what is ssfu course

by Francisco Swaniawski 7 min read

What is SFU known for?

Mar 03, 2020 · Some top courses offered by Simon Fraser University are Engineering, Arts & Sciences, Business, International Studies, Biological Sciences, etc. Check out, programs at SFU Admission Requirements: The university has 37,000+ students, out of all 8,600 students are international hailing from 130 countries.

How many courses are offered at SFU?

Course Sections in Canvas. For all credit courses with a tutorial or lab section, students will be enrolled in more than one course section. Every course will have a default section. It takes the format of. For organization, instructional roles such as TAs and instructors are put into this section. It is not synced with SIMs.

Are there any easy classes at Simon Fraser University?

Courses by Subject. Please Note: If a course is offered this term, it will have information such as section, instructor, day/time, location and a link to the course outline. If this information is not provided, please see the course schedule or the department for the most up to date information regarding course offerings.

When does the SFU Q Course list get updated?

Answer (1 of 2): Yes, worked out very well. Buying his course (read: Investing) was one of the best decisions I have ever taken. Note: this course is not a magic pill, you HAVE to put in the work. Some after affects below. I invested in the course in Feb 2016 and I’ll just share a few highlight...

What courses are in SFU?

AAccounting (Business)Actuarial Science.African Studies.Anthropology.Anthropology and Communication.Anthropology and Criminology.Anthropology and Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Joint Major.Anthropology and Linguistics.More items...

What is an SFU unit?

The solar flux unit (sfu) is a convenient measure of spectral flux density often used in solar radio observations, such as the F10. 7 solar activity index: 1 sfu = 104 Jy = 10−22 W⋅m−2⋅Hz−1 = 10−19 erg⋅s−1⋅cm−2⋅Hz−1. See jansky for further information about related units.

What is SFU known for?

SFU is recognized around the world for excellence, innovation, and sustainability. We are consistently ranked among the top research universities in Canada and as one of the top 250 universities in the world.

What is SFU work study?

The Work-Study Program is an opportunity for students to participate in research-based projects and earn a supplemental income. Students will gain valuable experience connecting with various members of the SFU community. ... Successful applicants will be awarded 140 Work-Study hours for a term.

What is the difference between SFU and FSU?

Switch Fuse Unit (SFU): In this unit, the switch is seperate and the fuse is installed external to the switch. The fuse is stationery. Fuse Switch Unit (FSU): In this fuse is part of the Switch. The fuses are moving and the moving fuse performs the switching action.May 4, 2012

How long is a term at SFU?

16 weeksSimon Fraser University offers three full terms or semesters within the twelve month calendar year. The calendar year is divided into three academic terms of 16 weeks each. Each term has its own enrolment and final examinations.

What rank is SFU in Canada?

The 2021 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings positioned SFU within the top-400 in the world. SFU has since moved up 25 places to land back within the top 300 in the world for 2022 while maintaining its rank as 13th in Canada.Sep 2, 2021

Is SFU a good university?

Simon Fraser University is ranked 201 in World University Rankings by Times Higher Education and has an overall score of 4.1 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.

Is SFU good for engineering?

Higher Education Strategy Associates study on Academic Research in Canada: SFU ranked 5th in Canada in Science and Engineering in terms of bibliometric scores (h-index), according to Higher Education Strategy Associates (PDF).

What is Work Study Canada?

The Co-op/Internship Work Permit Program is available to international students whose intended employment is an essential part of their program of study in Canada as certified by their Canadian academic institution. The work portion of this program can form up to 50 percent of the program of study.

What is the acceptance rate of Simon Fraser University?

Simon Fraser University is very selective while accepting students for its admissions. The acceptance rate is 65% only.

What is the annual tuition fee at SFU?

The annual tuition fee at SFU is 22,237 CAD per semester

What GPA is required for Simon Fraser University?

Admitted students at Simon Fraser University have an average GPA of 2.5- 3.5. Students with less than it have almost no chance to get selected.

What are some major courses offered at Simon Fraser University?

SFU offers more than 150 major programs in undergraduate and graduate. Full-time MBA, MBA Executive, Engineering, Management, Business, Biological...

What is the average GMAT score we need to have for admission to Simon Fraser University?

An average GMAT score of 550 is required for applicants to get admission to Simon Fraser University.

What is the world ranking of Simon Fraser University?

It has been ranked 251-300 by Times Higher Education for best global university.

What is SFU known for all over the world?

Simon Fraser University is known as the top research-intensive university in Canada

Who are some notable alumni of Simon Fraser University?

Bettina Bradbury, Margaret Trudeau, Ujjal Dosanjh are some of the notable alumni of Simon Fraser University.

What is the deadline for the admission application here?

The admission application deadline for the term of Spring 2021 is September 15

Is Simon Fraser University a good school in Canada?

It has been ranked 306th best global university and 12 best Canadian universities by US News & World Report. Yes, it is a very good school in Canada.

What is the youngest university in Canada?

Bhavya Rawal. Founded in 1965, Simon Fraser University is known as the top research-intensive university in Canada and also is one of the youngest institutions in the country. Furthermore, SFU has been regarded as Canadian’s top comprehensive university by MaClean’s Magazine for the last 5 years (2015-2019).

Which university has the highest number of students enrolled in Biological Sciences and Economics?

SFU has the highest number of students enrolled in Biological Sciences and Economics and in recent years has witnessed student enrolment for linguistic courses. University is also known for providing flexible or distance education programs.

What is a SFU?

A group of departments and/or schools that offer courses and programs in similar areas of study. SFU has eight faculties: Applied Sciences; Arts and Social Sciences; Beedie School of Business; Communication, Art and Technology; Education; Environment; Health Sciences; and Science. "Faculty" may also refer to the teaching staff of the University (also called instructors or professors).

What is a SFU student account?

A web-based student information system that allows you to enroll in class, shows you your class and exam schedule each term, allows you to see your student account of money deposited and withdrawn, and lists your personal information so that we can contact you easily. You log into your account at go.sfu.ca using the computing ID that SFU provides.

Is SFU considered a new student?

After you have applied to SFU, been offered admission, paid your admission confirmation deposit and enrolled in your first term, you are considered a “new student.” After you have completed your first term, you are considered a “continuing student.”

Do professors tell you their office hours?

Your professors and other instructors will tell you their office hours at the beginning of a class. You are welcome to come to their offices at those times to discuss the class work. Many instructors are willing to arrange appointments if their office hours are not possible for you.

How to get a SIN number?

Apply for your SIN number here. 1. Apply to Co-op. To join the Co-op Program, you must complete the application form on myExperience . It is recommended that you apply between 30-60 credit hours. If you have over 90 credits, be sure to consult a Co-op Coordinator before applying. 2. Wait for Assistance.

How long does it take for a co-op to contact you?

Upon receiving your application form, your Co-op Program will contact you within 10 business days to advise you of your Conditional Approval to the Program. This email will highlight Program specific steps that you will need to complete in order to be fully accepted into the Program.

Can I apply for a SIN if I have a work permit?

either a work permit, or a study permit with a condition stating you “may work” or “may accept employment”). If your study permit does not indicate that you may work, you will only be able to apply for a SIN after receiving your co-op work permit.


Simon Fraser University (SFU) was founded in 1965 with a distinct west coast spirit. It has been rated Canada's top comprehensive university by Maclean's magazine during each of the past five years (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019).

University highlights

Simon Fraser University is one of the top Public universities in Burnaby, Canada. It is ranked #=298 in QS Global World Rankings 2022.
