what is the cause of structural scoliosis course

by Prof. Alize Dare 10 min read

There is no clear underlying cause for most cases of structural scoliosis, although it can be caused by nerve or muscle disorders (such as cerebral palsy), birth disorders (such as spina bifida), or an injury or tumour.Jul 31, 2018


What causes scoliosis will depend on the type: idiopathic, congenital, neuromuscular, degenerative, or traumatic. With scoliosis, the condition’s most prevalent form is classified as ‘idiopathic’, meaning no single known cause. Scoliosis is often described as a mysterious and complex condition.


Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that most often is diagnosed in adolescents. While scoliosis can occur in people with conditions such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, the cause of most childhood scoliosis is unknown. Most cases of scoliosis are mild, but some curves worsen as children grow.


Congenital scoliosis can affect just one spinal segment, or the whole spine. Neuromuscular Scoliosis – This type of scoliosis develops as a result of an underlying neuromuscular condition, like cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy. It can also set in after a severe injury to the spinal cord, or as a result of a benign or malignant spinal tumor.


Neuromuscular Scoliosis – This type of scoliosis develops as a result of an underlying neuromuscular condition, like cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy. It can also set in after a severe injury to the spinal cord, or as a result of a benign or malignant spinal tumor.

What causes scoliosis and how is it treated?

What is scoliosis in children?

What are the different types of scoliosis?

What is neuromuscular scoliosis?

What is a structural scoliosis?

Structural scoliosis is by far the most common category of scoliosis. It involves spinal rotation in addition to the side-to-side curvature of the spine. This type of scoliosis affects the spine's structure and is considered permanent unless the spine receives treatment.

How is structural scoliosis treated?

In cases of functional scoliosis that are caused by chronic bad posture, this can typically be treated by addressing the postural issues; exercises and stretches that encourage good posture and elongating the spine can help.

What is the most common form of structural scoliosis?

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of scoliosis and is usually diagnosed during puberty. Congenital scoliosis results from embryological malformation of one or more vertebrae and may occur in any location of the spine.

Can structural scoliosis reversed?

While scoliosis can be reduced and managed to the point where it causes very few, if any, functional deficits, as a progressive and incurable condition, scoliosis cannot be cured.

How do you know if you have structural scoliosis?

A true structural scoliosis involves spinal rotation in addition to a side-to-side curve of the spine of 10 degrees or more. By definition, nonstructural scoliosis isn't truly a scoliosis because it does not include rotation of the spine, and it appears to go away when the body is in various positions.

What should I avoid if I have scoliosis?

Soda pop (even the “diet” varieties) Foods containing corn syrup in any form (high fructose, crystallized, etc.) Artificial sweeteners like Equal, Splenda, Saccharin, Nutrasweet and others. Soy milk and other soy products.

What organs are affected by scoliosis?

Scoliosis affects the entire skeletal system including the spine, ribs, and pelvis. It impacts upon the brain and central nervous system and affects the body's hormonal and digestive systems. It can deplete the body's nutritional resources and damage its major organs including the heart and lungs.

What exercise is good for scoliosis?

Low-impact exercises such as Pilates, yoga,` and tai chi can help improve trunk flexibility and range of motion. Some scoliosis exercise programs, such as the Schroth method, may help teens reduce the magnitude of their spinal curve.

What problems can scoliosis cause?

Complications of scoliosis can include:Breathing problems (in severe scoliosis)Low back pain.Lower self-esteem.Persistent pain if there is wear and tear of the spine bones.Spinal infection after surgery.Spine or nerve damage from an uncorrected curve or spinal surgery.Leakage of spinal fluid.

What exercises make scoliosis worse?

As mentioned, when it comes to exercise, and sports that people living with scoliosis should avoid, the list would include activities that involve overusing one side of the body, repetitive shocks, or repeated hyperextension of the spine....Weightlifting.Long-distance running.Long jump.Horseback riding.

What is the fastest way to cure scoliosis?

Put simply, the fastest way to treat scoliosis is Active bracing – with a brace like ScoliBrace. Scoliosis specific exercise will reduce scoliosis over time, but only at a much slower rate.

Will scoliosis get worse with age?

Scoliosis is a progressive condition – it does tend to get worse as you age. However, scoliosis is somewhat unusual in that it does not have what we might call a “predictable trajectory” – this is to say that you cannot simply assume that after X years, scoliosis will have increased by X degrees.

Can functional scoliosis be corrected?

A nonstructural or functional scoliosis is usually treatable and results from compensations such as a short limb, torsioned pelvis or cranial imbalances. Manual therapists often shy away from treating seriously malformed spines, and for good reason.

What are the 4 types of scoliosis?

There are four types of scoliosis: congenital, idiopathic, neuromuscular, and degenerative2. In congenital scoliosis, the misalignment occurs as a result of deformed vertebrae or ribs present at birth.

Does scoliosis worsen with age?

Scoliosis is a progressive condition – it does tend to get worse as you age. However, scoliosis is somewhat unusual in that it does not have what we might call a “predictable trajectory” – this is to say that you cannot simply assume that after X years, scoliosis will have increased by X degrees.

What is a common test to differentiate between a structural and functional scoliosis?

The purpose of the Adam's forward bend test is detecting structural or functional scoliosis. This test is most often used during school screening for scoliosis. It can also be used with patients who have a family history of scoliotic posture or with patients who have detectable scoliosis of uncertain etiology.

What Doesn’t Cause Scoliosis?

One myth about scoliosis is that it is caused by slouching or the typical poor posture seen in teens relaxing on the couch or lying in bed studying. A related myth is that walking upright or sitting up straight will fix scoliosis. These ideas comes from a basic misunderstanding of scoliosis. Postural control centers located in the brain stem subconsciously (automatically) control posture. This means that while you can force yourself to stand up straighter you can’t change how your spine positions itself in response to gravity when you relax. When one consciously forces their scoliotic spine into a straight posture it does not influence this automatic function in the brain. Just standing up straight will have little to no effect on the “automatic” spinal muscles that are pulling the bones to create a scoliotic spine.

What is ASA in adolescent scoliosis?

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis in an Adult (ASA) – This is seen when the patient had scoliosis as a child but is now skeletally mature, they are now an adult with adolescent scoliosis.

Why does scoliosis curvature occur?

This type of scoliosis is caused by a temporary condition and the spine is otherwise normal. The curvature occurs as the result of another problem and usually goes away once that problem is addressed.

What is the condition that occurs when the bones in the spine form abnormally as the fetus is developing?

Congenital scoliosis is the type of scoliosis that is present from birth. This form of scoliosis is rare and occurs when the bones in the spine form abnormally as the fetus is developing in the womb. A common cause of congenital scoliosis is a hemivertebra, a rare condition where only one side of the vertebra (spinal bone segment) develops.

What is degenerative scoliosis?

Degenerative Scoliosis or “Adult-onset Scoliosis” can result from the arthritis that forms in the spine due to aging, or from traumatic bone collapse due to illness or injury, previous major back surgery, or osteoporosis (thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density over time).

How old is a child when they have scoliosis?

Infantile Idiopathic – less than 3 years of age. This form of scoliosis shows up in a very young child, usually as soon as the child can stand upright and begins walking.

How many people have scoliosis?

Scoliosis affects approximately 4% of of the population. These scoliosis cases fall into two groups: Nonstructural Scoliosis and Structural Scoliosis. To determine what causes scoliosis, you must first determine what type of scoliosis.

Diagnosing Scoliosis of the Spine?

Normally, the spine contains a forward-backward curve but when the spine curves sideways, it becomes scoliosis. For a doctor to diagnose scoliosis, the Cobb angle must be greater than 10 degrees. The Cobb Angle measures the curvature of the spine. For scoliosis, this is the angle of maximum deviation from a straight spine.

Types of Scoliosis

The following are two reasons for the different classifications of scoliosis. Two reasons are as follows:

How to Straighten the Spine of Adults with Scoliosis

Treatment of scoliosis usually focuses first on relieving pain and improving the general well-being of the patient — rather than fixing the alignment of the curve. Treatment courses are usually determined by age, health, and the degree of the curve.

Surgical Treatment for Scoliosis Causes and Symptoms

Finally, surgery is usually considered as a last resort in the treatment of scoliosis due to the risks associated with it. Thus, our doctors view surgery as needed for Severe Scoliosis or young people due to cosmetic reasons. Surgery is decided on when the spine specialist determines that the benefits outweigh the risks.

Why Does Scoliosis Develop?

Scoliosis can develop for a number of different reasons, but as you’ll see when you read on, we still have a lot to learn in regards to understanding scoliosis. Here’s a closer look at five causes of scoliosis.

What is congenital scoliosis?

Congenital Scoliosis – Congenital scoliosis is a type of spinal curvature that occurs during fetal development. This type of scoliosis can occur if spinal segments fail to develop properly, or if spinal vertebrae that are supposed to be seperate fuse together during fetal growth.

What is degenerative scoliosis?

Degenerative Scoliosis – As the name implies, degenerative scoliosis develops as a result of natural degeneration of spinal structures. Conditions like arthritis, degenerative disc disease and osteoporosis make our vertebrae more susceptible to moving out of their natural alignment as we get older. Caught early enough, it can typically be treated with non-operative treatment options, like physical therapy and bracing.

What percentage of scoliosis is idiopathic?

Idiopathic Scoliosis – This is the most common type of scoliosis, accounting for anywhere from 80-85 percent of scoliosis cases. Unfortunately, there is no known cause of idiopathic scoliosis.

How many people have scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition that involves an abnormal curvature of your spine. Although the condition only affects about 2-3 percent of the population, that’s upwards of 9 million people here in America.

What to do if your spine is curved?

If you notice that your spine is beginning to take on a curved appearance, or you notice it in a parent or loved one, have them connect with a spine specialist. The earlier the problem is treated, the better treatment tends to be. For more information, reach out to Dr. Sinicropi’s office today.

Can scoliosis affect just one spinal segment?

Congenital scoliosis can affect just one spinal segment, or the whole spine. Neuromuscular Scoliosis – This type of scoliosis develops as a result of an underlying neuromuscular condition, like cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy.

What Causes Scoliosis in Adults?

While idiopathic scoliosis is far more prevalent amongst adolescents, adults can develop it too, although there is an important distinction to understand in terms of causation.

What does it mean when an idiopathic condition is multifactorial?

When an idiopathic condition indicates a multifactorial causation, this means that its onset is considered to be the result of a combination of multiple variables, and these factors can vary from person to person.

What percentage of scoliosis cases are idiopathic?

As mentioned above, 80 percent of known scoliosis cases are classified as idiopathic, but what makes up the other 20 percent? The other 20 percent consists of types of the condition that develop from a specific known cause.

Why do people develop scoliosis?

While we can’t often trace a patient’s scoliosis back to a clear cause, it does seem clear that most cases of idiopathic scoliosis develop due to a combination of factors, some genetic and some environmental.

How rare is scoliosis?

Congenital scoliosis develops in utero due to a bone malformation in the spine. This form is relatively rare, affecting approximately 1 in 10,000 newborns.

When does scoliosis develop in children?

As we have already discussed the cause of scoliosis development in infants before birth in the form of congenital scoliosis, let’s move on to how idiopathic scoliosis develops in children under the age of 2.

How does lifestyle affect the spine?

The lifestyle choices known to adversely affect the health of the spine include not maintaining a healthy weight, practicing poor posture, not exercising enough, and repeatedly lifting heavy objects incorrectly and straining the spine.

What are the symptoms of scoliosis?

The following are the most common symptoms of scoliosis. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

How is scoliosis diagnosed?

In establishing a diagnosis of scoliosis, the physician measures the degree of spinal curvature on the x-ray.

What is a CT scan?

A CT scan shows detailed images of any part of the body, including the bones, muscles, fat, and organs. CT scans are more detailed than general x-rays. Early detection of scoliosis is most important for successful treatment.

What is MRI in medical terms?

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - a diagnostic procedure that uses a combination of large magnets, radiofrequencies, and a computer to produce detailed images of organs and structures within the body.

How many degrees should a curve be on an x-ray?

surgery. Surgery may be recommended when the curve measures 45 degrees or more on an x-ray and bracing is not successful in slowing down the progression of the curve when a person is still growing.

What is the primary diagnostic tool for scoliosis?

In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, x-rays (a diagnostic test which uses invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones, and organs onto film) are the primary diagnostic tool for scoliosis.

How do you know if you have scoliosis?

Symptoms may include: difference in shoulder height. the head is not centered with the rest of the body. difference in hip height or position. difference in shoulder blade height or position.

What is the Main Cause of Scoliosis?

When I diagnose an individual with scoliosis, one of the most common questions I’m asked is what caused the condition, and the answer varies based on the form of scoliosis diagnosed.

Why is neuromuscular scoliosis so difficult to treat?

My neuromuscular scoliosis (NMS) patients are among the most challenging to treat, and this is because the scoliosis develops as a secondary complication of a larger neuromuscular condition, and it's the underlying neuromuscular condition that has to guide the treatment approach.

What is a crooked spine?

Scoliosis is more than just a crooked spine; it’s an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine that also rotates and is of a certain size.

Why is scoliosis considered a mystery?

Part of the reason scoliosis is often described as a ‘mysterious’ condition is because its causation is not fully understood, at least not in the condition’s most prevalent form. Before we move on to what ‘idiopathic’ means and answer some common questions, let’s discuss what parameters must be met to reach a scoliosis diagnosis.

How rare is scoliosis in infants?

This form is rare and affects approximately 1 in 10,000 infants. We know the cause is a structural abnormality within the spine with congenital scoliosis, such as misshapen vertebrae or multiple vertebrae that become fused together instead of forming separate and distinct bones.

How to determine the size of a scoliotic curve?

The size of a scoliotic curve is determined by a measurement known as ‘ Cobb angle ’ and is taken during X-ray as needed.

How many people have scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a highly-prevalent spinal condition currently affecting approximately 7 million Americans. There are multiple types of scoliosis, and causation will depend on the type in question; however, 80 percent of known scoliosis cases are idiopathic, meaning there is no single known cause.

What is structural scoliosis?

Generally speaking, there are two categories of scoliosis - structural scoliosis and nonstructural scoliosis, often known as functional scoliosis, which is actually more of a posture problem or muscle imbalance rather than a true scoliosis. A true structural scoliosis involves spinal rotation in addition to a side-to-side curve of the spine of 10 degrees or more. By definition, nonstructural scoliosis isn’t truly a scoliosis because it does not include rotation of the spine, and it appears to go away when the body is in various positions.

Why is my spine curved?

In other words, nonstructural scoliosis is when the spine appears to be curved, but this curve is most often due to postural problems or irregularities elsewhere in the body.

Why is scoliosis complex?

Rotation of the spine is what makes structural scoliosis complex, because it is a 3-dimensional condition rather than a 2-dimensional condition. When a patient’s spine rotates, specifically their thoracic spine, their torso and ribs can also rotate, causing a concave side and a convex side.

What is the best brace for thoracic scoliosis?

A good alternative to traditional bracing is a 3-D corrective brace, such as the ScoliBrace. Some CLEAR Scoliosis Centers use this as a compliment to the CLEAR approach.

What is sensorimotor reintegration?

Sensorimotor re-integration strategie s involve balance training and postural remodeling. These strategies combined with other modalities within the CLEAR approach can also help correct posture related curves.

What is compensatory classification?

Compensatory classification is when the body is compensating for something else going on, such as a difference in leg length or an unlevel pelvis. Postural classification is due to poor posture from bad habits or muscle imbalance. Posture related curves are often the easiest to correct.

What is a transient scoliosis?

Transient functional scoliosis is typically a temporary response to pain in the body, most often caused by a herniated disc.
