what is the appropriate course of action for a 13s qc failure?

by Tiara Connelly 6 min read

Which of the following actions represents the best course of action for a 13s quality control failure? Do not release patient results and rerun the control material that failed.

What is a 3s limit on a QC?

Jul 20, 2016 · Resolving QC failures. July 20, 2016. W. Greg Cooper. Most medical technologists and technicians, responsible for outputting test results as quickly and reliably as possible, hate it when their smooth flow of work is abruptly interrupted by an out-of-control QC rule flag. Suddenly they are faced with delayed reports, the prospect of a ...

What is the first step in troubleshooting in quality control?

Aug 13, 2015 · Randox Quality Control's next 'Improving Laboratory Performance Through Quality Control' educational guide has been published with helpful tips that your laboratory can use in order to ensure it has effective troubleshooting procedures in place.

What should I do if a QC rule has been broken?

The QC design here is apparently to use 3 SD limits with 3 different control materials (1 3s with N=3 in our terminology). The correct interpretation for that control procedure is to reject a run if any one of the QC’s exceeds a 3s limit. It’s very unlikely that a …

Who is responsible for Quality Control (QC)?

Yes, a QC test is like a diagnostic test! The QC test attempts to identify problems with the normal operation of an analytical testing process, whereas the diagnostic test attempts to identify problems with the normal operation of a person. Appropriate action or treatment depends on correctly identifying the problem.

What should you do if your QC test fails?

If a cause cannot be found, then the laboratory should perform comprehensive instrument maintenance followed by recalibration. The control materials are retested, and if the results are out of control, then the laboratory must continue to sequester all patient results and undertake a root cause analysis.20 Jul 2016

What action should be taken first if there is a 2 2s rule violation?

When two consecutive controls are greater than ± 2 SD units from the mean, what should you do first? Recalibrate, then repeat controls followed by patient specimen results if QC is acceptable.

What is QC error?

Random error is any deviation away from an expected result. For QC results, any positive or negative deviation away from the calculated mean is defined as random error.

What single rule would cause the rejection of a run of QC?

A run is rejected when a single control measurement exceeds the mean plus 3s or the mean minus 3s control limit.

What is the 2SD rule?

Westgard rule 22s states that if two consecutive control measurements across runs exceed the same mean -2 standard deviations (SD) or exceed the same mean +2SD, or, within a run, if two consecutive control values are outside the same 2 SD, the run must be rejected.

What is LJ chart in biochemistry?

A Levey–Jennings chart is a graph that quality control data is plotted on to give a visual indication whether a laboratory test is working well. The distance from the mean is measured in standard deviations.

When should QC ranges be adjusted?

Run the current QC lot and verify that the QC material is within range. Then run the new QC lot 2 to 3 times throughout the day ideally for a minimum of seven to ten days before the old lot expires.

What is QC error on Meesho?

To succeed as a seller on Meesho, it is necessary for your uploaded catalog quality to be in perfect state. If there are any issues, Meesho's Quality Check team will raise a listing error.

What causes a shift in quality control?

A shift occurs when the quality control results are all distributed on one side of the mean or the other for 5 to 7 consecutive days. Shifts occur because of systematic error. A new lot of reagent might have inadvertently been used, or a method that is not calibrated can cause a shift to occur.18 Nov 2017

What is the minimum requirement for performing QC for a total protein assay?

What is the minimum requirement for performing QC for a total protein assay? The minimum requirement for frequency of quality control for a general chemistry analyte (based upon the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act, 1988) is two levels of control assayed every 24 hours.

Which QC rule is most sensitive for detecting random error?

Run 14 The control results for the high material exceeds its +2s limit and the control result for the low material exceeds its -2s limit, therefore an R4s rule violation has occurred. This most likely indicates a random error.

Which of the following conditions is cause for rejecting an analytical run?

An analytical run is rejected when two controls within the same run have an algebraic difference in excess of 4s (R4s). The R4S rule is applied only to controls within a run (Level 1 - Level 2), never across runs or days.

What Is A Multirule QC Procedure?

First, a non-technical description. When my daughter Kristin was young and living at home, she liked to party. One day when she told me she was aga...

What Are The "Westgard Rules"?

For convenience, we adopt a short hand notation to abbreviate different decision criteria or control rules, e.g., 12s to indicate 1 control measure...

What Are Other Common Multirules?

In situations where 3 different control materials are being analyzed, some other control rules fit better and are easier to apply, such as:

How Do You Perform Multirule Qc?

You collect your control measurements in the same way as you would for a regular Levey-Jennings control chart. You establish the means and standard...

Why Use A Multirule QC Procedure?

Multirule QC procedures are obviously more complicated than single rule procedures, so that's a disadvantage. However, they often provide better pe...

Are There Similiar Strategies For QC Testing and Diagnostic Testing?

Yes, a QC test is like a diagnostic test! The QC test attempts to identify problems with the normal operation of an analytical testing process, whe...

Are There Similar Performance Characteristics For QC and Diagnostic Tests?

This background variation causes false alarms that waste time and effort. These false alarms are more properly called false positives for a diagnos...

How Do You Use Multiple Tests to Optimize Performance?

Another approach for optimizing diagnostic performance is to use multiple tests. To improve sensitivity, two or more tests are used together and a...

When Should You Use A Multirule QC Procedure?

Not always! Sometimes a single rule QC procedure gives you all the error detection needed while at the same time maintaining low false rejections....

For More Information, See These References

1. Westgard JO, Barry PL, Hunt MR, Groth T. A multi-rule Shewhart chart for quality control in clinical chemistry. Clin Chem 1981;27:493-501. 2. We...

What is the correct interpretation for that control procedure?

The correct interpretation for that control procedure is to reject a run if any one of the QC’s exceeds a 3s limit. It’s very unlikely that a control outside of 3s is a false rejection. Something is definitely wrong, which turned out to be the control material itself.

What is Westgard QC?

WESTGARD QC promotes the latest news, education, and tools in the quality control field. Our goal is to bring tools, technology and training into today's healthcare industry — by featuring QC lessons, QC case studies and frequent essays from leaders in the quality control area. This is also a reference source for quality requirements, including CLIA requirements for analytical quality. This website features the best explanation of the Multirule ("Westgard Rules") and how to use them. For laboratory and healthcare professionals looking for educational and reference material in the quality control field.

Is QC blanket rule?

Like many labs, this laboratory appears to be applying blanket rules for QC, which means that individual methods may be over-controlled or under-controlled. The immediate answer is, if you have decided to use the 2s control rule or the R4s control rule, you need to enforce it every time, not just selectively.

Can outliers be used in QC?

If the control rules being used are tighter than necessary (for example, 2s limits), than the “outliers” may actually be acceptable if the QC were properly designed. And if the QC were properly designed, those outliers would actually be “in-liers” and they would rightly be used in the calculation of ranges.

What is 13s in Levey-Jennings chart?

You can click on a graphic to get a larger picture that more clearly illustrates the application of each control rule. 13s refers to a control rule that is commonly used with a Levey-Jennings chart when the control limits are set as the mean plus 3s and the mean minus 3s.

What is multirule QC?

A multirule QC procedure uses two or more statistical tests (control rules) to evaluate the QC data, then rejects a run if any one of these statistical tests is positive.

What is 1 2s rule?

In manual applications, a 1 2s rule should be used as a warning to trigger application of the other rules, thus anytime a single measurement exceeds a 2s control limit, you respond by inspecting the control data using the other rules. It's like a yield or warning sign at the intersection of two roads.

Is a single rule QC procedure adequate?

In general, you will find that single rule QC procedures are adequate for your highly automated and very precise chemistry and hematology analyzers, but you should avoid using 2s control limits or the 1 2s control rule to minimize waste and reduce costs.

Do I need to use 1 2s warning?

Computer applications don't need to use the 1 2s warning rule. You should be able to select the individual rejection rules on a test-by-test basis to optimize the performance of the QC procedure on the basis of the precision and accuracy observed for each analytical method and the quality required by the test.

Is QC a diagnostic test?

Yes, a QC test is like a diagnostic test! The QC test attempts to identify problems with the normal operation of an analytical testing process, whereas the diagnostic test attempts to identify problems with the normal operation of a person. Appropriate action or treatment depends on correctly identifying the problem.