what is office management course all about

by Keven Greenfelder 9 min read

Office management course is designed to teach the students all the skills required to become efficient office assistants. Based on your specific career goals, you can take up diploma, certificate, or degree courses in office management.

This course is a comprehensive overview of the administration of the modern office in the public and private sector. The application of management principles to office operations will be covered. The course provides practical information about human relations, office technology, and management process.

Full Answer

What is an office management degree?

  • Important Facts About Administrative Office Management Degree Programs
  • Associate of Science in Administrative Office Management. This degree program focuses primarily on the technical skills needed to work in a modern office. ...
  • Associate of Science in Business Management. ...
  • Other Degrees. ...

What is Office Administration course?

RATIONALE Office Administration is a Business Education subject concerned with the study of administrative principles, policies, procedures and technological competencies governing the modern office environment. The content and teaching strategies used should therefore reflect current trends in the office.

How to start a project management office?

Prep work:

  1. Define your vision
  2. Research your market opportunity
  3. Research your competition
  4. Write a business plan
  5. Perfect your sales pitch
  6. Understand your startup cost
  7. Plan your starting finances
  8. Develop your product
  9. Determine your business structure
  10. Investigate your legal requirements Take action:

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What is the administrative function of office management?

  • Propose and develop policies , standards and procedures.
  • Lead several work teams .
  • Supervise the budgetary execution of the company.
  • Propose and implement improvements in personnel management policies.
  • Control the employee compensation process.
  • Develop training and staff development programs.

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What do you study in office management?

What is office management? Office administration is basically a process of overlooking and managing the daily work tasks and operations of an office. Usually the manager or an office administrator has the responsibility to handle the daily tasks of the office administration.

What does office management do?

Managerial Duties Typically, office managers are responsible for developing procedures and implementing, evaluating, improving, and communicating with the office workforce about those procedures. Office managers are often responsible for supervising junior admin, operations, and human resources staff.

Why do we study office management?

Office management helps in increasing office efficiency, smooth flow of work, maintaining public relations, minimisation of cost, managing change and accepting the new challenges which help in achievement of goals of the organisation.

Which course is best for office management?

The best office administration courses to launch your careerOffice Management & Administration from Cambridge International College. ... Office Manager Course & Diploma from Pitman Training. ... Office Administration Course (USA Standard) from Reed Courses. ... Admin and Secretarial Course from Oplex Careers.More items...•

Is office management a good career?

Yes, being an office manager is a good job. Overall, it's a great career for anyone who enjoys working in a fast-paced environment and being directly responsible for making sure everything runs smoothly. An office manager can earn $41,886 per year, with a range between $29,971 to $60,611 per year.

How much does an office manager earn?

The average salary for Office Manager is £34,506 per year in the London Area. The average additional cash compensation for a Office Manager in the London Area is £2,692, with a range from £488 - £14,856.

What are the 8 functions of office management?

Top 8 Functions of ManagementFunction # 1. Planning:Function # 2. Organising:Function # 3. Staffing:Function # 4. Directing:Function # 5. Motivating:Function # 6. Controlling:Function # 7. Co-Ordination:Function # 8. Communication:

What is the difference between office administration and office management?

Office Managers focus on “people” processes. They keep offices running happily and efficiently by providing employees with tools, resources, policies, and initiatives that enable good work. Office Administrators focus on “technical” processes.

What are the 4 elements of office management?

Originally identified by Henri Fayol as five elements, there are now four commonly accepted functions of management that encompass these necessary skills: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

What is the scope of Diploma in office management?

Two common positions for graduates are office manager and executive assistant. Office managers are tasked with keeping all office operations running smoothly. They may supervise clerical staff, inventory and order office supplies, ensure that all equipment is operational and coordinate all office activity.

How long is office administration course?

This 24-hour course examines the attributes and functions of the office worker with the view to preparing the student for the work-place. Students are exposed to the theory of office administration as well as provided with the opportunity for practical experience.

What is an office manager training course?

This office manager training course by edX will provide you with the required tools and techniques to manage the complete life cycle of a project from start to finish. You’ll learn to meet clients’ and customers’ expectations while balancing potential trade-offs during a given project life cycle.#N#‍

What is a handy office manager?

This handy office manager training course explains all the relevant phases of the system development life cycle from analysis through to evaluation, useful project management tools such as Gantt and PERT, as well as various forms of documentation found in project management, and more.#N#‍

What is project management?

Project management is a common requirement for office managers, as you’ll be in charge of managing multiple people for a range of tasks in the office. If you’re looking to brush up on your project management skills, check out the courses below.#N#‍

What is business writing training?

Business writing training is always helpful for office managers and this training by Coursera can teach you how to write a professional business letter, a response or an invitation to other businesses. Learn to apply the ten principles of great business writing, improve your text production, and deliver your ideas confidently and clearly with this course.#N#‍

Is office management rewarding?

All of which must be handled alongside an extensive array of important administrative duties. A career in office management or leadership isn’ t for the fainthearted, but can nonetheless be fulfilling and financially rewarding in equally high measures.

Is it easy to transition from a team member to a manager?

Transitioning from team member to team leader, supervisor or manager isn’t easy, but can nonetheless be the most important and rewarding step in any career journey. Rather than simply functioning as a member of the team, you immediately take ownership of important issues and activities at a variety of levels.

What is office management?

Office Management is the art of planning, organizing, designing, controlling the employees, and curating the activities to achieve the mission, vision, and goal of a company. The management is applicable at a strategic level, tactical level, and even at the operational level. It aims at increasing the focus and attention ...

What is the objective of management in the office?

An important objective of management in the office is to propagate the intention of executing their assigned activities. Office managers must specify the goal for each team member. Office management involves interacting with employees at different hierarchies.

What do legal office managers need to know?

They must be aware of both civil and criminal laws. Companies employ them to provide guidance and foresee any legal breaches in all the departmental activities.

What is the importance of planning and organizing in an office?

Planning and organizing must run vis-à-vis while ensuring effective management in the office. The availability of the right resources for each of the tasks at hand is vital and crucial for the successful completion of a program. Hardware, software, materials, financials, the team personnel are the key inputs. To ensure all are present and as per the needs, office managers must perform an estimate of each before initiating the program. Some resources need to be procured and hence the process of requisition and purchasing must be dealt with before.

Why is it important for an office manager to motivate employees?

Inspiring to move ahead will instil focus and constant dedication. It also helps to create trust and confidence between the manager and the team members.

Why is collaboration important in office management?

Collaborating with the internal and external stakeholders to prevent ambiguities and disconnect is an important objective of office management.

What is the role of a leader in an organization?

A leader is one who can influence behavioural change in the way of working in an organization. He or she can judge the capability of the people in action and drive them to operate at their best of abilities.

What will an office manager learn?

What Office Managers will learn: Communication skills they can use to improve multiple aspects of their work lives. The course features complete how-tos on starting conversations with many different people in various situations, being direct and transparent, leading conversations, and gaining confidence in speaking with anyone.

What are the key terms in finance?

Key finance terms: assets, liabilities, capital, depreciation, capitalization, current ratio and others. The accounting process: journals and ledgers, how debits and credits work. Mastering the mind-set: see business in terms of dollars-and-cents decision options that pay off—short- and long-term.

Certificate Office Management Courses

Certificate in Office management courses mainly enhance skills of operating system, Docs-word, Front page etc.

Diploma and PG Diploma Office Management Courses

Just like certificate programs, Office management diploma courses are detailed and also give you the flexibility to know much more lessons in Office management skills.

What are the Top Job Options after Office Management Courses?

There are various job opportunities after completing certification or diploma courses are:

What Skills are Required in Office Management Courses?

These skills are one of the most demanding skills in office management courses.
