what is star instruction course refereeing

by Nico Deckow 4 min read

What are the referee courses?

The courses feature, among other things, fitness tests, analysis of match situations to help referees in the constant search for improvement and consistency in decision-making, and exchanges of experiences and ideas among the refereeing fraternity. In 2013, the leading women referees were also invited to UEFA's referee courses for the first time.

How do I become a USSF referee?

Becoming a United States Soccer Federation (USSF) new referee, you must complete the required online coursework, pass the online Grassroots new referee training test by scoring a minimum of 75%, as well as attend a 3-hour in-person course for the practical training session.

How do I become a referee in Indiana?

You can also contact the District Referee Administrator (DRA) in your area. We generally schedule 40-50 training classes throughout the state of Indiana. The new referee training/classes are scheduled between September and March and not during the playing season.

How much does it cost to become a referee?

Enter payment information. The first time grassroots referee course fee is $96 for a minor aged (17 or younger) referee which does not require a Background Screening. The course fee for adults is $126 which includes an additional $30 for a required Background Screening.

How do you become a FIFA referee?

To be nominated as a FIFA Referee, you need to be at least 25 years (23 years for Assistant Referees) and at most 35 years of age on 1 January in the first year of nomination. The candidate will be required to be re-nominated and undergo medical and FIFA fitness tests every year.

What skills do you gain from refereeing?

excellent verbal communication skills. concentration skills. the ability to think clearly using logic and reasoning.

How do you become a referee?

Here are the steps that you can take to become a professional referee:Obtain a high school diploma or equivalent.Choose the sport you want to officiate.Obtain specific training.Complete state registration.Gain experience for career advancement.Become certified.

How do you become a PSL referee?

You become a referee by attending and successfully completing a referee training course. – SAFA authorized two entry-level referee certifications: Referee Grade 1 and Referee Grade 2. Look for soccer clubs near you and find out what you need to do to join and what payments are expected.

How much do referee get paid?

In addition to a yearly retainer that ranges between $50,700 to $55,300 and $1,500 per game. Umpires officiating international matches in the UEFA and European leagues receive up to $263,000.

What age can you become a referee?

14 years oldHow old do you have to be to become a referee? 14 years old is the minimum age you must be to qualify as a referee.

What qualifications do you need to be a referee in football?

The 3 Steps to Becoming a Football RefereeContact your local County FA. Your local CFA will have a dedicated Referee Development team. ... Take a course. The first course you take will get you to grips with the laws of the game and provide you with the necessary practical skills. ... Get some experience.

How do you become a top referee?

How can I become the next top referee? To become a top referee at the Premier League and international level, it takes talent, dedication, experience and fitness. Referees in the Select Group (those who officiate on the Premier League) all started out on a basic referees course.

What are the qualities of an officiating official?

Qualities such as integrity, honesty, trustworthiness and respect are integral to the role of the official. This includes how they behave and relate to others prior to, during and after competition, how they present themselves as an official, and how they go about their role.

HOW MUCH DO PSL referees get paid?

An entry level referee (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of R158,221. On the other end, a senior level referee (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of R209,167.

Who is the best referee in South Africa?

1. Jerome Damon (1972 - ) With an HPI of 51.40, Jerome Damon is the most famous South African Referee.

How do you become a professional referee in South Africa?

– You become a referee by attending and successfully completing a referee training course. – SAFA authorized two entry-level referee certifications: Referee Grade 1 and Referee Grade 2. Look for soccer clubs near you and find out what you need to do to join and what payments are expected.

How will you improve your officiating skills?

How do referees improve? Read the Rulebook. Refs enforce the rules so it's obviously vitally important to know what the rules are and all it takes is a couple of hours to read the rulebook. ... Referee Games -- and critique yourself. The game can be a great teacher. ... Be Fit. ... Attend Clinics.

How do you put a referee on a resume?

How to include referees on your resumelist each referee, providing their name, job title and contact details.list only the name and job title of your referees, with 'Contact details available on request' written underneath. You then give their contact details when asked.

What are the responsibilities of a referee?

The role of the referee is to ensure that all of the rules (or laws) of the game are followed by performers. The referee can apply the rules on the field of play, although a referee can also manage the game from off‐field. An example of when a referee is used is in football.

What are the Behaviours of a referee?

Be pro-active to avoid situations of dangerous, unfair or foul play. Promptly deal with any demonstration of un-sportsman-like, foul or unfair play (enforce the “Spirit of the Game”). Encourage and enforce the philosophies of “Everyone Plays”, “Positive Coaching” and “Good Sportsmanship”. Acknowledge good play.

How does the Star program work?

Instead, the STAR Program uses the vehicles themselves, by comparing vehicles with similar model-year, make, model, engine displacement, mileage, etc. The reasoning for this analysis is that the characteristics of the vehicles, regardless of where they are registered, are better indicators of consumer behavior and one's financial means than is the address at which one resides. For instance, it is highly likely that the average owners of 1991 Saturn Coupes with 150,000 miles will have a lot more in common with each other than people who just happen to live within a mile of each other. In other words, the best information available to help correct for differences in station demographics are the vehicles themselves. For this reason, all of the STAR performance measures take into account the specific vehicles inspected by each station, and compares to similar vehicles inspected statewide.

How long can you be on the Star program?

Stations that have their STAR certification invalidated by BAR are not eligible to apply for the STAR Program for at least six months. A station or any of its inspectors also cannot have received a citation within the last year or have been the subject of a BAR administrative action with the last three years.

What happens if a station has an inspector entered into their analyzer with an FPR score that does not meet?

If a station has an inspector entered into their analyzer with an FPR score that does not meet STAR standards, the station may have difficulty having their application approved for the STAR Program. Additionally, a STAR certified station may be in jeopardy of having its STAR certification invalidated by BAR for having an inspector entered into their analyzer with an unacceptable FPR score. Refer to the FPR Eligibility Chart for more information.

How are STAR standards set?

Standards for the STAR performance measures are set by evaluating stations and inspectors against other stations and inspectors throughout the Smog Check Program. For an explanation of how each STAR performance measure is evaluated, visit the STAR Report Card page.

What is SVFR in testing?

The Similar Vehicle Failure Rate (SVFR) compares the initial test failure rate for vehicles inspected at each station to the initial test failure rate for similar vehicles statewide. The FPR is similar in concept, however, it measures whether the actual vehicles certified by each station or inspector in the last cycle are passing in the current cycle at a higher or lower rate than expected in comparison to other similar vehicles inspected throughout the state.

When is an FPR score generated?

An FPR score will only be generated once there is a sufficient volume of follow-up inspections performed on vehicles previously certified by that station or inspector. In most cases, a station or inspector without an FPR score will not be an issue in determining a station's eligibility for the STAR Program.

What is a non-star repair station?

Non-STAR test-and-repair stations can repair both directed and non-directed vehicles. Repair-Only: are licensed only to perform repairs, and not Smog Check inspections. As such, repair-only stations are not eligible for the STAR Program.

What is the first step in refereeing?

FIRST STEP . The first step of your referee instruction is completing the online lessons .

How much does it cost to become a referee?

The registration and clinic fee is $85. You must be age 13 or older on the day you register to become a referee. TO START.

How long does it take to complete SafeSport?

Everyone must complete Lessons 2 – 7. Lesson 8, SafeSport Training, is required for referees 18 years or older. Lesson 8 will show as Complete for referees who are not 18. The first time SafeSport Training takes about 90 minutes to complete. Subsequent annual SafeSport Training takes about 15 minutes to complete.

What color is the referee's shirt?

We recommend that you procure a complete referee uniform/equipment kit, which includes a referee shirt (yellow is the primary color), referee shorts, referee socks, referee flags, whistle, yellow and red cards, etc. The kit will provide the best value and all of your referee equipment.

How many parts are there in the Learning Center?

There are five Parts to the Learning Center course. You must complete each Part in sequence. As you progress through the Grassroots Referee Course, you must view everything on a page/slide. You will have to click on each option to read or watch a video.

How to use referee's name?

Enter the referee’s name, gender, and date of birth. Use the referee’s legal first or given name and legal last or family name. This will be the name that appears on the referee's license. Therefore, it’s recommended not to use a nickname or abbreviation because using a nickname or abbreviation may cause problems with matching your license information with other system information. Enter the referee’s gender and date of birth. The referee’s birthday is necessary to determine course eligibility and course assignment requirements.

How to contact US Soccer referee?

If the system cannot find an exact match and you know you have historical referee records (you have been a referee before) contact US Soccer by emailing [email protected] for assistance. After successfully creating an account, you will be taken to your user profile. From there, click COURSES at the top of the page to find and register of a course.

How to be a referee in Louisiana?

To be a referee, you must be registered and certified. This means taking the 2022 Louisiana First Time Grassroots Referee course OR the 2022 Louisiana Grassroots Referee Recertification course through US Soccer’sLearning Center. The new first time referee course has online assignments and an in person field training session. The recertification course is 100% on-line.

How much does a grassroots referee course cost?

The first time grassroots referee course fee is $96 for a minor aged (17 or younger) referee which does not require a Background Screening. The course fee for adults is $126 which includes an additional $30 for a required Background Screening. (background screening valid for 2 years) Click PAY NOW. Next you will be directed to the classroom page displaying tabs across the top of the page. Select the ASSIGNMENTS tab to see what you have to do for this course. If you don’t see the tabs, click Courses/My Courses/Go To Classroom. To access each Assignment, click on the right facing arrow above the assignment or the right facing arrow next to the percent complete.

What are the next pages of a course?

The next pages are instructions for finding and registering for a course.

Where does US Soccer start?

It all starts at US Soccer’sLearning Center - http://learning.ussoccer.com

Can you find a match for a referee license?

If an exact match on first name, last name, and date of birth is found, then the system will attempt to import your past referee licenses. As a new first time referee, it is normal not to find a match.

What is an area referee administrator?

Area Referee Administrators form the integration hub of assessors, assignors, and instructors. They focus on the success of referees in their local geographic areas, while assisting the State Referee Administrator in a variety of activities.

When will the 2022 referee clinic start?

New Referee Registration Ongoing. Clinic registration and instruction for new referees for 2022 began on 5 July 2021 and should continue through April 2022. As soon as you complete the online training and, then, the field training session you will receive your 2022 referee badge and can begin refereeing.

Who is Chuck the referee?

Chuck is a current National Referee Coach and most recently served as the Area Director of Assessments (ADA) for the Central area. Prior to that, he was the ADA for the North area. Chuck began his referee career in 1980 and achieved the grade of National Referee before retiring from active officiating.

Can a referee with an expired SafeSport license officiate?

Referees with expired SafeSport training are disqualified from officiating , so complete the free 20-minute online refresher before your SafeSport expires to maintain your referee license.

General Information

  • What is the STAR Program?
    The STAR Program is a certification program for both test-only and test-and-repair Smog Check stations that wish to certify directed and gross-polluting vehicles. STAR test-and-repair stations also must provide repair assistance services under BAR's Consumer Assistance Program.
  • When did the STAR Program begin?
    The STAR Program began January 1, 2013.
See more on bar.ca.gov

Station Types

  • What station types are in the Smog Check Program?
    Smog Check stations can be licensed as either a test-only, test-and-repair, or repair-only station. Both test-only and test-and-repair stations may apply for STAR certification. As a result, there are four possible station types allowed to inspect vehicles: 1. STAR Test-Only:cannot repair vehicles…
  • If I own a test-only station but choose not to participate in the STAR Program, can I still inspect "…
    No, only STAR certified stations may inspect directed and gross-polluting vehicles.
See more on bar.ca.gov

Star Certification

  • How long does a station have to be in business before it can become STAR certified?
    Stations may be eligible for STAR certification once they have a passing score on the short-term measures from the previous calendar quarter. View your score by visiting the STAR Report Cardpage on BAR's website.
  • Can a station's STAR certification be transferred to a prospective buyer or new owner of the stati…
    No. A station's STAR certification is not transferable to a prospective buyer or new owner. Upon change of ownership, the new owner must apply for a new automotive repair dealer registration and Smog Check license and may apply for STAR certification when eligibility requirements are …
See more on bar.ca.gov

Star Scores

  • What source of data is used to generate the STAR performance scores?
    All STAR performance scores are calculated using data collected by the Smog Check inspection equipment during a vehicle inspection.
  • How can stations and inspectors find their STAR Program scores?
    Visit the STAR Report Cardpage to check STAR scores.
See more on bar.ca.gov

Short-Term Performance Measures

  • Where can I learn more about STAR Program performance measures?
    The STAR Report Card page and Industry STAR page both contain detailed information on STAR performance measures.
  • Are STAR test-and-repair stations evaluated for repair effectiveness?
    Repair effectiveness is not evaluated as part of the STAR Program. AB 2289 (Eng, Chapter 258, Statutes of 2010)specifically precludes BAR from using different performance measures for both test-only and test-and-repair stations in the STAR Program. Since test-only stations do not perfo…
See more on bar.ca.gov

Max Readiness Monitors

  • Is the Max Readiness Monitor performance measure still in effect since the implementation of t…
    On May 4, 2015, BAR implemented new readiness monitor standards for OBD II inspections. In coordination with that change, Max Readiness Monitors ceased to be a STAR performance measure. This change is reflected on the STAR report card beginning with the second quarter 20…
  • When I repair a failing vehicle, I make sure all of the OBD II monitors have run prior to certifying it…
    Vehicles with underlying defects that are certified even though the offending OBD II monitor hasn't yet run will tend to fail their initial inspection at a higher rate in the next inspection cycle. This will tend to drive down the FPR scores for stations and inspectors that previously certified these veh…
See more on bar.ca.gov

Incorrect Gear Selection

  • My BAR-97 emissions inspection system often has difficulty picking up a stable engine RPM sig…
    The one STAR performance measure that uses the engine RPM reading is "Incorrect Gear Selection." For that measure, ASM test results accompanied by abnormally high RPM readings are flagged as having been shifted into the incorrect gear during an ASM test mode. Normally, anten…
  • For the Incorrect Gear Selection measure, will a station be penalized if many of the vehicles it in…
    No, the Incorrect Gear Selection measure is fairly lenient and allows for some variation in tire size without identifying an inspection as being driven in the incorrect gear. The underlying question is whether or not inspectors can alter the Smog Check procedures to accommodate a vehicle that …
See more on bar.ca.gov

Follow-Up Pass Rate

  • Can I participate in the STAR Program if I have an inspector entered into my analyzer who has a l…
    If a station has an inspector entered into their analyzer with an FPR score that does not meet STAR standards, the station may have difficulty having their application approved for the STAR Program. Additionally, a STAR certified station may be in jeopardy of having its STAR certificatio…
  • If a STAR certified station has an inspector entered into their analyzer whose FPR score drops to…
    Stations are subject to having their STAR certification invalidated any time an inspector entered into their analyzer does not meet the FPR score requirements. The invalidation process will include notification to the station and an opportunity to mitigate the issue or to appeal the propo…
See more on bar.ca.gov