach the Torah.

Who should accompany a bar mitzvah boy to the bimah?

The father of the bar mitzvah boy should accompany him to the bimah for his aliyah, and stand to one side as the blessings are being recited. Following the aliyah, the father recites a special blessing thanking G‑d for reaching this auspicious moment. There are a few variations of the blessing.

What do bar mitzvah boys do?

During the bar mitzvah boy’s aliyah, his family will distribute candies (preferably soft jelly candies) to the congregation. When the second blessing is concluded, the bar mitzvah boy is showered with candies, representing a shower of sweet blessings, as the congregation sings Mazal Tov. He has now officially become a bar mitzvah.
