what is the best way to remain on your intended course while evading the enemy

by Prof. Adan Cassin III 8 min read

How does the enemy try to keep you defeated?

One of the most effective strategies the enemy uses to keep you defeated is to stir up pride. Satan fell because of pride, and he wants to take you down with him by getting you prideful. Don’t let yourself fall into it!

How to locate shelter if evading enemy forces?

Choose an area with escape routes 3. Conducting observation from a seated position 4. Disturb the area as little as possible 4. Disturb the area as little as possible What acronym should be used when locating shelter if evading enemy forces? 1. SMEAC 2. EPA 3. BLISS 4. SURIVIAL 3. BLISS

What should I do when the enemy lies to me?

Respond with the truth. You can’t fight thoughts with thoughts, so it’s important to speak out God’s truth when the enemy lies. For example, if the devil says, “You’re not smart enough for that job,” you answer back: “Oh yes, I am, devil.

How do you provide an emergency escape path?

In traffic, the best way for you to provide an emergency escape path is to maintain adequate space to the: Front and at least one side of your vehicle When faced with dangers close to both sides of your pathway, you should give up: More space to the side with the most serious consequences.

How to counteract fear?

The Counterattack for Fear 1 1. Meditate on God’s Word. This is how faith that drives out fear is developed. The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. 2 2. Speak the Word of God. Use it to fight Satan every time he comes against you. Hold up your shield of faith and quench all his fiery darts. Speak words of faith, and fear will depart. 3 Rebuke fear. Whenever you feel fear trying to come on you, don’t stand it for a moment. Say, “Fear, I rebuke you in Jesus’ Name. Now go!” 4 Pray in the spirit. Whenever you’re tempted to be in fear, anxiety or worry, begin immediately to pray in the spirit. It will edify your inner man and bring supernatural peace.#N#FREE GIFT: Learn how to take hold of your full inheritance as a child of God with Recieve as a Child, Live Like a King minibook by Kenneth Copeland.

How to take every thought captive?

Take every thought captive ( 2 Corinthians 10:5 ). To do this, start lining up every thought with the Word of God. John 10:27 says, “My sheep know my voice” (CEV), so when you hear another voice speaking lies, take those lies captive and throw them to the ground before they ever have a chance to take root.

How to get rid of fear?

Whenever you feel fear trying to come on you, don’t stand it for a moment. Say, “Fear, I rebuke you in Jesus’ Name. Now go!”. Pray in the spirit. Whenever you’re tempted to be in fear, anxiety or worry, begin immediately to pray in the spirit.

What happens if you accept your fears as truth?

However, if you accept them as truth (or believe them even for a moment), you’ve fallen for his sly tactic, giving him the upper hand. The enemy knows your insecurities, and he plays on them. He knows the fears you fight against, and he tries his best to feed them by telling you lies.

Why is fear a weapon of Satan?

Fear is Satan’s primary weapon. It’s a spiritual force that begins inside you, and it is totally destructive because it robs you of your faith and peace. It keeps your focus on circumstances instead of the promises in God’s Word.

Does God tempt you to do anything wrong?

God will never tempt you to do anything wrong. In fact, He has given you every tool to resist the devil so he will flee from you ( James 4:7 ). The enemy tempts you to sin—and no one is exempt.

How to provide an escape path in traffic?

In traffic, the best way for you to provide an emergency escape path is to maintain adequate space to the: Front and at least one side of your vehicle. When faced with dangers close to both sides of your pathway, you should give up: More space to the side with the most serious consequences.

What is a railroad advanced warning?

railroad advanced-warning sings are: yellow and round. an odd-numbered interstate with a single or double-digit number indicates a route that: runs north south. a solid yellow centerline on your side of the road means: you may not pass. solid white lines are used: both a and b. A driver's license:

Why is driving courtesy important?

Driving courtesy is important as you share the road with: Al of the above. Drivers of passenger vehicles are at significant risk of serious injury and death when colliding with: Trains. By design, intersections are risky because: Vehicles cross one another's paths of travel at various angles.