what is health related course work

by Kylee Torphy 6 min read

Coursework in these bachelor's degree programs includes general education requirements specific to all health-related fields, such as those in physics, chemistry, biology, anatomy, English composition and the liberal arts. You'll also have to complete other coursework specific to your career and educational goals.

Healthcare courses cover a broad range of subjects, such as nursing, dentistry, nutrition, pharmacy, alternative medicine, social care, psychology, healthcare management, and many others.

Full Answer

What is coursework?

If you're looking to advance your career by earning a general health-related degree, a Bachelor of Science in Health Science program provides a broad education. You can also earn your Bachelor of Health Science. Programs that award these degrees are open to those with two years of education or less, including ultrasound technicians, dental hygienists and those with health …

What are the courses in a Health Science degree program?

Healthcare is the prevention and treatment of illness as well as the improvement of wellbeing by medical professionals. This term can be used to describe healthcare provided to individuals, but often refers to the healthcare delivery systems responsible for providing health services to communities more broadly, including entire countries.

What is relevant coursework and how do I include it?

Mar 09, 2022 · Relevant Coursework on Resume—Example. Relevant Coursework: Language and Cognitive Development, Psychology of Emotion, Psychological Statistics, Cognitive Linguistics. If you add the relevant coursework to your resume in this way, you’ll have plenty of room for including other academic achievements on your resume. 2.

Should you include coursework on a resume for a healthcare job?

Jul 26, 2017 · Coursework is a practical work or study done by a student in partial fulfilment of a degree or training. Projects, field work, design studies, long essays etc constitutes a coursework. The nature of work which requires to be carried out depends on the course. It is largely a part of learning exercise and a step to prepare you to handle the ...

Which is the best course in healthcare?

The best courses for careers in care and healthcareIntroduction to critical care medicine. ... Discover dentistry. ... Antimicrobial stewardship. ... Global health and disability. ... Human factors in a healthcare environment. ... Health technology assessment. ... The genomics era: the future of genetics in medicine. ... Measuring and valuing health.More items...•Aug 9, 2021

What is health care services course?

Health Care Services NC II is a technical-vocational program that develops the knowledge and skills of students on various aspects in the care of patients. The program aims to prepare students for assisting in patient care in hospitals, nursing homes and other healthcare facilities.

How many years course is health education?

four yearsIn general, a bachelor's degree in health education takes four years to complete. Some students may complete their degree faster if they enroll in an accelerated program.Aug 11, 2021

What are the types of health service?

Types of ServicesMental health care.Dental care.Laboratory and diagnostic care.Substance abuse treatment.Preventative care.Physical and occupational therapy.Nutritional support.Pharmaceutical care.More items...•Jan 21, 2022

What is the role of a health service assistant?

A Health Services Assistant supports clinical staff in the care of patients. You can work in a variety of roles, but the core aspects of the work involve infection control and clinical cleaning of patient areas, food preparation, laundry, and patient handling and transport.

Where can I work if I study Health Education?

A health educator can work in a clinic. A health educator can work in the federal ,ministry of education. A health educator can work as an education officer in a state. A health educator can work as a health finance advisor.

What are the types of Health Education?

Health education is a profession of educating people about health. Areas within this profession encompass environmental health, physical health, social health, emotional health, intellectual health, and spiritual health, as well as sexual and reproductive health education.

What are examples of Health Education?

These activities occur in schools, workplaces, clinics and communities and include topics such as healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco use prevention, mental health, HIV/AIDS prevention and safety. Staff who are recognized as “health educators” are hard-working, enthusiastic and dedicated.

What is healthcare, and why is it important to learn about?

Healthcare is the prevention and treatment of illness as well as the improvement of wellbeing by medical professionals. This term can be used to de...

What kinds of careers can I have with a background in healthcare?

The functioning of the healthcare system depends on not only doctors and nurses but on the skilled healthcare administration professionals who mana...

Can I learn about healthcare by taking online courses on Coursera?

Yes! There are opportunities to learn about a wide range of health and wellness topics on Coursera, including courses and Specializations spanning...

What skills or experience do I need to already have, before starting to learn health care?

If you have worked in any type of health care setting or been involved with a public health initiative, you may have some of the skills and experie...

How do I know if learning health care is right for me?

Learning health care may be right for you if you interact with patients or health care organizations. The subject may benefit you if you want to fu...

What topics can I study that are related to health care?

If you plan to work in administrative roles, some subjects related to health care that you can study include data management, business leadership,...

What are common career paths for someone in health care?

You could follow a common career path with a focus on patient care in a hospital or other type of health setting if you study health care. Another...

What Kinds of Courses Will I Complete?

Students in graduate health care management programs will engage in a number of business based courses, in many instances alongside MBA students. Where the coursework differs is in the health care specific courses.

How Many Courses Will Be Required?

Most graduate programs leading to careers in health care management or administration require somewhere between 36 and 50 credit hours. Each program has very specific requirements, so it is important to look into each school you are considering.

Will I Learn Outside of the Classroom?

A growing part of many health care management curriculums now includes learning experiences outside the classroom. Some of the many possible experiential learning opportunities include:

Can I Complete My Coursework Online?

Each year, more and more colleges and universities offer all or part of the master’s degree training in health care management online. There is a general trend towards online learning, and health care management is no exception.

How is knowledge related to health science acquired?

Knowledge related to health science is mainly acquired through research studies. These studies may include such things as evaluating new medications and treatments to ensure they are both effective and safe. The development of antibiotics and vaccines for major diseases are a few examples of the benefits that have come from preclinical research.

What is a health science major?

Health Science Major. A bachelor's degree with a major in health science prepares students for a variety of careers in health science and health care . Generally, programs include both classroom lectures and hands-on learning, such as lab work, in order to most effectively prepare graduates for the field.

What is the goal of health science?

What Is Health Science? The overall goal of health science is the improvement of human and animal health through scientific research. Read on for more information regarding this discipline.

What is health care?

Health care is delivered through a variety of fields, including pharmacy, dentistry, and medicine, and it involves not only the treatment of illness, but also the prevention of it. Health care professionals aim to maintain the overall mental and physical well-being of patients. While most people associate health care with services ...

What are some examples of preclinical research?

The development of antibiotics and vaccines for major diseases are a few examples of the benefits that have come from preclinical research. This type of research involves the creation of new approaches to therapy and treatment. Health science also includes research related to diet, nutrition, and fitness.

1. What Is the Meaning of "Relevant Coursework"?

Relevant coursework is a term for courses you took at school or college that are related to the position you are applying for. This kind of coursework can be listed on a resume under the education heading. The purpose of this information is to highlight knowledge pertinent to the job.

2. Should I Include Relevant Coursework on Resumes?

We’ve just shown you several examples of including courses on a resume.

3. How to List Relevant Coursework on Resumes?

You’ve decided to include a related college class or course on your resume.

Key Points

Decide first if adding coursework on a resume is ideal for you; include related classes if relevant to the job and you have little professional experience.

What Does Relevant Coursework Mean and How to Include It on Your Resume

Relevant coursework is a list of subjects and courses you took at school that are pertinent to the position you're applying for. You can include relevant coursework on your resume in the education section. Any courses, subjects, and projects you list have to be related to the job opening.

How to List Relevant Coursework on a Resume

Once you decide that relevant coursework should be on your resume, you might start wondering where to put relevant coursework on a resume.

Tips on Putting Relevant Coursework on a Resume

Always tailor your resume to the job offer. If the position requires a lot of relevant experience, putting relevant coursework on your resume will not get you any points. In such cases, throw relevant coursework out of the window and focus on your skills.

Key Takeaways

Here's all you need to know about putting relevant coursework on a resume:

What is coursework in education?

Coursework is a practical work or study done by a student in partial fulfilment of a degree or training. Projects, field work, design studies, long essays etc constitutes a coursework. The nature of work which requires to be carried out depends on the course. It is largely a part of learning exercise and a step to prepare you to handle ...

Why do we need coursework?

The reason can be an assessment by the teacher but in most of the cases it’s a requirement as per course structure. A coursework is meant to reflect understanding of what has been taught. How well you understand it and apply it in different situations.

What is written work?

Written or practical work done by a student during a course of study, usually assessed in order to count towards a final mark or grade.

How long does it take to get a doctorate?

The lengthy road to earning a doctorate can be shortened by at least several months through online study. The doctorate degree requires two to five years of postgraduate work, the writing of a thesis, and the passing of oral and written examinations.

What is model making?

Model making, crafts and other similar activity is generally given when creativity aspect is to be assessed. There may be a combination of these in few cases. The whole purpose largely depends on what your course and what it prepares you to be.

What is originality in research?

Originality – Your topic/ idea should be original. Originality of idea is given significant importance and can be a deal breaker. This is not just of the requirement in most of the cases but also a scoring parameter. There are countless number of students and scholars doing research so having an original idea keeps you on positive side.

What is a doctoral degree?

Most doctoral degrees are the doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degree, although recipients of this degree may have studied a number of academic fields other than philosophy. Doctorate degrees are now available in numerous fields, including: Business Administration. Computer Science. Environmental Engineering.

What is relevant coursework?

Relevant coursework is an optional entry-level resume section that includes coursework you’ve completed related to the job you’re applying to. If you are a student or have just graduated, relevant coursework is a good way to demonstrate your expertise even if you don’t yet have professional experience.

What is the meaning of coursework?

Coursework is work performed by students or trainees for the purpose of learning. Coursework may be specified and assigned by teachers, or by learning guides in self-taught courses. Sometimes coursework is performed by a group so that students can learn both how to work in groups and from each other.

Should I include relevant coursework on resume?

List only those courses that give you specific knowledge (usually electives) and are directly relevant to the position to which you are applying. On your resume the best place to include information about relevant courses is directly under the degree program in which you took the course.

How do you list coursework on a resume?

Here’s how to write relevant coursework on resumes: Create a subsection under the education entry on your resume with a clearly-labeled subheading, such as Related Coursework. Add a few of the most relevant courses, classes, and lectures which make sense for the job you’re applying to.

Should my resume have color?

It is generally best to avoid using bright colors as they can be distracting and look unprofessional. The color on your resume should compliment it, not take the focus away from the content. It is a good idea, if possible, to use the same colors for your cover letter as you use in your resume.

What should my resume look like in 2020?

Keep It Simple Unless you’re applying for a design role, a clean, simple layout is best. Use clear section headings and make them stand out with bold type, capital letters, and/or a different color. Make sure there’s plenty of white space—an overstuffed resume is hard to read.

What is the best resume format for 2020?

The chronological resume format is best for experienced job seekers. This format focuses on your work history, so you can use the bulk of the page discussing your past duties and accomplishments. You can also mention specific professional milestones you’ve achieved over the years.

Where should coursework be placed on a resume?

If you feel this would simply be a helpful supplement to the rest of your resume for an employer, it might be best placed below the education section of your resume.

What is a single column resume?

The single-column format looks similar to the education section on your resume, simply displaying your relevant coursework in list form. For example, a candidate applying for a journalism job might include the following:

Do you have to include work experience on your resume?

If you are a student, you might not have a large volume of work experience to list on your resume. This is common, and employers will take your student status into account when reviewing your resume. However, adding coursework that’s relevant to the job or internship you’re applying for can help employers understand the skills you’re developing ...


What Kinds of Courses Will I Complete?

  • Students in graduate health care management programs will engage in a number of business based courses, in many instances alongside MBA students. Where the coursework differs is in the health care specific courses. Some of these include classes in electronic medical records, health informatics, hospital management, health policy, health outcomes and many others.
See more on healthcare-management-degree.net

How Many Courses Will Be Required?

  • Most graduate programs leading to careers in health care management or administration require somewhere between 36 and 50 credit hours. Each program has very specific requirements, so it is important to look into each school you are considering.
See more on healthcare-management-degree.net

Will I Learn Outside of The Classroom?

  • A growing part of many health care management curriculums now includes learning experiences outside the classroom. Some of the many possible experiential learning opportunities include: 1. Study abroad options 2. Internships 3. Practicum Placements 4. Seminars 5. Research Placements
See more on healthcare-management-degree.net

Can I Complete My Coursework Online?

  • Each year, more and more colleges and universities offer all or part of the master’s degree training in health care management online. There is a general trend towards online learning, and health care management is no exception. Many individuals seeking a graduate degree in this expanding area of employment are currently employed and already balancing work and family. By having th…
See more on healthcare-management-degree.net

Health Science Basics

  • Health science encompasses a variety of sub-disciplines, all of which relate to the application of science to health. Both traditional Western and alternative medicine can be considered health sciences. Because humans have always needed to deal with illness, it could be said that health science has existed for as long as humans have. The field includes the study of medicine, nutriti…
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Attainment of Knowledge Through The Health Sciences

  • Knowledge related to health science is mainly acquired through research studies. These studies may include such things as evaluating new medications and treatments to ensure they are both effective and safe. The development of antibiotics and vaccines for major diseases are a few examples of the benefits that have come from preclinical research. This type of research involve…
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Health Science Major

  • A bachelor's degree with a major in health science prepares students for a variety of careers in health science and health care. Generally, programs include both classroom lectures and hands-on learning, such as lab work, in order to most effectively prepare graduates for the field. Coursework may include biology, physiology, environmental health, health informatics, among ot…
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What Can You Do with A Health Science Degree?

  • There are several health care career options for graduates with a health science degree. Health care is delivered through a variety of fields, including pharmacy, dentistry, and medicine, and it involves not only the treatment of illness, but also the prevention of it. Health care professionals aim to maintain the overall mental and physical well-being of patients. While most people associ…
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What Is The Meaning of "Relevant Coursework"?

Relevant coursework is a term for courses you took at school or college that are related to the position you are applying for. This kind of coursework can be listed on a resume under the education heading. The purpose of this information is to highlight knowledge pertinent to the job. Before we dive in with the why, the what, …
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Should I Include Relevant Coursework on Resumes?

  • We’ve just shown you several examples of including courses on a resume. Adding related coursework on resumes is optional. However, it is a strategic choice which may help your chances, if done right. So— Should you include relevant coursework on a resume? Add a resume coursework subsection when: 1. You’re writing a resume with little experience; 2. You have cours…
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How to List Relevant Coursework on Resumes?

  • You’ve decided to include a related college class or course on your resume. But— Where to put relevant coursework on a resume? When adding related classwork onto a resume, make a subsection at the end of the appropriate education entry. Place it below the degree, school name and location, and date of completion or estimated date of graduation. Put it next to any subsecti…
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Key Points

  • Let’s wrap it up— Here’s how to write relevant coursework on resumes: 1. Decide first if adding coursework on a resume is ideal for you; include related classes if relevant to the job and you have little professional experience. 2. Create a subsection under the education entry on your resume with a clearly-labeled subheading, such as “Related Coursework.” 3. Add a few of the mo…
See more on resumelab.com