what is course rigor in my school

by Jorge Kautzer 4 min read

Simply put, rigor is the academic or intellectual challenge of a class. The more difficult the class, the more rigorous it is. More often than not, academic rigor does not refer to a single class, but a number of them within a student’s schedule.

What is Academic Rigor and Why is it So Important? Simply put, rigor is the academic or intellectual challenge of a class. The more difficult the class, the more rigorous it is. More often than not, academic rigor does not refer to a single class, but a number of them within a student's schedule.Aug 18, 2020

Full Answer

What is rigor in a class?

Simply put, rigor is the academic or intellectual challenge of a class. The more difficult the class, the more rigor it is said to have. More often than not, academic rigor does not refer to a single class, but a number of them within a student’s schedule.

What is academic rigor and why does it matter?

The more difficult the class, the more rigorous it is. More often than not, academic rigor does not refer to a single class, but a number of them within a student’s schedule. Rigor is more than just “how difficult a class is” however, and even more than “how hard a student has to work to earn a good grade.”

How to promote rigor in the classroom?

Strrrrretch your students’minds by exposing them to rich vocabulary and insightful conversations. As a result, you’ll build their word knowledge and help prepare them to tackle more rigorous texts. 4. To Promote Rigor in the Classroom, Raise the Bar

How do you teach guided reading with rigor?

It’s our job to teach with rigor; and one of the best ways to do that is to ask questions that require our students to think. As we teach Guided Reading, it’s essential for us to craft questions that will engage students in higher-level thinking.

Does GPA or course rigor matter more?

Schools having a holistic approach to admissions consider course rigor and grades in specific classes more critical than the overall GPA (Grade Point Average). They want to see that students take the most rigorous course load that they can responsibly handle while staying mentally and emotionally healthy.

Is course rigor important for college?

More and more, colleges are placing an emphasis on course rigor because they want to ensure that students are prepared to handle a college course load.

How would you describe academic rigor?

According to Dr. Barbara R. Blackburn, academic rigor is defined as creating an environment in which each student is expected to learn at high levels, each student is supported so he or she can learn at high levels, and each student demonstrates learning at high levels.

How do colleges determine course rigor?

A student's academic rigor will depend on the courses available in their high school, their academic ability and interest, the types of colleges and the selectiveness of the colleges to which they expect to apply.

What does high school rigor mean?

Simply put, rigor is the academic or intellectual challenge of a class. The more difficult the class, the more rigorous it is. More often than not, academic rigor does not refer to a single class, but a number of them within a student's schedule.

What is an example of rigor?

Rigor is something strict, severe or demanding. Harsh and strict treatment in the military for cadets is an example of rigor. Freezing weather and ice are examples of the rigors of winter. Difficult and challenging academic courses are an example of academic rigor.

What are examples of rigor in the classroom?

Several common classroom tasks are inherently rigorous, including reading idea-dense literature, taking notes, and using the writing process itself, but these are rarely engaging, and don't always fit with a given academic standard or task.

What does rigorous learning mean?

Rigorous learning is developing in students the skills, knowledge, attitudes and aptitudes that will enable their success in the increasingly complex world in which they will live and work. To achieve rigorous learning for all students requires instructing each student in a way that is relevant to him or her.

What is considered a rigorous course load in high school?

In a rigorous course load, electives can be the bridge between what you need to do and what you want to do. Courses such as visual art, theater, journalism, computer science, and philosophy can ultimately demonstrate your passions and interests to colleges. Electives are also a way for you to showcase your strengths.

How much does course rigor matter for college?

In other words, there is no one deciding, defining scale for “rigor”. What admissions officers will agree upon is that students should take the most challenging course load that they can do well in, while still having enough time to show the deep and passionate involvement in activities that the colleges seek.

What is rigorous class?

Rigor is more than just “how difficult a class is” however, and even more than “how hard a student has to work to earn a good grade.”. In essence, a rigorous class prepares the student by teaching them (and having them exercise) skills useful in school, the business world, and in life.

Why is academic rigor important?

What is Academic Rigor and Why is it So Important? Simply put, rigor is the academic or intellectual challenge of a class. The more difficult the class , the more rigorous it is. More often than not, academic rigor does not refer to a single class, but a number of them within a student’s schedule. Rigor is more than just “how difficult ...

What is a 3.8 GPA?

A 3.8 GPA one semester with standard classes is impressive, but so is a 3.4 GPA with two or three advanced placement (AP) courses in the schedule.

Do colleges like to see you take more challenging classes?

Essentially, they’d rather see you take a few more challenging classes than a variety of more standard ones. If you can, focus on the area you’re interested in studying in college.

Is AP a rigor?

However, there are other ways to include rigor in a schedule. Dual-enrollment classes are college-level ...

What is rigorous curriculum?

A rigorous curriculum is, at heart, a balancing act. You should take the most challenging courses that are within your ability to handle. At the same time, you should pace yourself so that you're not too overwhelmed by the challenge.

What is the idea of a college student?

The general idea is to show that you're intellectually prepared for college-level studying, and that you've developed a habit of guiding yourself toward increasing challenges. This demonstrates grit, resilience, perseverance, and a mature work ethic.

What should my transcript show?

Your transcripts should show how you've taken full advantage of the challenges available to you at your school—but always within reason, of course. This means that you should take progressively more difficult classes in each topic each year rather than jumping from intro class to intro class.

What percentage of colleges surveyed ranked strength of curriculum as considerably important in admissions?

According to the National Association for College Admission Counseling's (NACAC) 2017 State of College Admission Report, 52% of schools surveyed ranked strength of curriculum as considerably important in admissions.

Is high school a good predictor of college success?

As it turns out, exposure to a rigorous curriculum in high school is a better predictor of academic success in college than the education level of your parents is, or even your test scores, class rank, and GPA are. And the best place to show that you've been exposed to a challenging curriculum is through your transcript.


1. What is academic rigor and why is it so important? 2. Why is it good for students to struggle? 3. What do academic rigor and productive struggle look like in the classroom? 4. Why is rigor so hard to achieve in lessons? 5. What is a rigorous task? 6. How do resources support productive struggle? 7.

1. What is academic rigor and why is it so important?

In The Power of Student Teams (2019), Michael Toth and David Sousa define academic rigor as:

2. Why is it good for students to struggle?

I mentioned that students need autonomy from the teacher as they learn. There are many reasons why it’s good for students to struggle, but the short answer I’ll focus on here is that students need to routinely have productive struggle in order to foster a growth mindset.

3. What do academic rigor and productive struggle look like in the classroom?

Productive struggle is embedded in most of our adult brainstorming sessions. I’m sure you can recall the last time you engaged in problem-solving, tested your thinking, or debated your ideas.

4. Why is academic rigor so hard to achieve in lessons?

Academic rigor is so hard to achieve because tasks are often not set up for productive struggle.

5. What is a rigorous task?

A task is what the student does to produce evidence of progress toward the learning target.

Process for Planning an Academically Rigorous Task

Figure 1. The process for planning out a direct line from standards to student evidence for an academically rigorous task.

What is rigor in teaching?

Teaching with rigor involves creating an atmosphere and an environment that promotes deep thinking and engaged learning. It involves teaching our students the skill of asking and answering questions that will help them make meaning as they read.

How to use rigor in classroom discussion?

For Rigor in Classroom Discussions, Incorporate the Appropriate Wait Time. Rigor does not equal rushed. Give those chickens time to cross! During discussion times, allow your students the time to think about their answer.

What is a guided reader?

Guided Readers is the most effective online guided reading program to help build and strengthen students’ literacy skills in phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and guided writing. It offers professionally leveled books, print-and-teach lesson plan s, and an interactive digital experience for the students in your classroom.
