what is the 2891 connections course

by Ms. Rhianna Senger 3 min read


The study of agriculture falls into two categories: exploring agriculture education and basic agricultural science and technology. In exploring agriculture education, sixth grade students are introduced to agriculture in the United States and Georgia, including horticulture, animal science, and agriculture career clusters.


Band students commit to a year-long course of study. Instruction helps to build music literacy sequentially. Sixth grade offers beginning band; seventh is called intermediate; eighth grade band is advanced.


Chorus students commit to a year-long course of study. Chorus builds skills in music literacy sequentially. Using voice as the musical instrument, learning includes reading music with solfege syllables and counting rhythms. Sixth grade offers beginning chorus; seventh is called intermediate; eighth grade chorus is advanced.

Computer Literacy

The goal of these courses is to provide all middle school students with an introduction to the principles of computer science, basic keyboarding skills, Internet safety and usage, and computer applications including word processing, spreadsheet, slide show, and desktop publishing.

Family and Consumer Science

The goal of family and consumer science classes is to provide students with an introduction to the required Career Pathways offered at the high school level. Student acquire fundamental knowledge and skills needed for success in each of the career pathway areas and explore career possibilities associated with each area.


The goal of Health is to teach students about healthy lifestyles, how to interpret health information, and how to make choices to promote good health. Students are taught to generate and choose positive alternatives to risky behaviors.

Physical Education

The physical education courses introduce students to a variety of sports. Students learn the rules of play and have the opportunity to actually participate in the sport. Sports studied include diamond sports (baseball, softball), basketball, football, volleyball, soccer, golf, fitness, bowling, badminton, horseshoes, shuffleboard, and Frisbee.

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