what is required in applied warfare course acsc

by Delilah Vandervort 6 min read

Military - O-4 selects and 0-4s on active duty, non-extended active duty, Air Force Reserve or Air National Guard. Individuals with either a Master's Degree or who have completed IDE, to include ACSC, may apply. However, individuals that have completed both a Master's Degree and IDE are not eligible.

Full Answer

What are the applied courses like?

Applied Warfare (AW) (2 weeks): Students apply the concepts from WS and AS by analyzing past and current case studies with their classmates and instructor, and critically analyze a proposed future conflict scenario. Joint Forces (JF): This course begins with an …

Who is eligible to apply for the ACSC?

Although ACSC 7.0 contains a larger number of courses than ACSC 6.0, its curriculum is designed as smaller blocks of targeted instruction. ... A CAC card is required to create the account; ... ORN-601, then ISS-602A and the remaining courses (as above) Applied Warfare Studies: GSS-601S LDR-601S LDR-602A ISS-601S WAR-601S ISS-602A AIR-601S ...

What are the curriculum departments at ACSC?

Online www.airuniversity.af.edu. The following is a list of the required core courses and corresponding semester hours in the OLMP: 20 Orientation Program – (Noncredit) Leadership and Warfare – (3 Semester Hours) International Security Studies – (3 Semester Hours) Warfare Studies – (3 Semester Hours) More ›. 325 People Learned.

What does ACSC stand for?

The MMOAS degree requires study in many academic disciplines related to war, peace, and the employment of military forces. They include established academic fields of study such as sociology, history, engineering, psychology, politics, geography, science, ethics, economics, anthropology, and others.

How long does it take to complete ACSC?

7 monthsACSC DL 6.0 is a rigorous program and requires a significant investment of time and attention to complete. Although it is possible to complete all requirements in 7 months, this requires significant focus and flexibility on the part of the student. Figure 1. The program consists of 12 courses (see Figure 1 above).Oct 18, 2017

What is ACSC in military?

The Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) is located at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama and is the United States Air Force's intermediate-level Professional Military Education (PME) school.

How long is Air Force ACSC?

10-monthThe ACSC resident curriculum is a rigorous 10-month graduate-level program taught through intensive small group seminars and engaging lectures. Courses cover topics that include the profession of arms, leadership and ethics, joint operations, airpower, and the international security environment.Mar 28, 2022

What degree do you get from ACSC?

Masters of Military Operational Art and Science DegreeSuccessful completion of the ACSC Resident Program are awarded Joint Professional Military Education I credit and the Masters of Military Operational Art and Science Degree to qualified students who meet all curriculum and criteria requirements.Jan 17, 2021


Since ACSC is an intermedi- ate-level PME school, the curriculum is cen- tered on the operational level of war and con- sists of 11 courses (33 credit hours) with the same learning outcomes for both programs in areas ranging from security and culture studies to strategy to leadership to joint warf- ighting and research ...

How many course hours is ACSC?

33 semester-hourThe ACSC DL - Master's Program is a 33 semester-hour program comprised of 11 eight-week courses which explore areas of particular interest regarding modern USAF operations and leadership. Students should complete this program within 24 months.Feb 11, 2009

How do I register for ACSC?

Go to AF Portal and login. Go to the silver bar that reads "Click here to login or create a new account," and click on "Create Account."

How long does it take to complete Air War college?

Students will be allowed 36 months to complete the program. Students may finish the program in as little as 18 months by completing one lesson per week. The AWC distance learning program requires students to work with the first O-6 or equivalent mentor in their rating chain.Jun 20, 2008

What degree is Air War college?

All US students are dually enrolled in the AWC senior-level professional military education (PME) program and the AU master of strategic studies degree program; therefore, they must meet admission requirements for the master of strategic studies degree.Oct 10, 2019

What is ACSC Air Force?

The Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) is located at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama and is the United States Air Force's intermediate professional military education (PME) school.

Is Air Command and Staff College accredited?

Program Learning Outcomes and Student Success The AWC PME program is accredited for joint professional military education (JPME) phase II as defined for senior level colleges in the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 1800.01E, Officer Professional Military Education Policy.

Where is the Air Force War college?

Montgomery, AlabamaHeadquartered at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, its higher headquarters is the Air Education and Training Command (AETC) at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas....Air War College.Established1946CampusMaxwell-Gunter AFB2 more rows

What is a DTIC?

DTIC is the central scientific, research, and engineering information support activity for the DOD. For a better search experience, you can use the National Technical Reports Library instead.

What is the minimum GPA required for SAASS?

An accredited master’s degree or an undergraduate degree with a minimum GPA of 3.25.

What is an evaluation in OLMP?

The OLMP Leadership Concentration curriculum considers the role of body language in speaking and listening. However, an evaluation is warranted to see if the courses are providing knowledge that is adequate to the desires of the AF.

How long is the Air Force Master's degree program?

The two-year program, for civilians GS-11 and above and pay band-02 and above who don't already have their master's degree, consists of 33 semester hours and includes 11 eight-week ...

What are ACSC spouses?

· ACSC Spouses organize both large and small events throughout the year and host clubs that feature horseback riding, sewing, running, lunch bunch, salad in a jar, and coffee, to name a few. Spouses also are encouraged to help plan the big family events of

Where is Air Command and Staff College?

The Air Command and Staff College ( ACSC) is located at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama and is the United States Air Force's intermediate-level Professional Military Education (PME) school. It is a subordinate command of the Air University (AU), also located at Maxwell AFB, and is part of the Air Education and Training Command (AETC) headquartered at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.

Is Air University online?

MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala. (AFNEWS) -- Air University's Air Command and Staff College begins offering an online master's degree program in June. For the first time ever, eligible officers will be able to enroll in an educational program that simultaneously fulfills Joint Professional Military Education and Air Force Intermediate Developmental Education requirements while allowing them to ...

How long is the MMOAS program?

The college offers the MMOAS degree via its traditional 10-month in-residence program or a self-paced online program The School of Advanced Military Studies of the United States Army Command and General Staff College awards a similar professional degree, the Masters of Military Art and Science. Upon completing the ACSC program, MMOAS graduates are ...

What is M.M.O.A.S.?

The Air Command and Staff College awards a Master of Military Operational Art and Science (M.M.O.A.S) professional degree in connection with the Air University to students who complete the program's requirements. The college offers the MMOAS degree via its traditional 10-month in-residence program or a self-paced online program The School of Advanced Military Studies of the United States Army Command and General Staff College awards a similar professional degree, the Masters of Military Art and Science . Upon completing the ACSC program, MMOAS graduates are awarded "Intermediate Developmental Education" (IDE) and Joint Professional Military Education phase 1 (JPME1) credit in the United States Air Force.

What is a MMOAS degree?

The MMOAS degree requires study in many academic disciplines related to war, peace, and the employment of military forces. They include established academic fields of study such as sociology, history, engineering, psychology, politics, geography, science, ethics, economics, anthropology, and others.

What is the role of the dean of education?

The dean of education and curriculum, assisted by the vice dean for academic affairs and vice dean for operations, coordinates the integration of the final curriculum content and directs the planning and implementation of the academic programs.

Where is the ACSC located?

ACSC is located in Spaatz Hall on Chennault Circle at Maxwell Air Force Base , Alabama . The building contains a 600-seat auditorium for lectures by distinguished speakers, a smaller 135-seat auditorium for special presentations, plus a variety of conference rooms, staff and administrative offices, and lounge areas.

What is the military's use of mathematics?

Mathematics is an important tool in the practice of military science and associated disciplines. Specific military applications include gunnery and ballistics, materials science technology for soldier protection, transportation technologies, and communications technologies.

What is the history of military art?

History provides the context and depth for the study of military art. Military art also includes such specifically military subjects as strategy, operational art, and tactics. Military science generally deals with the technical dimensions of war and military operations.

Does the ACSC give you a masters degree?

The program is designed to give you a Master's degree. It has the added benefit of providing either 1) partial ACSC credit (3 of 7 courses) to Captains who have complete SOS but not a Master's; or 2) full ACSC credit to Majors (and selects) who have not completed both IDE and their Master's.

Is AU shooting themselves in the foot?

Most instructors are retired O-6 types. AU is shooting themselves in the foot by not better promoting the benefits of their Master's degree program. Right now, the majority of my classmates in the Warfare Concentration (Majors/full ACSC credit) are civilians.

Can I get an O-4 in the military?

Eligibility. Military - O-4 selects and 0-4s on active duty, non-extended active duty, Air Force Reserve or Air National Guard. Individuals with either a Master's Degree or who have completed IDE, to include ACSC, may apply. However, individuals that have completed both a Master's Degree and IDE are not eligible.


I read this thread twice before starting the Distance Learning 6.0 course, but still didn't fully understand the whole registration and timeline thing until actually experiencing it. The main bl


I know this sounds crazy, but you could just pick up a phone and actually ask them yourself.


I'm pretty confident they will tell me to do the most painful one possible. I'm not asking if I CAN sign up for it...I'm asking if there's any additional value added for a guy who already has a Master's, or is this only for dudes who do not have a Master's degree prior to meeting their major/school boards?


Bringing this thread back rather than posting in the PME and career advice.


Bringing this thread back rather than posting in the PME and career advice.


If it's the normal ACSC and not the OLMP one, it was not materially different. A paper, some discussion posts every week. The new introduction was the first week you have to find an article you think is worth discussing in class and submit it, along with your questions.


Resurrection to ask if OLMP is worth it at the present time and how long it took to complete, or should I just proceed with the Non Master's Program version of IDE (now at 7.0)?

Force Development - Air National Guard

ACSC Air Reserve Component Seminar (ARCS) Seminar Course Description. Class Dates: FY21 TBD; Location: Maxwell AFB, AL; Instructions: Students MUST be enrolled in ACSC DL 7.0 and complete the following courses BEFORE ATTENDING ACSC ARCS: Student Orientation, Critical Thinking, Self-Paced Leadership & Command; ARCS Prerequisite MFR Template

Air Command and Staff College Distance Learning - About ..

The curriculum consists of ...

JPME - United States Navy

Advanced Joint Professional Military Education (AJPME) is a 40 week blended learning course for Reserve Component (RC) Officers (grades O-4 to O-6) that is similar in content to the in-residence JFSC Phase II. AJPME satisfies the educational requirement for qualification as JQO level III (RC Officers only). Quotas are obtained through CNRFC N7.

ACSC 7 Flashcards - Cram.com

Study Flashcards On ACSC 7 at Cram.com. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Cram.com makes it easy to get the grade you want!