what is the cost of the 72 hr real estate brokerage course

by Mr. Maverick Bailey 9 min read

The 72-hour broker pre-licensing course meets the state education requirement to earn a real estate broker license. We offer this course in two formats: Self-Study Online: $349. Buy Now.

Full Answer

How many hours is the Florida Brokers course?

72-hourThe Florida Real Estate Commission (FREC) requires you to complete the 72-hour Florida broker pre-licensing course. This course can be taken online or in a classroom.

How long is the Florida real estate broker course?

72 hoursHow to Get You Florida Real Estate Broker License. All candidates are required to complete 72 hours of online or classroom approved pre-licensing broker education. Real estate broker license courses can be completed online with a state-approved school.

How long does it take to get your broker's license in Florida?

To receive your full Florida broker license, you'll need to complete 60 hours of broker post-licensing coursework. These courses cover the topics of real estate investment and brokerage management.

How much is the NYS real estate exam?

$15Examination Fee: $15 The state of New York creates and administers the qualifying exam you must take and pass in order to apply for a real estate salesperson license. The exam consists of 75 multiple-choice questions. You must obtain 70% or better in order to pass it, and you are given 1.5 hours to finish it.

How much does it cost to be a real estate broker in Florida?

The licensing fee for a Florida Real Estate Sales Associate is $83.75. The fee to take the exam is $36.75. Other costs associated with getting your license may include fingerprinting fees and Pre-Licensing course tuition, which can vary depending on the course package and school.

How hard is the Florida real estate broker exam?

According to data by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Licensing, the exam is challenging. In 2013, 53 of first-time test takers passed while 47 percent failed. With repeat test takers, 41 percent passed while 59 percent failed.

Can a Florida real estate broker have a home office?

As a real estate broker working as a sole proprietor, can my office be located in my home? If no local laws prohibit home offices, such as municipality or county zoning laws, then you may have a registered business location from your home.

How much money does a real estate agent make in Florida?

How Much Do Real Estate Agents Make in Florida? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, reported the average income of real estate agents in Florida ranges from $24,856 to $162,283. These earnings vary depending on location, experience, specialty, and average hours worked.

How long do you have to be a real estate agent before becoming a broker FL?

First, you must have completed 24 months as an active real estate sales associate for five years before becoming a licensed broker or real estate sale associate broker before applying.

How much money does a real estate agent make in New York?

According to careerexplorer.com, the average salary for a real estate agent in New York State is around $116,460 per year. Obtaining your real estate license is quite quick and easy.

Can you take NY real estate exam online?

Applicants are required to schedule their Real Estate Salesperson exam online. In order to schedule your examination, you must have an eAccessNY account. In addition to being able to apply for the exam, you will be able to view your scheduled exam details and exam results online.

How hard is it to pass the NYS real estate exam?

You need to score 70% or higher. Since there are 75 questions, it means that you need to answer 53 questions correctly to pass. Real estate exam results are reported as either passed or failed—you will not receive a numerical score.

Dates and Locations

Weekday Classes: 10 days from 8:30am to 4:30pm WEEK 1: Monday-Friday, WEEK 2: Monday-Thursday and Final Exam on Friday at 1pm

Online Alternatives

If the course dates above are not right for you, or if you'd prefer to avoid a classroom setting, you can get started on your Florida 72 Hour Broker Pre-Licensing Class RIGHT NOW through our online education options.

Clean Education Experience

We're doing everything we can to deliver a safe, healthy and clean education experience. We're here to help you prepare for your class, so you’ll know exactly what to expect.

What's Included?

17 unique class units covering all the “need-to-know” information for the exams.

Classroom Real Estate Broker Pre-License (72-Hours)

An optional State Exam Review Course is offered for $95.00 One-on-one tutoring is available. Contact the school for price and availability.

Requirements for Licensure

To be eligible for a real estate broker license, the state of Florida requires you to…

State Application and Testing Process

Online – Department of Business and Professional Regulation website Mail – Download and print the application The Application fee paid to the state is $115.00 It will take 4-6 weeks on average for the state to process and approve your application Check the status of your application by clicking here You must submit your fingerprints electronically before your application can be approved..

How many hours do you need to be a real estate broker in Florida?

There are virtually no limitations to what you pursue. This is a state-licensed, 72-hour Real Estate Broker pre-licensing course, completion of which is a Florida requirement for any one seeking their broker's license.

How long do you have to enroll in a course?

From the date of enrollment, you have one year (12 months from enrollment) to complete the course. After this time period, your enrollment is expired involuntarily. You may request an extension based on permitted circumstances, but you must request such in writing, stating your reasons.

How long does it take to get a fingerprint?

Fingerprinting can be done before, during or after taking the 63 Hour pre-license course. Though it is HIGHLY recommended to do it 2-3 weeks prior to taking the class so once you pass the course exam you can schedule your state exam without any delays. Call 877-238-8232 to set an appointment at a facility near you.

Is Ken Jones Real Estate School a state accredited school?

Ken Jones Real Estate School is an approved provider of Real Estate Pre-License Courses, and is Licensed and Accredited by the State of Florida. Submit a state application along with fingerprints (We recommend that students do this once they register for class).

Can you register for real estate exam without a candidate number?

You can not register until you have a candidate number. After you’ve submitted you fingerprints and applied for your license, the state will email you a candidate number. You must bring your completion slip (supplied by Ken Jones Real Estate School upon passing your course exam) with you to be permitted to test.