what is the best online course for the alabama home builders test

by Alvina Brakus III 5 min read

What type of work can be done with this license?

Home Builder License This license is defined by the state as "One who constructs or offers to construct a residential building less than four stori...

What are the requirements to getting a license?

Experience & Education Applicants who wish to have their experience considered during the application process must include education and work recor...

How do I obtain a license?

Legal Designate a Qualifying Party Be registered with the Alabama Secretary of State Provide proof of General Liability Insurance Provide Current F...

Which exam do I need to take?

Examinations Pass the Alabama HBLB Skill Exam with 56 correct answers (pre-approval is required) Pass the Business & Law Exam with 70% or greater

How do I pass the exam?

To apply for your license, contact the Alabama Home Builders Licensing Board at 334-242-2230 or visit their website.

Why should I choose RocketCert?

Alabama HBLB Skill Exam Total Questions: 80 Passing Score: 70% correct Time: 240 minutes OPEN BOOK Topics include: Plan Reading; Sitework & Foundat...

How do I pass the exam?

The Alabama exams are open book. The references below are permitted to be tabbed, highlighted, and used during your test! Unfortunately, our online course is NOT permitted to be accessed during the State exam.

How do I obtain a license?

To apply for your license, contact the Alabama Home Builders Licensing Board at 334-242-2230 or visit their website.

What is the Alabama Residential Home Builder Prep Course?

The Alabama Residential Home Builder Prep Course includes the online highlighting workshops for each book, audios, printed study guides and unlimited practice exam for both the Trades and Business law exams.

Who needs a license to build a house?

Who Needs A License: A person who constructs a residence or structure for sale or who , for a fixed price, commission, fee, or wage, undertakes or offers to undertake the construction or superintending of the construction, or who manages, supervises, assists, or provides consultation to a homeowner regarding the construction or superintending of the construction, of any residence or structure that is not over three floors in height and that does not have more than four residential units, or the repair, improvement, or reimprovement thereof, to be used by another as a residence when the cost of the undertaking exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the term includes a residential roofer when the cost of the undertaking exceeds two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500). Nothing herein shall prevent any person from performing these acts on his or her own residence or on his or her other real estate holdings. Anyone who engages or offers to engage in any acts described in this subdivision, through advertising or otherwise, shall be deemed to have engaged in the business of residential home building.

How do I renew my Home Builder license in Alabama?

In Alabama, the license expires every year. If you do not complete the required 6 Hours of education by November 30th, there is an additional $50 fee.

How many hours do you need to renew your Alabama driver's license?

6 hours are required for license renewal. With us, 4 hours are available online anytime, and the remaining hours of Alabama specific topics are available through a scheduled webinar.

How many hours of continuing education are required? 6 hours of CE including 2 hours of Alabama-specific coursework

How many hours of continuing education are required? 6 hours of CE including 2 hours of Alabama-specific coursework.

What do I need to do if my license in inactive? 6 hours of CE must be completed to enter active status

What do I need to do if my license in inactive? 6 hours of CE must be completed to enter active status.

What is the Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board?

The Board is authorized to license and regulate the residential construction and remodeling industries in the state , under the authority of Title 34, Section 14A, of the Code of Alabama.

Where to mail a check for a home builder license in Alabama?

Provide a check or money order for $25 made payable to the Home Builders Licensure Board at the Home Builders Licensure Board offices at 445 Herron Street, Montgomery, Alabama 36104 or with a written request mailed to P. O. Box 303605, Montgomery, Alabama 36130-3605. Be sure to state whether you are requesting an unlimited license application package, a limited license application package or a roofers license application package.

How to get an unlimited license in Alabama?

A. To receive an Unlimited License, take and pass the Alabama Home Builders Exams. No authorization is required to take the exams .