what is course structure

by Vivienne Connelly 10 min read

Course Structure Each course consists of one or more sections often called topics. The course sections (topics) are learning content holders of the course lessons and study material.

The course structure refers to the choice of topics and the organization and sequencing of course content. Remember that the choice of topics and their organization should always support the learning objectives for the course.

Full Answer

How do you explain the structure of a course to students?

General course structure. The academic year. The majority of our undergraduate Bachelor of Arts (known as BA) degrees last three years. This is not always the case, for example if you are doing a language degree which involves a year abroad, your course may be four years. Exceptionally, a language degree may be five years long (for example, Classics and Modern Languages).

How do I create an online course structure?

You have to decided on the course structure, (organized by week, modules or units) and now you can design style and theme. This can be done after you have a design for one or two weeks, modules, or chapters. Describe the course style or theme, and design elements that can facilitate the instructional strategies.

What is the course structure and representation formats of course content?

Online Course Module Structure. Vanderbilt University Course Development Resources. https://www.vanderbilt.edu/cdr/module1/online-course-module-structure/ Module is the term that is most often used to describe online lessons or units. Online course modules typically contain content and activities organized to create a clear learning path for students.

What are the sections of a course?

Course Structure: Instructors often have little input on the course structure, as it is usually predetermined by the organization or institution sponsoring the course. The class structure includes: • The duration of the course (number of months, weeks, days, or hours). • The frequency of classes (number of meetings per week).

How do you write a course structure?

When creating your course outline there are some essential pieces that you need to include:Course Description from the Academic Calendar. ... Course Goals. ... Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes. ... Assessment Overview. ... Assessment Plan. ... Schedule of Activities. ... Plagiarism Announcement. ... Reading List.

What is course structural planning?

Course Structure Components To create a course map means to visually organize all course components - goals, objectives, outcomes, activities, resources, interactions, evaluation - and the connections between them. It means to visually represent the course structure, instructional scaffolding, and content sequencing.

What is course content example?

Any informational material that is required for participation or understanding content such as assigned readings, video recordings, exams, and any other material needed for learning.

What is a course design?

Course design is the process and methodology of creating quality learning environments and experiences for students. Through deliberate and structured expose to instructional materials, learning activities, and interaction, students are able to access information, obtain skills, and practice higher levels of thinking.

What is course planning in teaching?

A course plan includes not only the goals and the content topics, but also how the topics will be taught and what the students will do during the course. In order to achieve end-of-semester goals, students must have practice during the semester.

What course material means?

Course materials include, but are not limited to, lectures, lecture notes, and materials, syllabi, study guides, bibliographies, visual aids, images, diagrams, multimedia presentations, web-ready content, and educational software.

What means course outline?

Course Outlines are critical resources that help students understand the course. A Course Outline defines the course aims and learning outcomes, course requirements, textbooks, and assessment dates and criteria. It also contains contact details for the Course Coordinator and tutors.Feb 8, 2019

What is another name for course outline?

Course outlines, or syllabi, are an integral part of course design. They generally summarize our course design plans and serve as a “contract” with our students regarding the course described.

What is a course topic?

Course Topics are a way to group courses by common subject. Topics are similar to course Majors, but provide additional features: Administrators can set up a hierarchy of topics, creating a drill-down menu experience. A course can be tagged to multiple topics, but only one major.

How do you describe a course of study?

The term Course of Study refers to an integrated course prepared for academic studies. It is a series of courses that every student should complete before they progress to the next level of education. A usual course of study in high school involves classes in the core subject area.

What makes a course a good course?

A good online course is engaging and challenging. It invites students to participate, motivates them to contribute and captures their interest and attention. It capitalizes on the joy of learning and challenges students to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge. A good online course is cognitively challenging.Jun 10, 2020

How do you structure a language course?

Organizational TipsStructure your class into small sections. When you structure your class, you give your beginning students something to lean on when things get rough. ... Always follow the basic structure. ... Include quizzes and games in the structure. ... Experiment with alternative classroom setups.

What is course outline?

A course outline is one of the most crucial elements you can create for your online class. It’s the blueprint showing the foundational structure and design for ...

Why is it important to divide an online course into parts?

Designing an online course can be an overwhelming process, which is why it’s helpful to divide it up into parts. Your students will also be able to follow your course more easily if it’s broken down into a few digestible components.

What is the best format for online courses?

Video. This format is becoming increasingly popular with online course creators, as it allows the instructor to communicate directly to students in a personable, relatable way. Video is best for demonstrating skills and giving easily-digestible presentations.

How many lessons are in a module?

While modules should have the same basic structure, they don’t need to have the same number of lessons. One module may have only three lessons, while another module may have ten —and that’s perfectly fine! 4.

Why do we need an outline?

An outline helps you keep your ideas organized when you are designing a course. It enables you to group together related topics, not to mention see the order in which topics need to be addressed. Starting with an outline helps you create the course more efficiently.

How is Oxford University assessed?

Assessment. Most of our degrees are assessed primarily by written examination and dissertation. These exams are typically divided between First (known as 'Prelims' or 'Mods) and Final University exams. At Oxford, your results in your Finals determine your class of degree.

How long does a research project last?

Research projects. Some courses, particularly those lasting four years, offer the chance to produce your own research and to work alongside other researchers at the University. These projects can lead to exciting careers or further study opportunities.

How long is a BA?

The academic year. The majority of our undergraduate Bachelor of Arts (known as BA) degrees last three years. This is not always the case, for example if you are doing a language degree which involves a year abroad, your course may be four years. Exceptionally, a language degree may be five years long (for example, Classics and Modern Languages).

11.9.1 Some general observations about structure in teaching

First a definition, since this is a topic that is rarely directly discussed in either face-to-face or online teaching, despite structure being one of the main factors that influences learner success.

11.9.2 Institutional organizational requirements of face-to-face teaching

Although the institutional structure in face-to-face teaching is so familiar that it is often unnoticed or taken for granted, institutional requirements are in fact a major determinant of the way teaching is structured, as well as influencing both the work of teachers and the life of students.

11.9.3 Institutional organizational requirements of online teaching

One obvious challenge for online learning, at least in its earliest days, was acceptance. There was (and still is) a lot of skepticism about the quality and effectiveness of online learning, especially from those that have never studied or taught online.

11.9.4 How much work is an online course?

Before decisions can be made about the best way to structure a blended or an online course, some assumption needs to be made about how much time students should expect to study on the course. We have seen that this really needs to be equivalent to what a full-time student would study.

11.9.5 Strong or loose structure?

Another critical decision is just how much you should structure the course for the students. This will depend partly on your preferred teaching philosophy and partly on the needs of the students.

11.9.6 Moving a face-to-face course online

This is the easiest way to determine the structure for an online course. The structure of the course will have already been decided to a large extent, in that the content of each week’s work is clearly defined by lecture topics.

11.9.7 Structuring a blended learning course

Many blended learning courses are designed almost by accident, rather than deliberately. Online components, such as a learning management system to contain online learning materials, lecture notes or online readings, are gradually added to regular classroom teaching.

How long do you have to design a course?

This can be done after you have a design for one or two weeks, modules, or chapters.

What is instructional strategy?

Instructional strategies are methods and learning activities that are arranged and used strategically in order to maximize students’ ability to learn. An instructional strategy will likely include the following: An introduction or preparation phase. Exposing students to subject matter, concepts and ideas.

What is a well written learning outcome?

Well written learning outcomes will specify what learners will need to know and be able to do as a result of learning. They will also help you select, create, and organize the content, activities, instructional strategies and assessments for the course.

What is coaching and providing feedback?

Coaching and providing feedback to ensure students can perform to expectations. Assessing learning and performance with feedback incorporated into the assessment activity. For each learning outcome, and with the course assessments in mind, think about what learners will need to know and be able to do.

What is a module in online learning?

Module is the term that is most often used to describe online lessons or units. Online course modules typically contain content and activities organized to create a clear learning path for students.

What is a good learning module?

Good modules include some sort of intake through reading, listening, or viewing. They give students opportunities to process what they have taken in.

What is multitasking in online courses?

In online courses with the whole internet just a click away, boring = multitasking = low attention = low learning.

What is course planning?

Course planning is a continual process, as illustrated by the diagram below. Each of the steps is necessarily undertaken with the others in mind, and each will necessarily undergo revision each time you teach a particular course. As you plan and revise courses, remember the importance of teaching core concepts and critical-thinking skills.

How to define course goals?

When you define the course goals, focus on student learning. One way to formulate these goals is to determine what students should be learning in terms of content, cognitive development, and personal development. Be as specific as you can and make sure that the goals define learning in ways that can be measured.

How to teach more material than you can cover in the allotted time?

Instructors often plan initially to teach more material than they can cover in the allotted time. Determine the structure of the course; arrange the topics in a logical order. Developing a rationale that guides the structure of the course can help you explain the material more clearly to the students.

How to prepare for a new course?

Begin the process early , giving yourself as much time as you can to plan a new course. Successful courses require careful planning and continual revision. Consult with colleagues who have taught the same or similar courses to learn from their strategies and their general impressions of the students who typically take the course.

How to teach chemistry?

Teach students problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. Demonstrate how chemistry is used in other fields and in everyday situations. Teach students the beauty of chemistry. Determine course content. Select the major topics and determine the order in which you will teach them. Select the main topics to be covered.

How long is Nathan Hall's summer course?

His course “meets” 3 hours a day and 4 days a week with a mix of asynchronous and synchronous activities.

Is there a perfect module structure?

There is no perfect module structure, and even when courses are designed and taught by the same person, they will typically use a somewhat different module structure based on the learning activities and objectives. It might help to see some examples of different modules just to get our mental gears turning.

Why is it important to have a clear and consistent structure in a course?

Creating a clear and consistent organizational structure for your course improves your student’s learning experience. Lacking the immediacy of the face-to-face classroom, online students become anxious and panicked when they are unable to find content materials. A well-structured course provides students with a consistent navigation scheme and increased findability of content materials, assignments and assessments.

Can you hide a template folder in a 16 week course?

This can be especially useful if you use a weekly organizing folder structure for a 16 week course in which each weekly folder contains similar or the same sub folder structure. You can hide the template folder from students or simply delete it once all the folders have been created. Step 3.
