what is course rotation

by Jamison Heidenreich 7 min read

Full Answer

Does rotation include independent studies?

Please note that the rotations do not include individualized courses such as independent studies, dissertations, theses, professional papers, etc. which are offered to individual students as a part of their programs of study.

Does TWU have a rotation?

TWU academic units have prepared course rotations for organized courses. These are accurate as of the date not ed on each course rotation. Unforeseen events could impact the offering of a particular course; however, academic units will make every effort to assure the least negative impact on students should a change in a rotation be required. Please note that the rotations do not include individualized courses such as independent studies, dissertations, theses, professional papers, etc. which are offered to individual students as a part of their programs of study. It is highly advisable that students consult with their advisors to most effectively choose courses to complete their degree plans.

Undergraduate INFO Courses

H – Hybrid course. Face-to-face component or regular meetings with the rest of the work done online

Graduate INFO Courses

H – Hybrid course. Face-to-face component or regular meetings with the rest of the work done online

What is a rotation model?

Like other models of blended learning, the rotation model makes use of in-person teaching, often delivered in lecture theatres or classrooms, as well as online learning. What makes the rotation model distinct from other forms of blended learning is that it has a scheduled timetable fixed for each of the two education delivery methods.

What are the advantages of rotation?

One of the rotation model’s key advantages is that it allows students to enjoy distinct learning experiences within each rotation. This does not simply break up their classroom time from their other learning as a change for change’s sake but allows students the chance to switch between collaborative learning to more independent modes of study.

What is the rotation model of blended learning?

The rotation model of blended learning provides a structure for students that is timetabled in a way that will meet many of their expectations from traditional educational delivery methods. That said, it provides teachers with a high level of adaptability to tailor their courses. It gives a balanced approach to blended learning and is relatively inexpensive and easy to adopt, even in educational establishments that have never delivered online learning before.

What is blended learning?

Blended learning makes use of both online and offline education to work alongside traditional face-to-face teaching methods. One of the most popular is the rotation model of blended learning, which mixes face-to-face teaching with online learning, organized in a strictly structured manner. Read on to find out more about ...

What is online teaching?

The first is that online teaching will be tailored to the student’s individual needs, something that is not always practical in large classroom settings. The second component is that collaborative work in small groups will be encouraged by teachers. The final one is that both independent and collaborative learning will feature in the rotation model.

What is the primary aim of the iSchool model?

The model’s primary aim is not to educate schoolchildren in IT skills but to encourage them to use their devices as a tool for learning, somewhere they can obtain resources on their own or through modules or games that their teacher has set for them.

Is software required for coursework?

Also, coursework set using software must have some way for teachers to easily assess work when it is turned in by students or the rotation model will not be implemented fully.
