what is culture? course hero

by Mary Emard MD 5 min read

What is culture in a group?

Definition of Culture. Culture is the learned set of symbols, beliefs, values, norms, practices, and material goods shared by members of a group. Culture and society are two concepts so closely interrelated that they are essentially inseparable. Society is a human-made system that organizes and connects people who interact, ...

How does culture influence people?

Culture influences how people behave in particular situations. It shapes people's tastes, beliefs, choices, and judgments. A culture is created and maintained by people who belong to a particular social environment and is reproduced over time, intergenerationally. The values, norms, beliefs, and practices that characterize a culture are replicated ...

What are the beliefs of a society?

Beliefs are the ideas that people consider deeply true and important. Beliefs are not always based on scientific fact and can be rooted in the shared values of a culture. The social basis of beliefs and what people believe to be true is linked directly to their culture. Belief, in general, has social significance and helps shape a society's collective identity, the shared identity of a group that draws from its members' common interests and experiences. Throughout the world , societies develop commonly held cultural values. For example, many Americans value a certain concept of individualism, the idea that freedom of beliefs and action for individuals takes precedence over community identity or collective needs. This belief is a widely recognized hallmark of American identity.

How do cultural norms influence power?

Cultural norms influence the power structure of a society. What a society deems as a legitimate authority depends in part on the traditions, beliefs, values, and practices that shape its culture.

What are some examples of cultural values?

For example, many Americans value a certain concept of individualism, the idea that freedom of beliefs and action for individuals takes precedence over community identity or collective needs.

How are values, norms, beliefs, and practices that characterize a culture replicated?

The values, norms, beliefs, and practices that characterize a culture are replicated through the socialization of young children and the ongoing socialization of older members of society. In order to understand a society, it is necessary to understand its culture.

What do people believe?

People believe in all manner of things, such as political standpoints, definitions of what makes a family, and what constitutes beauty or good taste. These beliefs make up the rules of society. What people believe is part of what creates a culture. Beliefs are the ideas that people consider deeply true and important.
