what is the average time to finish a udemy course

by Jasper McDermott 9 min read

According to the Udemy support pages, it should take "a few days", or " usually 2 business days ". Keep in mind the time difference between the US and Turkey :). Fingers crossed, and please do keep us posted on the progress.

The average duration of complete Udemy courses is 4 hours 30 minutes. The 1-hour long courses on the platform average about 2,100 enrollments a month. Courses whose length averages 20 hours have 11,400 enrollments a month.

Full Answer

How long does a Udemy course have to be?

In order for the system to detect and calculate the time of your videos, the lectures must be published. Learn how to create and publish lectures. Free courses can only be a maximum of 2 hours in video length. Where the course length can be viewed . The length of your course is advertised on the course landing page in two different locations.

How long did it take you to make $12 on Udemy?

Jul 23, 2019 · According to the Udemy support pages, it should take "a few days", or "usually 2 business days". Keep in mind the time difference between the US and Turkey :). Keep in mind the time difference between the US and Turkey :).

Why did my Udemy course get removed?

When i was studying a course, it told me we can finish that course in 6 weeks, but it took ke 16 weeks to complete, main part of learning from udemy is not just listening and watching videos, the real learning comes when why practice with what you have learned, if you watch a video for 20 mins put two hours on practcing it, this will help you in long run.

Why are most courses on Udemy so cheap?

When i was studying a course, it told me we can finish that course in 6 weeks, but it took ke 16 weeks to complete, main part of learning from udemy is not just listening and watching videos, the real learning comes when why practice with what you have learned, if you watch a video for 20 mins put two hours on practcing it, this will help you in long run.

How long does it take to finish Udemy course?

Udemy, on the other hand, is about teaching you skills — mostly around tech and web design. These classes can be anywhere from 30 minutes long to 60 hours long, and can take weeks to complete.Apr 20, 2021

How many hours should a Udemy course be?

acording to udemy rules a course should have minimum 30 min video content....from 30 min to you can create course as long as you do.. some course has 100 hours content.. Check out your competition @LiekeBeelen and see what they are offering time-wise, always a good place to start.

How long should Udemy lectures be?

Udemy recommends up to 7 minutes. Editing them would be a bit cumbersome because they are on one topic and flow.

Is teaching on Udemy worth it?

Positive reviews of Udemy make some really good points about why Udemy is worth it for instructors – student base, learning, you can teach anything, global students, regular income, etc. “Their biggest benefits are their student base, their instructor training and how you don't have to pay monthly fees.Apr 15, 2020

Is skillshare better than Udemy?

Skillshare and Udemy are both major players in the e-learning industry, and each platform could help you level up your skills. However, after careful consideration, we've concluded that Skillshare is the clear winner if you want to practice what you've learned, interact with peers, and get instructor feedback.Dec 22, 2021

Who makes the most money on Udemy?

Top Udemy instructor course earnings
  • Rob Percival's courses have reached nearly 120,000 students and exceeded $2.8 million in total earnings.
  • Victor Bastos has reached more than 52,000 Udemy students with his courses, which have earned nearly $900,000.
Feb 26, 2015

What percentage Udemy takes?

Each month, Udemy allocates 25% of monthly subscription revenue from Udemy Business customers as the instructor revenue pool. Each instructor's share of this amount is equal to their share of the total minutes consumed across all Udemy Business courses.

Does Udemy certificate have value?

While employers do not directly value certificates of completion of Udemy courses, there are certain qualifications and certifications that they look for on resumes to see if you are a good fit. Remember that a majority of employers will only spend about 10 seconds reading your resume.Dec 31, 2021

How many lectures are required for Udemy?

In order to be approved for the Udemy marketplace, courses must have a minimum of five lectures and at least thirty minutes of video content (note: no video content is needed for “Practice Test Only” courses).

How long can a free course be?

Free courses can only be a maximum of 2 hours in video length.

How many hours are free Udemy courses?

The typical free course I looked at on Udemy contained one to two hours of content, whereas paid courses often had 10, 12, or even 15+ hours of content. Still, the free courses are an excellent way of learning the basics and “testing the waters” in a topic before committing more time and money.

What is udemy course?

Udemy is an online course website offering 130,000+ video courses taught by a variety of instructors in various fields. Topics include everything from web design to software engineering to photography and creative writing.

What are the strengths of Udemy?

Strengths of Udemy’s Online Courses: 1 Generally high-quality video courses that are worth the cost, and often provide value equivalent to courses that cost much more on other e-learning platforms. 2 Many instructors include downloads, links to relevant tools and resources, worksheets, and more, so you’re acquiring a wide range of helpful resources in addition to the video content (However, this depends on the course and instructor). 3 Udemy offers frequent, deep discounts so you can often find great deals and get Udemy courses for below $15 (I’ll share more about this coming up). 4 Money-back guarantee. Udemy courses can be refunded within 30 days of purchase for any reason, according to Udemy’s official website. 5 Lifetime access to courses. Once you pay for a particular course, you’ll have access to that material forever. 6 Student reviews help you find the best courses in any learning topic quickly and easily, and you can also see how long a course is before enrolling.

Why are Udemy courses so cheap?

Most courses on Udemy are cheap because the website relies on high volume to make money. This is normal within the e-learning space and for online courses in general. While creating a course requires a lot of time and effort upfront, it doesn’t cost the teacher or Udemy any additional money to bring on each additional student. The lessons are already created and ready to be viewed.

What is the Udemy course structure?

The typical courses on Udemy are well-structured, with distinct sections to help you make better sense of the information and stay organized as you work through the material. Udemy’s platform also does a great job of tracking progress so you know where you’ve left off.

How much does Udemy cost?

Now you’re probably wondering, “How much do Udemy courses cost?” Udemy courses typically range from $19.99 to $129.99 USD, with some shorter, more basic courses offered for free.

How to see if a class on Udemy has a certificate?

If a particular class on Udemy includes a certificate of completion, you’ll see it among the course details just before clicking “Add to cart” when viewing the course. Look for the section entitled, “This course includes.”

How much does a course cost on Udemy?

Anyone can create a course for the Udemy platform. Most courses are paid – usually selling for $10 to $20 – while some are free. Udemy was launched in 2010. 1 The company refers to itself as “the leading global marketplace for learning and instruction.”. Numbers from the Udemy website:

What is Udemy course?

Udemy offers courses on almost every topic imaginable, from dog training to sewing to political science. They also offer plenty of courses to help you build an online business.

How long does a Udemy coupon last?

Unfortunately, legit Udemy coupon codes are rare. Udemy instructors can create coupon codes for their own courses, but those codes only work for a maximum of 31 days. Udemy itself occasionally publishes a sitewide coupon code, but those also expire within a few days/weeks.

How to get a refund on Udemy?

To request a refund on a Udemy course you bought within the last 30 days, click into the course and find the request a refund option in the top-right menu. Once you select that option, you’ll have to fill out a couple of forms to request your refund. This is what it looked like for me….

How is Udemy pronounced?

According to Udemy’s official YouTube channel, Udemy is pronounced You-deh-me, with the emphasis on the first syllable. The name comes from the combination of You + Academy ( source ). When spoken quickly, Udemy almost sounds like you-to-me. Others say it sounds more like you-dummy.

How to see when a Udemy video was uploaded?

If you want to know when the videos for a Udemy course were uploaded, use the “inspect” tool on your browser and look for the date of the thumb-sprites.jpg file.

What are some alternatives to Udemy?

There are many alternatives to Udemy. Some of the most popular are Udacity, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda), and Skillshare.
