what is itech 1000 course

by Janet Gleichner 7 min read

ITECH 210 – 3D Visualization

3 Credits – This course provides a foundation in creating 3D models for computer animation, industrial and product design. Students will utilize computer animation programs to design, build, light and animate 3D models for character design, creative, industrial and product design.

ITECH 240 – New Media Projects

3 Credits – This course is an overview of interactive new media applications currently used in web applications, digital media, interactive media, animation and product design. In a collaborative studio environment local area businesses and students design and develop a rapid prototype serving real world expectations.

Where is ITech located?

Founded in 2003, iTech serves Fortune 500 corporations and other large companies throughout the United States. With offices in Texas, New Jersey, Virginia and Vermont, along with international offices in Canada and India, iTech enables its clients to accelerate revenue and reduce costs through its streamlined, “insourcing” staffing process.

What is iTech project management?

iTech has a wealth of project management experience, so we know how to ensure that your project will progress according to plan. We start clear, precise specs and a well-defined scope aligned with the project’s budget and timeframe. Then, we take a strategic approach that will bring positive (and timely!) results.

What are the benefits of iTech?

This is because we pick the right experts for the job and client, and our specialists have exceptional skills when it comes to serving client needs in a timely fashion. By utilizing resources from iTech, you will enjoy a technical and cultural fit that enables you to manage a cohesive, well-organized team. iTech’s staffing solutions provide talent that is accustomed to a diversity of needs and will rapidly adapt to your working environment, achieving maximum productivity levels far sooner than average. Further, we are adept at key aspects of project management, so you can avoid financial losses due to factors such as uncontrolled scope expansions, a longer-than-expected timeline and budget overruns. This results in a greater value and cost savings, particularly if the alternative is hiring new talent on a short- or long-term basis. We also have a very efficient recruiting process, so you sidestep the need to expend valuable HR resources on hiring employees who aren’t in your budget.

What is itech staffing?

iTech specializes in temporary, on-site staffing services for software developers and other tech professionals. We practice something called “insourcing”. We send a team of developers to your company, where they can work on-site alongside your staff to get the project done in a collaborative and timely manner. This affords you a great deal of control and oversight, while allowing you to use your in-house resources in the most effective way. Additionally, iTech offers expert technology and IT consulting services, custom software development services, data warehousing and enterprise mobility resources.


The Institut Textile et Chimique de Lyon (Lyon Textile and Chemical Institute) is the only engineering school directly descended from the textile, leather and chemistry schools founded by professionals in Lyon more than a century ago.ITECH-Lyon trains engineers in plastics, textiles, composites and chemistry by examining paints, inks, adhesives, cosmetics, leather and its uses (footwear, leather goods).

Campus locations

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Course Overview

The course provides an overview of Public Assistance project eligibility. By the end of the course, State, Local, Indian Tribal, and Territorial Applicants and Recipients will be able to understand all aspects of Public Assistance Program and project eligibility.

Course Objectives

Describe project eligibility for Public Assistance Program grants and supporting laws, regulations, statutes, and executive orders.

When is INQR 1000 taught?

How much control will faculty have over when the course is taught? Courses are taught Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at either 1:00- 2:15 pm or 2:30- 3:45 pm or online.

What is INQR 1000?

What is INQR 1000?#N#INQR 1000 is a one credit hour, seminar course designed to engage first and second year students in the discovery, exploration and analysis of ideas. There are two types of INQR 1000:


iTech 200 – Game Design and Interactive Media

3 Credits – This course provides a foundation in the theory, design and development of interactive media for game design and applications. A host of multimedia software programs will be explored utilizing Adobe Creative Suite, 3D Animation programs and Interactive Development platforms. Students create an i…
See more on newmediagroup.org

iTech 210 – 3D Visualization

  • 3 Credits – This course provides a foundation in creating 3D models for computer animation, industrial and product design. Students will utilize computer animation programs to design, build, light and animate 3D models for character design, creative, industrial and product design. Students learn how to construct 3D models, light with color and materials and apply rigging con…
See more on newmediagroup.org

iTech 240 – New Media Projects

  • 3 Credits – This course is an overview of interactive new media applications currently used in web applications, digital media, interactive media, animation and product design. In a collaborative studio environment local area businesses and students design and develop a rapid prototype serving real world expectations. Through a series of class tutorials and discussions, students le…
See more on newmediagroup.org