what is required to make your course disability-friendly

by Dr. Cale Hamill Sr. 7 min read

Include disability choices for learners to select from when they first access an online course. This ensures that they get the appropriate learning design and suitable content they require for learning. 2. Eliminate Barriers For Visually Impaired Learners Make use of simple, bold fonts that are at least 16pt in size.

Full Answer

How can I make my course accessible to students with disabilities?

The following examples are simple ways to make your course more accessible to students with disabilities, students who have English as a second language, and first generation college students. Clearly spell out expectations at the beginning of the course (e.g., grading, material to be covered, assignment due dates, attendance expectations).

How can you make the workplace disability friendly?

Some ways employers can make the workplace disability friendly include: Educating themselves and other employees – This helps employers to be aware of any barriers that disabled people may encounter and helps to create an inclusive, supportive culture. Providing equipment or additional devices if required.

Do you have a disability friendly recruitment process?

Not having a disability friendly recruitment process could mean you are missing out on hiring talented individuals who would be an asset to your business. There are currently more than 4.4 million people with disabilities in employment in the UK, according to Scope. This is nearly 14% of the entire UK workforce.

How do I get accommodations for students with disabilities?

Instructors who have questions or concerns about a student’s accommodations should contact the Disabilities Services Coordinator listed in the Accommodation Letter for consultation. If you are a student with a disability, or think you may have a disability, and need accommodations please contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD).

How can I make my classroom Disability friendly?

Lesson Planning with Inclusion in MindBe accessible and fair.Provide flexibility in use, participation, and presentation.Be straightforward and consistent.Be explicitly presented and readily perceived.Provide a supportive learning environment.Minimize unnecessary physical effort or requirements.More items...•

How do you make learning materials more accessible?

How to Make Learning Accessible to All StudentsCaption videos. Watching video content has become the preferred learning format for many students. ... Transcribe lectures and seminars. ... Avoid PDFs. ... Check tools for accessibility options.

How do I make my online courses accessible?

Key takeaways for creating accessible online classes Use appropriate font colors, types, and sizes. Any non-text course elements (e.g. audio, video, images) should have a text alternative such as captions, transcripts, and descriptions. Offer online class content in various ways (video, audio, text).

How do you accommodate learners with disabilities?

Assisting Students with DisabilitiesInclude a Disability Statement on Your Syllabus. ... Follow the Instructions on the Accommodation Determination Letter. ... Meet with the Student in Private. ... Protect Student's Privacy. ... Provide a Safe and Fair Learning Environment. ... Use Student Disability Services as a Resource.

Why education is important what should be done to make education accessible to every person in India?

Education reduces poverty, decreases social inequalities, empowers women and helps each individual reach their full potential. It also brings significant economic returns for a country and helps societies to achieve lasting peace and sustainable development. Education is key to achieving all other human rights.

What is accessibility in online courses?

An accessible online course enables students with disabilities to participate on more equal footing with other students, without drawing attention to their disabilities, or being held back by them. Accessibility is required by law. Federal law requires universities to make courses accessible.

What are the material resources needed in schools to support students with disabilities?

Accessible instructional materials are specialized or alternative formats of textbooks and other instructional materials. Examples are Braille, audio, large print, and digital text. Some students with disabilities need accessible instructional materials to access the same curriculum as other students.

What is the best way to provide support in special education programs?

To help you succeed in teaching special needs students in general, however, you should consider the following five teaching tips:Keep your classroom organized. ... Remember that each child is an individual. ... Give your students opportunities for success. ... Create a support network. ... Keep things simple.

Why is accessibility important for special needs students?

In short, accessibility increases student engagement and overall progress in education.

What is an accommodation for special needs students?

An accommodation is a special tool or device designed to support the needs of disabled individuals. An example of an accommodation that might be useful for Melissa would be a hearing aid.

Why are accommodations and modifications important?

Accommodations and modifications are important factors in increasing accessibility for special needs students but may not fully solve the issue of accessibility. Universal design seeks to design materials that are accessible for all regardless of ability.

Why is accessibility important in education?

In short, accessibility increases student engagement and overall progress in education . Disabled students have some mental or physical impairment that qualifies them for special education under The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 (IDEA).

Why is Melissa not able to use all of the equipment in her school?

For example, Melissa is not able to use all of the equipment in her school because it was not designed with the hearing impaired in mind.

What is digital accessibility?

For example, digital accessibility refers to the practice of making technology accessible to those with special needs. An example of digital accessibility might be the addition of both audio and text files to a website.

What is Melissa's disability?

What Is a Disability? Melissa is a fifth-grade student with a hearing impairment. Due to Melissa's disability, she qualifies for special education under The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 (IDEA).

Sally Everett explains how her institution used low-cost and creative measures to transform its support services

Disability on campus is not a fringe issue: one in eight UK undergraduates reports some kind of disability. These students are also, on average, more likely to drop out, achieve lower grades and find it more difficult to gain immediate employment after graduation than non-disabled students.

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Creating a disability-friendly workplace starts at the top, and organizational leadership must embrace and model inclusive business practices in order for this to happen.


When you think of accessibility in the workplace, do you associate it with the physical environment? Many people do. But universal access extends far beyond architecture.


Employees who don’t live with a disability may foster mistaken assumptions about others in the workplace who do—which can create attitudinal barriers to understanding, collegiality, and collaboration. According to EARN, some common misconceptions may include: 6

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7 Best Practices For Designing Accessible eLearning Courses

Include disability choices for learners to select from when they first access an online course. This ensures that they get the appropriate learning design and suitable content they require for learning.

Parting Thoughts

eLearning is definitely an effective tool to engage learners, especially remote learners. Creating accessible eLearning is another key area to focus on to form a wholesome, inclusive environment for all types of learners. The focus is to start your design with accessibility in mind, rather than attempting a time-consuming digital retrofit later on.

Creating a disability friendly workplace

Making your workplace disability friendly ensures that your company or business reflects the diversity found in the UK. It also helps to build your company’s reputation, as it shows the value that is placed on inclusivity and equality. Employees and customers are more likely to be loyal to companies and businesses that demonstrate good values.

How to make the workplace disability friendly

Employers are required to make reasonable adjustments to ensure the workplace is disability friendly. This includes taking reasonable steps to remove any disadvantages employees with disabilities may face in the workplace.

Disability awareness training

Disability awareness training, although recommended, is not yet mandatory in the UK. Disability awareness training can help to ensure that employers have a deeper understanding of disabilities in the workplace, are aware of their legal requirements under the Equality Act 2010 and understand the adjustments that can be made.

What is the main act covering disability in the workplace?

The Equality Act was created to protect people with disabilities from experiencing discriminatory treatment. The Act makes all types of disability discrimination in the workplace illegal.

How to deal with disability in the workplace

Now you know how to make the workplace disability friendly and your responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, we are going to look at how to more effectively manage or work with people with disabilities.

How to avoid disability discrimination in the workplace

Employers should aim for a culture of zero tolerance of disability discrimination.


The esteemed disability-friendly colleges on our list, sourced from the IPED database of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), keep a track record for welcoming individuals with special needs. However, a college’s popularity among people with disabilities does not guarantee academic excellence.


Let us help you find the best school programs that fit your educational requirements for starting a new career, a job promotion, or simply meeting your personal goals. Our researchers at PremiumSchools.org utilize these indicators of excellent academic standards to locate exceptional disability-friendly school programs designed just for you.


Ball State University is home to nearly 22,000 students, consisting of 16,000 undergraduates with access to over 400 student-led clubs and organizations on campus.


For any incoming student, college is a challenge. Imagine having to navigate this entirely new world while suffering from a disability.