what is solid and nonsolid course

by Quinn Leuschke 8 min read

What is a semisolid nodule?

Semisolid nodule. This is a semisolid nodule consisting of both ground-glass and solid soft-tissue attenuation components. It partially obscures the surronding parenchyma.

What are solid and sub-solid lung nodules?

Lung nodules can be classified as solid and sub-solid nodules based on their density. A solid nodule is a round or round-like white spot in the lung on a CT scan and is dense enough to obscure the bronchi and blood vessels going through it.

What are the characteristics of a solid nodule?

Solid nodule. A solid nodule completely obscures the surrounding parenchyma; it has homogenous soft-tissue attenuation and well-defined margins with normal parenchyma.

What is a solid nodule with well defined margins?

Solid nodule. A solid nodule completely obscures the surrounding parenchyma; it has homogenous soft-tissue attenuation and well-defined margins with normal parenchyma. This is a solid nodule with homogenous soft-tissue attenuation and well-defined margins with normal parenchyma.

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