what is one way in which religion and government both impact the life course?

by Dr. Mustafa Ondricka PhD 8 min read

What is one way in which religion and government both impact the life course? By instituting important rites of passage. Sociologists consider the transition from student to graduate an example of. a rite of passage.

What is the relationship between religion and politics?

Dec 22, 2014 · The question of whether or not morality requires religion is both topical and ancient. In the Euthyphro, Socrates famously asked whether goodness is loved by the gods because it is good, or whether goodness is good because it is loved by the gods.Although he favored the former proposal, many others have argued that morality is dictated by—and indeed …

What is religion and why is it important?

Dec 16, 2012 · 1. Historical Background and Introduction. Religion, medicine, and healthcare have been related in one way or another in all population groups since the beginning of recorded history [].Only in recent times have these systems of healing been separated, and this separation has occurred largely in highly developed nations; in many developing countries, there is little or no …

How should the government deal with the problem of religion?

Religion and Politics. The relation between religion and politics continues to be an important theme in political philosophy, despite the emergent consensus (both among political theorists and in practical political contexts, such as the United Nations) on the right to freedom of conscience and on the need for some sort of separation between ...

What is the impact of religion on society?

Religion can be a central part of one’s identity. The word religion comes from a Latin word that means “to tie or bind together.”. Modern dictionaries define religion as “an organized system of beliefs and rituals centering on a supernatural being or beings.”. To belong to a religion often means more than sharing its beliefs and ...

What did Harry Harlow find when he gave monkeys raised in isolation the choice of cloth covered or wire substitute mothers?

In both conditions, Harlow found that the infant monkeys spent significantly more time with the terry cloth mother than they did with the wire mother. When only the wire mother had food, the babies came to the wire mother to feed and immediately returned to cling to the cloth surrogate.Jun 20, 2018

What are the two types of socialization that occur at many points of life?

Key PointsThe life process of socialization is generally divided into two parts: primary and secondary socialization.Primary socialization takes place early in life, as a child and adolescent. ... Secondary socialization takes place throughout an individual's life, both as a child and as one encounters new groups.More items...

What did Harry Harlow find when he gave monkeys raised in isolation the choice of cloth covered or wire substitute mothers quizlet?

What did Harry Harlow find when he gave monkeys raised in isolation the choice of cloth-covered or wire substitute mothers? The monkeys spent more time with the cloth mother. The monkeys went only to the wire mother to feed. The monkeys' social attachments depended more on warmth and intimacy than on getting food.

What did George Herbert Mead call the process of mentally assuming the perspective of another and responding from that imagined viewpoint?

How children consider the effects of their behavior on society as a whole. According to Mead, the process of mentally assuming the perspective of another and responding from that imagined viewpoint is known as: A) The I/Me concept.

Why is socialization important for both individuals and society?

Socialization is just as essential to us as individuals. Social interaction provides the means via which we gradually become able to see ourselves through the eyes of others, and how we learn who we are and how we fit into the world around us.

What are the two types of socialization that occur at many points of life quizlet?

The first is anticipatory socialization which refers to the "rehearsal" of future positions, occupations, and social relationships. An example of anticipatory socialization takes place when adults consider what college they will attend. The second variety is a stressful process called resocialization.

What is one way in which religion and government both impact the life course quizlet?

What is one way in which religion and government both impact the life course? By instituting important rites of passage. Sociologists consider the transition from student to graduate an example of. a rite of passage.

Who is Harry Harlow quizlet?

Harlow wanted to study the mechanisms by which newborn rhesus monkeys bond with their mothers. These infants were highly dependent on their mothers for nutrition, protection, comfort and socialization.

What is George Herbert Mead's theory of the social self?

Mead's Theory of Social Behaviorism Sociologist George Herbert Mead believed that people develop self-images through interactions with other people. He argued that the self, which is the part of a person's personality consisting of self-awareness and self-image, is a product of social experience.

What did George Herbert Mead call the process of mentally assuming the perspective of another and responding from that imagined viewpoint quizlet?

In what he called the play stage of socialization, George Herbert Mead asserted that people mentally assume the perspectives of others, thereby enabling them to respond from that imagine viewpoint.

What was George Herbert Mead's greatest contribution to the understanding of the self?

To social psychology, Mead's main contribution was his attempt to show how the human self arises in the process of social interaction. He thought that spoken language played a central role in this development.Feb 23, 2022

What does Mead mean when he says that the self is both a subject and an object to itself?

This is a reflexive process, whereby an individual can take himself or herself to be both subject and object. This means that "the individual is an object to himself, and, so far as I can see, the individual is not a self in the reflexive sense unless he is an object to himself" (Mead, quoted in Farganis, p. 148).Nov 8, 2002

What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic religious practice?

Recent advances in the investigation of religious behavior have led social scientists to distinguish between two distinct categories or orientations: "intrinsic" and "extrinsic." Intrinsic practice is God-oriented and based on beliefs which transcend the person's own existence. Research shows this form of religious practice to be beneficial. Extrinsic practice is self-oriented and characterized by outward observance , not internalized as a guide to behavior or attitudes. The evidence suggests this form of religious practice is actually more harmful than no religion: religion directed toward some end other than God, or the transcendent, typically degenerates into a rationalization for the pursuit of other ends such as status, personal security, self justification, or sociability.

What is AA religion?

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) uses religion, invoking a Higher Power to help alcoholics recover from addiction.". [99] Paralleling the research on alcohol addiction, an early review of studies of drug addiction found a lack of religious commitment to be a predictor of who abuses drugs. [100] .

Why is it important to redirect public policy?

For the sake of the nation's future health, it is time to redirect public policy so that these two vast resources, instead of being weakened further, can be rejuvenated and encouraged . Many of the goals of social policy and social work can be attained, indirectly and powerfully, through the practice of religion.

Why is church attendance important?

Church attendance is the most important predictor of marital stability and happiness. The regular practice of religion helps poor persons move out of poverty. Regular church attendance, for example, is particularly instrumental in helping young people to escape the poverty of inner-city life.

Is religious practice a good thing?

The available evidence clearly demonstrates that regular religious practice is both an individual and social good. It is a powerful answer to many of our most significant social problems, some of which, including out-of-wedlock births, have reached catastrophic proportions. Furthermore, it is available to all, and at no cost.

Is it a good social policy to promote the widespread practice of religion?

The evidence indicates strongly that it is a good social policy to foster the widespread practice of religion. It is bad social policy to block it. The widespread practice of religious beliefs is one of America's greatest national resources. It strengthens individuals, families, communities, and society as a whole. It significantly affects educational and job attainment and reduces the incidence of such major social problems as out-of-wedlock births, drug and alcohol addiction, crime, and delinquency. No other dimension of the nation's life, other than the health of the family (which the data show also is tied powerfully to religious practice) should be of more concern to those who guide the future course of the United States.

Is religion a predictor of physical health?

Religion and Physical Health. In public health circles, the level of educational attainment is held to be the key demographic predictor of physical health. For over two decades, however, the level of religious practice has been shown convincingly to be equally important.

Who asked whether or not morality requires religion?

The question of whether or not morality requires religion is both topical and ancient. In the Euthyphro, Socrates famously asked whether goodness is loved by the gods because it is good, or whether goodness is good because it is loved by the gods.

What has failed to decompose religion?

Many scientific investigations have failed to decompose “religion” and “morality” into theoretically grounded elements; have adopted parochial conceptions of key concepts—in particular, sanitized conceptions of “prosocial” behavior; and have neglected to consider the complex interplay between cognition and culture.

What does Kelemen's research show about children?

Research by Kelemen and colleagues (e.g., Kelemen, 1999a, 1999b, 1999c, 2004) suggests that children display a broad inclination to view objects and behaviors of all kinds—including features of the natural world —as existing for a purpose.

What is the significance of Saroglou's model of religious dimensions?

One notable feature of Saroglou’s model of religious dimensions is that it categorizes morality as a key dimension of religion: “Religion not only is particularly concerned with morality as an external correlate but also includes morality as one of its basic dimensions” (Saroglou, 2011, p. 1326).

How are afterlife beliefs and rituals connected?

For example, afterlife beliefs and rituals may be explicitly connected by more or less shared systems of meaning, expressed in discourse at social events like funerals and wakes; and they may form part of larger cultural systems that are transmitted across populations and handed down over generations.

Can history be written at any magnification?

History can be written at any magnification. One can write the history of the universe on a single page, or the life cycle of a mayfly in 40 volumes. —Norman Davies (1997, p. 1) Just as history can be written at any magnification, the relationship between religion and morality can be explored at any granularity.

Is religion a precondition for morality?

The notion that religion is a precondition for morality is widespread and deeply ingrained. More than half of Americans share Laura Schlessinger’s belief that morality is impossible without belief in God (Pew Research Center, 2007), and in many countries this attitude is far more prevalent (see Figure 1).

When should a spiritual history be taken?

First and foremost, health professionals should take a brief spiritual history. This should be done for all new patients on their first evaluation, especially if they have serious or chronic illnesses, and when a patient is admitted to a hospital, nursing home, home health agency, or other health care setting.

How many studies have examined R/S?

If R/S influences one domain of mental health, it is in the area of substance abuse. With regard to alcohol use, abuse, and dependence, at least 278 studies have now examined relationships with R/S. Of those, 240 (86%) reported inverse relationships and only 4 studies (1%) indicated a positive relationship.

How much research is on R/S?

Approximately 80% of research on R/S and health involves studies on mental health. One would expect stronger relationships between R/S and mental health since R/S involvement consists of psychological, social, and behavioral aspects that are more “proximally” related to mental health than to physical health.

What is the relationship between religion and politics?

Religion and Politics. The relation between religion and politics continues to be an important theme in political philosophy, despite the emergent consensus (both among political theorists and in practical political contexts, such as the United Nations) on the right to freedom of conscience and on the need for some sort ...

What would a state do instead of privileging a particular religious group?

Instead of privileging a particular religious group, a state could simply enshrine a particular creed or belief system as its official religion, much like the “official bird” or “official flower.”. Note that these options are not mutually exclusive—a state could adopt some or all of these measures.

What is the second kind of challenge for a society that generally values toleration and accommodation of difference?

A second kind of challenge for a society that generally values toleration and accommodation of difference pertains to a religious minority’s actions and commitments which are not themselves unjust, and yet are threatened by the pursuit of other goals on the part of the larger society, or are directly forbidden by law.

What did Thomas Hobbes believe about religion?

In contrast to Locke, Thomas Hobbes sees religion and its divisiveness as a source of political instability, and so he argues that the sovereign has the right to determine which opinions may be publicly espoused and disseminated, a power necessary for maintaining civil peace (see Leviathan xviii, 9).

What is a weaker form of an established church?

A weaker form of an established church is what Robert Bellah (1967: 3-4) calls “civil religion,” in which a particular church or religion does not exactly have official status, and yet the state uses religious concepts in an explicitly public way.

What is the role of ecclesiastical officials?

Particular ecclesiastical officials may have, in virtue of their office, an established role in political institutions. A church may simply have a privileged role in certain public, political ceremonies (for example, inaugurations, opening of parliament, etc.).

What is the establishment of a religion?

The term “establishment” can refer to any of several possible arrangements for a religion in a society’s political life. These arrangements include the following: A religious body may be a “state” church in the sense that it has an exclusive right to practice its faith.

What does religion mean?

The word religion comes from a Latin word that means “to tie or bind together.”. Modern dictionaries define religion as “an organized system of beliefs and rituals centering on a supernatural being or beings.”. To belong to a religion often means more than sharing its beliefs and participating in its rituals; it also means being part ...

What are the three religions?

1. In addition, three of the world’s religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam —share a common origin: all three trace their beginnings to the biblical figure of Abraham. There is incredible diversity within each religion in terms of how members define their connections to it.

How are religions similar?

The world’s religions are similar in many ways; scholar Stephen Prothero refers to these similarities as “family resemblances.”. All religions include rituals, scriptures, and sacred days and gathering places. Each religion gives its followers instructions for how human beings should act toward one another. 1.

Do people feel free to choose religion?

Many even feel part of a religion’s culture but choose not to participate in its rituals at all. Some people feel free to choose a religion for themselves, or to reject religion entirely as a part of their identity.

What is the role of religion in our daily lives?

It examines the role that religion plays in our daily lives and the ways in which we interpret religious experiences. For example, it emphasizes that beliefs and practices are not sacred unless people regard them as such. Once we regard them as sacred, they take on special significance and give meaning to our lives.

What is the function of religion?

Functionalism. Religion serves several functions for society. These include (a) giving meaning and purpose to life, (b) reinforcing social unity and stability, (c) serving as an agent of social control of behavior, (d) promoting physical and psychological well-being, and (e) motivating people to work for positive social change. Conflict theory.

How does religion help social stability?

Second, religion reinforces social unity and stability. This was one of Durkheim’s most important insights. Religion strengthens social stability in at least two ways. First, it gives people a common set of beliefs and thus is an important agent of socialization (see Chapter 4 “Socialization” ).

What did Émile Durkheim emphasize?

Much of the work of Émile Durkheim stressed the functions that religion serves for society regardless of how it is practiced or of what specific religious beliefs a society favors. Durkheim’s insights continue to influence sociological thinking today on the functions of religion.

How does communal practice of religion help people?

Second, the communal practice of religion, as in houses of worship, brings people together physically, facilitates their communication and other social interaction, and thus strengthens their social bonds. The communal practice of religion in a house of worship brings people together and allows them to interact and communicate.

Why did Marx say religion leads the poor to accept their fate?

For these reasons, said Marx, religion leads the poor to accept their fate and helps maintain the existing system of social inequality.

What was the role of religion in the Civil Rights Movement?

Religion played a central role in the development of the Southern civil rights movement a few decades ago. Religious beliefs motivated Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights activists to risk their lives to desegregate the South.

How have the three philosophies influenced society?

Instead of one tradition taking over and pushing the others out, the three philosophies have influenced society alongside each other, changed each other, and at times blended together. Understanding the unique interplay between these three traditions gives great insight into ancient Chinese society, as well as modern times.

How do Buddhists achieve enlightenment?

Buddhists seek to achieve enlightenment through meditation, spiritual learning, and practice. They believe in reincarnation and that life is impermanent and full of suffering and uncertainty; the way to find peace is through reaching nirvana, a joyful state beyond human suffering.

What is the difference between Confucianism and Taoism?

In contrast to Confucianism, Taoism is mainly concerned with the spiritual elements of life, including the nature of the universe. The guiding principle of Taoism is roughly translated as “the Way,” which is a harmonious natural order that arises between humans and the world, and that Taoists should strive to achieve. In the Taoist structure of the universe, humans are meant to accept and yield to the Tao and only do things that are natural and in keeping with the Tao. This is the concept of wu-wei, which translates as “non-action,” but really means to go with the true nature of the world and not strive too hard for desires. This puts Taoism in opposition to Confucianism in another way: it is not concerned about with humanistic morality, government, and society, all of which Taoists see as inventions of humans and not necessarily part of the Tao. At the same time, Taoists were interested in longevity, both of the human body and the soul. Achieving spiritual immortality through becoming one with nature is an important part of the Taoist religion.

Why did Buddhism and Taoism compete?

A competition between Buddhism and Taoism arose to gain more followers and greater government influence , and this competition increased the vitality of both religions. As Buddhism became more prevalent, its concepts merged with Taoist and Confucian ideas to become the basis of ancient Chinese society and government.

What was the main influence of Taoism on the world?

Taoism had influence on literature and the arts, but the biggest area of Taoist influence was in science. The Taoist focus on natural elements and observing how the natural world works helped to create Chinese medicine.

What is Confucianism's philosophy?

Though closer to a philosophy than a true religion, Confucianism was a way of life for ancient Chinese people, and it continues to influence Chinese culture today. The founder of Confucianism, named Confucius, lived from 551 to 479 B.C.E. He was a philosopher and political figure who lived during a time when traditional Chinese principles began to deteriorate under competing political states. He took older religious precepts and translated them into guidelines for social mores. His teachings gave guidance on all levels of ancient Chinese life, from interactions between family members and in the public sphere, to educational standards and how states should be governed. Confucius saw every aspect of life as being made up of obligations between people and entities, and rituals to convey the mutual dependency between them. His teachings focused on humanism, including treating others the way you would want to be treated. He taught that if everyone fulfilled their roles and obligations with respect and kindness towards others, it would build a stronger state. While religious rituals were mentioned alongside all of the other rituals a person was expected to perform, Confucius did not focus on spiritual concerns like the afterlife, gods and goddesses, or mysticism. This is why Confucianism is considered a philosophy rather than a religion, even though it is often lumped in with other major religions.

When did Confucianism become the dominant political philosophy?

Confucianism became the dominant political philosophy during the Han Dynasty from 206 B.C.E. to 220 C.E. Because Confucian teachings were conservative and told people to maintain their role in social order, the philosophy was used by the state to keep the status quo from that time forward.

Why was it important to maintain healthy relationships with the gods?

It was important to maintain healthy relationships with the gods to ensure the best harvests, and therefore the best chance for survival. These civilizations differed in their interpretation of the gods, however. Mesopotamians, because they had a rougher time with the flooding, tended to be pessimistic.

What civilizations brought writing, the wheel, the calendar, and beer?

They brought you writing, the wheel, the calendar, and beer - Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt both emerged as major civilizations between roughly 3500 and 3000 BCE. These societies allowed human beings, for the first time in history, to settle down in one place and farm instead of chasing their often dangerous wild animal food sources.

What religions were found in Mesopotamia?

The religions in both Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt were polytheistic, meaning they believed in multiple gods and goddesses, and were based on nature. Both civilizations had gods of the sky, earth, freshwater, and the sun, as well as gods devoted to human emotions and the underworld. It was important to maintain healthy relationships with ...

Why were the pyramids built?

The ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids as part of an afterlife plan.

Which two civilizations shared many similarities?

Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt were two of the earliest known civilizations. While maintaining individual identities, they shared several similarities and were responsible for several important technologies that we continue to rely on in one way or another today. Updated: 11/29/2019. Create an account.

Why did irrigation help Egypt?

Irrigation helped to stabilize the flooding in both ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, and was one of the major reasons why both civilizations developed a surplus of food. Extra food meant that, for the first time in human history, not everyone had to hunt or work for people to survive.



Religion and Happiness

Religion and Family Stability

Religion and Physical Health

Religion and Social Breakdown

  • The practice of religion has beneficial effects on behavior and social relations: on illegitimacy, crime and delinquency, welfare dependency, alcohol and drug abuse, suicide, depression, and general self-esteem. Illegitimacy One of the most powerful of all factors in preventing out-of-wedlock births is the regular practice of religious belief. Give...
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Understanding "Intrinsic" and "Extrinsic" Religious Behavior

Religion and The Social Sciences

Policy Implications
