Small Business Management is a course on how to start and operate a small business. Topics include facts about small business, essential management skills, how to prepare a business plan, financial needs, marketing strategies, and legal issues.
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JOIN US FOR A DYNAMIC AND INFORMATIVE SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CLASS. Small Business Management is a course on how to start and operate a small business. Topics include facts about small business, essential management skills, how to prepare a business plan, financial needs, marketing strategies, and legal issues.
This is a comprehensive examination of establishing and operating a small business in today’s dynamic business environment.
The way a business is legally structured (Legal Form of Organization or LFO) also signals importance of small businesses. Businesses organized as a corporation are often considered larger businesses while those that are sole proprietorships or partnerships are often thought of as “small”.
Businesses organized as a corporation are often considered larger businesses while those that are sole proprietorships or partnerships are often thought of as “small”.
To many, a small business is simply based on the number of employees at an individual business location rather than the total number of employees of a company that may own those businesses.
The way a business is legally structured (Legal Form of Organization or LFO) also signals importance of small businesses. Businesses organized as a corporation are often considered larger businesses while those that are sole proprietorships or partnerships are often thought of as “small”.
EXAMS: Four major exams will be given (see course outline for dates). The exams will cover multiple chapters each. Each exam will have 50 multiple choice questions for 2.0 points each. These will be administered in the classroom. Exams make 50% of the course grade.
Adjunct Professor Molina holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration Management. She has taught at ACC for many years here in Austin as well as multiple years in North Texas and Western Venezuela.