what is meant by course revision

by Lacy Jast 3 min read

Course revision is a fact of life in education. Revisions are more commonly just general updates, like cosmetic changes, moving dates, and updating broken links. A true course revision looks at the pedagogy and structure of a course and is a process that requires time and patience.

Course revision is a fact of life in education. Revisions are more commonly just general updates, like cosmetic changes, moving dates, and updating broken links. A true course revision looks at the pedagogy and structure of a course and is a process that requires time and patience.

Full Answer

What is revising in education?

Revision can be defined as the act of revising content. Revising is the process of re-reading content that is previously done to extend or improve your knowledge on a subject. Revision is usually taken up with the sole purpose of attempting examinations.

How do I revise my coursework?

In considering a course revision, you may find it helpful to consult some of the following materials in determining what to revise and the scope of that revision: Your academic program director: Your director should be one of your first stops in the revision process and someone you consult frequently throughout.

What is curriculum review and revision?

Review and revision are processes that help evaluate and improve a school's curriculum. Explore the importance of curriculum review and revision, and discover some strategies that help to improve both. Updated: 12/07/2021 Are you a student or a teacher?

Why is revision so important in college?

Building a habit of revision in college, where you’re expected to be spending hours each week on your classwork, will help you when you leave college and no longer have that “study time” written down on your schedule. As we talked about when discussing peer revision, it’s difficult to think critically about our own work.

What is the purpose of revision in class?

Revising gives students an opportunity to reflect on what they've written. Revising is a way to learn about the craft of writing. Revision is closely tied to critical reading; in order to revise a piece conceptually, students must be able to reflect on whether their message matches their writing goal.

What is the process of curriculum revision?

To revise curriculum, on the other hand, means to modify the curriculum using data from the review. Review and revision are important because they enable teachers to consider the ways curriculum interacts with actual students in a real school environment.

What is the importance of revision for students?

Revision helps recall the details of the topic you have studied. Revising the topics helps students gain more confidence to attempt any related question in the exam. Timely revision helps reduce the anxiety and stress levels a student is likely to have during the exams.

What is the importance of revising for exams?

The importance of revision is twofold. Firstly, it helps you to remember facts, figures,topics and methodologies that you have covered some time ago. Secondly, If done correctly it will help increase your confidence and reduce anxiety – you will be well prepared for your examination.

Who are responsible for the revision of curriculum?

The establishment of a national standard for curricula is the responsibility of the Minister of Education; this standard is known as the Course of Study. The revision of curricula is, therefore, effected on a nation-wide scale through the revision of the Course of Study. 132.

How often should a curriculum be revised or updated?

Your department should carry out a collective and thorough review of your overall curriculum and the degree programs you offer every 5 years or so.

How do you give students revision?

Top Tips for StudentsStart your revision early.Make a revision timetable.Know what will be on each test.Know where your knowledge gaps are, so you can fill them.Turn notes into charts or diagrams.Discuss material with others and quiz each other.More items...•

Is revision important before exam?

Studying for an exam is an essential part of the learning process. Revising what you have studied makes you more thorough in the subject. Being more thorough in a subject makes you well prepared for examinations and thereby helps you to get better grades.

When should you revise for studying?

What's the best time to revise...? Time of day - Think about when you work best (morning, afternoon or evening). When you need to learn facts, try to revise when you are most alert and focused. Taking breaks - Take regular breaks to let your memory recover and absorb the information you have just studied.

What are some examples of revising?

The definition of a revision is the process of changing something or the result of the changes that were made. An example of a revision is a book editor removing unnecessary content from a book. An example of a revision is a book after an editor has removed content from it.

How do you revise for university?

Make revision a routine, and avoid simply re-reading notes:study a section of your notes, and memorise the essential points.hide your notes, and try to write down everything you can remember.check what you've written against your notes.note down what you got wrong, or forgot, and learn them.More items...

How do I start revising for an exam?

How to revise for exams: Top tipsStart early. Effective revision is not something that can be rushed. ... Decide what you're going to revise. ... Make a plan. ... Find a method that works for you. ... Eat healthily. ... Regular exercise. ... Take breaks. ... Get a good night's sleep.More items...

What is course revision?

Revisions are more commonly just general updates, like cosmetic changes, moving dates, and updating broken links. A true course revision looks at the pedagogy and structure of a course and is

What is the first step in course revision?

The first step in any course revision is setting goals. What is to be accomplished with the revision? If the answer is to change dates, check links, and update a bit of content, this is a course update and not a course revision (Shank, 2010). Course updating is not the best way to improve the pedagogy and function of a course. If faculty want to look for deeper issues within their courses, they should proceed with a true course revision, which will allow them to focus on how the structure, learning outcomes, and processes can be improved.When setting goals for a course revision, it is necessary not only to set outward goals, such as revising course materials, improving structure, and strengthening assessments, but also to look at inward goals such as gaining a deeper understanding of the teaching process and identifying personal time management issues. During the process, faculty should be spending time using reflective practice during each of the separate phases of the revision. Reflective practice is the process of casting a truly critical eye on the values and theories that inform practice, thereby leading to deeper developmental insight (Bolton, 2010).

What is course redesign?

Course redesign and revision can be an opportunity to review the course as a whole, to rethink just one or two elements, or to try one new thing. Or maybe you need to adapt a course for a longer or shorter semester. You may want to consider redesigning an existing course or even part of one—say, an assignment or the navigation layout.

When is it a good idea to reconceptualize a course?

This is particularly necessary when you are creating an online or hybrid version of a course that was previously only offered face-to-face.

How long is a SPS course?

(At SPS, courses run for a 15-week fall or spring semesters, a 7-week summer session, or a 3-week intersession period.)

How to avoid temptation to add more content and activities to a course?

Course content: Avoid the temptation to add more content and activities to a course. Determine whether more readings and activities will enhance the course or whether they are simply “filler.” Look for those readings and activities that will add a vital new dimension to the course.

Why do we need a detailed rubric?

Detailed rubrics can help conserve your time by speaking for you and facilitating individualized feedback necessary for student improvement.

What does revision mean in a sentence?

What is Revision? Revise v.t. to study anew, to look at again; revision the act or product of revising. Revision, then, is looking again at something that you have previously studied, usually with a view to learning it in order to pass an exam.

Why is it bad to stop revision?

Research suggests that it may be even worse to stop revision and turn straight to the internet or TV, because there is evidence that the light of the screen switches off the neurotransmitter that helps us to sleep. Instead, find something non-screen-based that helps you to relax and do that for a while.

Does sitting at your desk count as revision?

Sitting at your desk staring out of the window does not count as revision, even if your books are open in front of you. Technically, neither does drawing up a beautiful colour-coded revision plan, even though it may help your revision planning. Be honest about what you are doing.

Do revision skills mean you get lower marks?

In particular, revision skills are vital, but acquiring them often takes time and a bit of trial and error, which may mean that you get lower marks in one or more exams than you’d like.
