what is the arizona landscapes course

by Mr. Deon Barton 6 min read

The Arizona Certified Landscape Professional (ACLP) is an educational program for those aspiring to be professional landscapers. ALCA schedules series of workshops and online exams covering 10 topics designed for interaction and hands-on learning.

Full Answer

How do I become an AZ landscape professional?

What is the Garden & Landscape Short Course? The Short Course is a practical, hands-on, in-depth view of the principles required to grow healthy outdoor plants in the desert southwest. We will discuss useful garden and landscape plants and define procedures for identifying, diagnosing, and treating their common everyday problems.

What is the curriculum of the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture program?

Apr 04, 2020 · This course is broad exploration of individuals from diverse backgrounds who have helped shape the American landscape. Examination of original writings, and built environments including cities, parks, gardens, vernacular expressions, and preserves of wild, scenic, and cultural landscapes will provide the framework for discussion about landscape …

What are the two emphases of this course on landscape planning?

Apr 18, 2019 · Blueprint Reading Course. Those looking to get an Arizona landscaping license should be able to read construction blueprints and identify basic lines and symbols. Construction blueprints communicate important information about the way in which a structure is built as well as what materials are necessary or have been used for its construction.

Why become an ACLP certified Landscape Professional?

The Arizona Certified Landscape Professional (ACLP) is an educational program for those aspiring to be professional landscapers. ALCA schedules series of workshops and online exams covering 10 topics designed for interaction and hands-on learning. Participants will be declared an AZ Certified Landscape Professional when he/she receives a minimum score of 70% on each …

What states have landscaping licenses?

If you are looking to get work in another state you can find information about landscaping contractor licenses in: California , Utah, and Louisiana.

Who can see my Arizona contractor experience?

The Arizona Registrar of Contractors may request to see the documentation of your experience.

What is reciprocity in Arizona?

Arizona Contractor License Reciprocity Agreement. Contractor License reciprocity is an agreement between the Contractor licensing boards of two different states. It can mean that they have similar building standards, allowing contractors to work freely between states.

How old do you have to be to get a contractor license in Arizona?

To get an Arizona contractor license you must meet the following basic requirements: Be at least 18 years of Age. Form of USA Issued Identification. Social Security Number. Not Currently On Probation or Parole. You Must also have. 4 Years of Journeyman Level Experience.

How to get a CR-21 in Arizona?

To get the CR-21 landscaping license in Arizona you will need to pass a two-part exam. The first part of the exam covers business management. All contractors must pass this exam. As a contractor, you must have a basic knowledge of proper business practices and accounting. These laws are put in place to protect the consumer public.

Does Arizona have a Journeyman roofer certification?

Arizona has no journeyman roofer certification. The definition of a journeyman can vary based on your region. The universal expectation of a journeyman is that they can perform all of the duties associated with their trade un-supervised. A Journeyman is someone who has demonstrated a level of mastery in their trade.

Do landscaping contractors need OSHA certification?

For employment with a landscaping contractor, you may be asked to complete some level of Arizona OSHA Safety Training. Learn more about OSHA Certifications!

What is the emphasis of landscape ecology?

The emphasis of this course is the understanding and subsequent use of principles of landscape ecology. This will be accomplished through the study of how spatial heterogeneity in landscapes influences various ecological processes in natural and created landscapes.

What is a lab in landscape design?

Laboratories focus on identification and description of native and select exotic landscape plants frequently used in landscape design and revegetation in the Southwest . Lectures emphasize terminology, plant care and maintenance and influence of site conditions and requirements on plant selection.

What is a CLARB course?

This technical course prepares students to complete construction documents according to industry standards established by the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) and the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). Students develop site grading and drainage plans, site material specification plans, dimensioning plans, and construction details. Students learn professional standards for technical drawing layout applicable for construction. The course prepares students for professional practice and licensure.

How long is the BLA program?

The robust, studio-based curriculum of the four-year Bachelor of Landscape Architecture is informed by our long-standing, fully accredited Master of Landscape Architecture program. The BLA is taught by award-winning faculty and provides a comprehensive understanding of professional practice, design approaches and creative problem-solving.

Landscape Design School

The National Garden Clubs (NGC) Landscape Design School (LDS) offers a series of four 10-hour courses covering the history of landscape design as well as instruction from landscape architects in a variety of design techniques used in home and municipal settings.

The next course is Series 2 Course 3

In conjunction with the Maricopa County Master Gardeners, the Arizona Federation of Garden Clubs will hold NGC Landscape Design School Series 2 Course 3 on the weekend of October 31 and November 1.


ALCA consists of a network of over 420 professional landscape and affiliated companies representing approximately 26,000 workers. Our mission is to provide the education and government representation resulting in the enhanced professionalism of members and the public’s perception of the Landscape Contractors and the Green Industry.

Landscaping Tips - Plant Responses to Early Spring Fever

The seasonal events in the life cycle of plants are regulated by a number of environmental cues including temperature and day length. How do plants survive during colder temperatures? Woody plants start preparing for winter by shunting the water in their twigs, branches and trunks to their core and root system.

How many hours of study is required for gardening at the University of Arizona?

Course and Weekly Time Requirements: 6 hours approximately of weekly study time, reading and videos, at the convenience of your schedule.

What is master gardener training?

Master Gardener Training classes are taught by University of Arizona Cooperative Extension faculty, industry professionals and other horticulture experts. Students will learn the fundamentals of selecting, installing, and maintaining healthy, appropriate landscapes and gardens for the Arizona low desert. The course fee covers the books and materials.

How many hours do you need to be a certified gardener?

To receive the title Certified Master Gardener, participants must complete the training program and earn an additional 30 hours ...

When is Maricopa County Master's 2021?

Notification of Acceptance: November 4, 2021 . Tuition: $275.00 payment is due in full by November 23, 2021. Location: Course location is online anywhere with an internet connection, usually in the convenience of the home. A computer or tablet and internet service is required for this online course. Who Should Apply to be a Maricopa County Master ...

When does Master Gardener volunteer training start?

The Master Gardener Volunteer training is provided twice a year, a Spring session starting in January and a Fall session starting in July.
