what is the best ucat course

by Miss Edythe Schuppe 3 min read


What makes the best UCAT preparation course?

These preparation courses have a very superficial understanding of UCAT and the strategies required to succeed. MedEntry is the best UCAT course, and is run by a team of practicing senior doctors, academics and psychometricians. We are the experts in UCAT and medical entry. 2. The best UCAT course provides quality preparation materials

How difficult is UCAT?

Mar 24, 2021 · The Best UCAT exam preparation and Medical School Interview Preparation course is Blue Peanut. Over 5000 students realising their dreams of becoming a doctor or dentist will agree with us. The unmatched quality, experience and qualifications of our tutors combined with a through system of quality assurance of all our educational materials is testament to this.

Should I take a UCAT online or physical course?

The best UCAT course is the one that suits your learning style. If you prefer live teaching, then the best UCAT courses would be ones that are held live, whether that’s in-person or via a remote classroom. But if you prefer to learn yourself with e-learning, you may find our online course is actually the best UCAT course for you!

What is UCAT and why is it important?

The UCAT Crash Course is the #1 best UCAT preparation course on how to boost your UCAT score rapidly and get into Medicine. It has the highest avg. UCAT score – above companies like Medentry and ICanMed.

How long should u study for UCAT?

How Much Preparation for UCAT. The UCAT website states that the highest scoring candidates dedicated approximately 25 - 30 hours to preparing for the UCAT; therefore they advise allowing six weeks to fully prepare for the exam, with approximately one hour per day study time.Feb 13, 2022

What is the best way to revise for UCAT?

8 Top tips to Score Higher in the UCATPick your date carefully. ... Give Yourself plenty of time. ... Find your weakest section and focus on that. ... Get familiar with the Onscreen test. ... Use different types of preparation. ... Practice under timed conditions. ... Structure your Preparation. ... Stick to your Revision Schedule.Apr 29, 2019

Is 4 weeks enough for UCAT?

UCAT Consortium Universities (UCATCU) claim that intensive, sustained preparation for UCAT is not necessary. They advise that 6 weeks of preparation is sufficient for UCAT.

What is a good UCAT score 2021?

A UCAT score above 650 tends to be a good score. Even if you are up against people with scores well above the average, ensure you apply to universities that will assess you on other components too, such as your grades and your personal statement.

UCAT Is More Important Than Ever. This Is The UCAT Course That Schools Trust!

Applications to Medical School soared by 21% in 2020-21. With exams cancelled, UCAT performance is more important than ever. Our one-day UCAT Courses - either in-person or live online - are packed with doctor-created strategies to help you unlock a better score. Get the early bird rate and save 10% when you book today!

Score In The Top Bands For Situational Judgement

More than 90% of survey respondents who used our UCAT prep scored in Bands A or B for Situational Judgement in 2020.

What Does The UCAT Course Cover?

Our UCAT Courses will cover everything you need to score higher in one day. Our doctor-led academic team ensures courses are 100% up to date, so our timetable might be adapted to account for changes to the exam.

Why Choose This UCAT Course?

Here's why thousands of UCAT takers choose to prepare with The Medic Portal:

Face-to-Face Learning Options Are Back in 2021!

We’ll be teaming up with Dukes schools and other carefully-vetted venues to offer in-person UCAT Courses throughout the UK from Summer 2021. Locations include:

Courses & Packages For Students in Australia & NZ

We’ve got specially timed UCAT Courses for students in Australia and New Zealand. You can see ANZ course times here. Plus, we’ve got special packages for ANZ students this year!

Prefer Private UCAT Tutoring?

Our specialist tutors are here to help! Save up to 25% with multi-hour discounts.

What is the UCAT?

The UCAT – or ‘University Clinical Aptitude Test’ – is an admissions test sat by students applying for medical or dentistry school in the UK. The scores are then used by universities to select students for interview.

Who needs to sit the UCAT?

If you’re hoping to apply for a medicine or dentistry course at a UK university, then you’ll most likely need to sit the test. Some universities ask for the BMAT instead of the UCAT (see the table below), so you may end up needing to do both admissions tests if your five choices consist of UCAT and BMAT universities.

Which universities require the UCAT?

There are currently 33 medical schools and 16 dental schools in the UK, and the majority of these include the UCAT as part of their admissions process.

Where is the UCAT test held?

Much like a driving theory test in the UK, you sit the UCAT at a Pearson Vue test centre. For those that haven’t sat their theory tests or are international applicants, Pearson Vue centres are controlled computer-based test centres.

How to register for the UCAT

The best way to register for the test is to follow the instructions from the UCAT website. They will take you to the Pearson Vue website where you can find your nearest test centre and follow the instructions for booking your test. You’ll need to register and create an account with them.

How to book the UCAT

Once you’ve registered, you’ll be sent a link with booking instructions. At this point, you’ll be asked to pay for the test (see the section below on the cost of sitting the exam). You’ll also be sent links for rescheduling or cancelling should you need to do it.

Cost of sitting the UCAT exam

The cost of the UCAT varies depending on when and where you sit it. The UCAT website will have the details and is updated for each specific year. Generally, the test costs £55 if sat between 1 st July and 31 st August (for applications for the following September), which goes up to £80 between 1 st September and 1 st October.


Kaplan's proven methods and strategies, refined through teaching students since the test launched in 2006, will help you approach test day with complete confidence. You’ll receive all the guidance and tools needed to get great scores on the UCAT exam and stand out on your medical school applications.


Reach your UCAT goals with a complete online preparation course.


Is anyone retaking ucat this year? If you’re using medify, do you watch videos on medify to learn and master the techniques or do you dive into practicing timed questions straightaway? I have 8 weeks to prepare for my exam but am a little clueless on where should I start. Also, have anyone tried the UCAT 30 days challenge by medicblog? How was it?


Hi, I am sitting my UCAT in September this year and wanted a sense of split of questions type in each of the sections. For instance in the DM section there seem to be 9 questions that are based on Syllogisms and the then there are 20 others.

The more I do the worse I get? Help!

My UCAT is in exactly 2 weeks from now and I have only really started doing proper full mocks recently after doing a lot of sectional practice. I have been doing them every second day. My first mock I got 3100, then 2950, then 2750 and today I just got 2600.


Who Runs The UCAT Preparation Course?

  • Unfortunately almost all UCAT preparation courses are run by individuals with few or no relevant qualifications. Their websites and marketing may be slick, but there is very little substance. The implications are that the UCAT preparation courses are poor quality, or even worse, provide misleading advice. It is important to choose a UCAT preparation course run by doctors and aca…
See more on medentry.edu.au

Does The Organisation Specialise in UCAT preparation?

  • Many organisations provide UCAT preparation as only one part of their service to students. They also provide tutoring, and/or preparation for other entry tests. How can a company provide high quality UCAT preparation when they are focused on other projects? It is important to choose an organisation that focuses solely on UCAT preparation and medical entry. All of MedEntry’s exten…
See more on medentry.edu.au

Does The Organisation Offer A UCAT Workshop?

  • Many UCAT preparation organisations do not offer a UCAT workshop. Even worse, some offer boring, time-wasting content run by unqualified people or students. UCAT workshops are important for many reasons. They are the most effective and efficient way to prepare for UCAT. They cover all of the important strategies and techniques for optimising UCAT performance. Wh…
See more on medentry.edu.au

Does The Organisation Have A Large Number of Independent Reviews?

  • Ultimately, it is easy to choose the best UCAT preparation course: simply choose the one with the most and best independent reviews (Google and Facebook). Most UCAT preparation companies have few reviews, or reviews that are curated by their organisation rather than independent. No other UCAT preparation organisation has as many or as high reviews as MedEntry. Our reviews …
See more on medentry.edu.au