what is health concepts course description

by Aliza Sporer Jr. 8 min read

Introduction to Health Concepts (NUR-111) Course Description This course introduces the concepts within the three domains of the individual, healthcare, and nursing.

Health Concepts
View Syllabus. Basic concepts, principles, attitudes and information regarding health for students within framework of their individual needs. Designed so that students can recognize and utilize those factors which contribute to creation and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.

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What do you learn in concepts of nursing?

Core concepts explored include client, environment, health, nursing and health patterns. Historical, philosophical, and social development of nursing and the role of the professional nurse is addressed.

What are three important nursing concepts?

The Most Important Concept in NursingInfection.Inflammation.Clinical judgment.Professionalism.Leadership.Nutrition.Elimination.Safety.More items...•

What does nur 111 consist of?

NUR-111: Introduction to Health Concepts Emphasis is placed on the concepts within each domain including medication administration, assessment, nutrition, ethics, interdisciplinary teams, informatics, evidence-based practice, individual-centered care, and quality improvement.

What does concepts mean in nursing?

A concept is usually one or two words that convey meaning, understanding or feelings between or among individuals within a same discipline. Some concepts relevant to nursing are health, nursing, managed care, coping and parenting.

Why are concepts in nursing important?

They provide a foundational knowledge of care concepts that enable those in the profession to explain what they do for patients and the reasons for their actions. This is particularly important because it helps nurses articulate evidence that justifies the methodologies behind their practice.