what is course grass patches michigan lawn

by Zelda Fay 3 min read

Coarse grass generally refers to any type of grass that isn't the grass you want growing in your lawn. If your lawn has a patchy appearance, a burnt look or a peppered pattern, you have coarse grass competing with your lawn grasses, according to Lawn & Weed Expert. Types of Weeds in Grass

Full Answer

What causes patches of patchy grass?

Rake the lawn lightly with a spring-tine rake to lift up the patches of coarse grass before mowing. This will allow a better cut and aid coarse grass removal. Take care not to mow too low. Remove individual patches of weed grasses by hand. For large problem areas, fork out the worst patches in September or October (adding soil to re-establish ...

How do I get rid of coarse grass patches?

 · Published on July 1, 2021. Recent rainfall events caused flooding on golf courses, lawns and other turf areas. Depending on how long the turf was submerged and whether soil …

What kind of grass grows in Michigan?

Here’s how to apply : First, take a hand rake and start to break up the soil. Loosen it, pulling out any rocks or other debris, so the grass seedlings will have an easier time building good roots. …

Should I repair or replace dead patches in my lawn?

 · Lawn sizes have also increased dramatically. This increase in rural estates contributes to habitat fragmentation. This presents a problem for wildlife as extensive lawns of …

What is coarse grass?

Coarse grasses (also known as weed grasses) are simply patches of different grass species within a lawn. Where different grasses are easily and clearly distinguishable, coarse grasses are more than likely present. Early identification and removal are vital, as there are no chemical controls for coarse grass in lawns.

How do I get rid of coarse grass in my lawn?

Rake the lawn lightly with a spring-tine rake to lift up the patches of coarse grass before mowing. This will allow a better cut and aid coarse grass removal. Take care not to mow too low. Remove individual patches of weed grasses by hand.

What type of grass is in Michigan sod?

Kentucky bluegrassGrasses used in Michigan generally consist of bluegrass or bluegrass mixtures. Kentucky bluegrass is the most widely used turfgrass in Michigan. With proper management, it forms a long lasting lawn, and it is an aggressive sod former.

What does patches of dead grass mean?

There are a variety of reasons your lawn may develop Brown patch, including high heat and humidity, excessive nitrogen, moisture, poor soil damage, too much thatch, and compacted soil. In some cases, you can't prevent your lawn from developing Brown thatch—after all, you can't control the weather.

What are the thick patches of grass in my lawn?

It's probably Tall Fescue. Tall Fescue is not a weed. It's actually a variety of grass has been used in the U.S. for quite a long time. The plant is used heavily along road sides or other utilitarian applications because of its low maintenance attributes and reliability.

What is the thick bladed grass in my lawn?

Tall fescue is a thick bladed fast growing and uncontrollable perennial grass that usually grows in clumps in the middle of a lawn. Tall fescue is NOT controllable without killing the desirable grasses surrounding the tall fescue.

What grass is best for Michigan?

The Best Grass Seed for Michigan LawnsKentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is the most widely grown lawn grass in Michigan. ... A study conducted by Michigan State University rated 98 Kentucky bluegrass cultivars in terms of their average turf quality over three consecutive growing seasons.More items...

What is easiest grass to grow in Michigan?

Best Lawn Grass Seeds for MichiganKentucky Bluegrass. Kentucky bluegrass is an excellent choice for Michigan's lakeshore regions because it grows well in sandy soils. ... Fine Fescue. Fine-leafed fescues are best adapted to dry conditions with shade and well-drained soils. ... Perennial Ryegrass.

Is tall fescue good for Michigan?

Therefore, certain mixes will germinate faster and perform better than others. Cool-season grass varietals prefer temperatures between 60 and 75°F and include creeping bentgrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, annual ryegrass, and perennial ryegrass.

How do I get rid of dead patches in my lawn?

Here's the process:1.) Clear out any dead, matted turf and other debris. Grass will germinate and root best when it comes into contact with soil.2.) Loosen the soil. ... 3.) Scatter grass seed over the loosened soil. ... 4.) Fertilize. ... 5.) Mulch and water.

What causes patchy grass?

Lawn diseases, such as powdery mildew, or insects like Japanese Beetles and grubs, can create thin, patchy grass. Too much shade. Shade problems can also cause or contribute to thinning grass under trees or in random lawn patches.

What causes large brown patches in lawn?

Brown Patch–a fungal disease that attacks grass–thrives in the fall when the weather is cooling off. It's caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia and leaves large circular brown patches on millions of lawns each year. If you are a homeowner, chances are you've seen this happen to your lawn at least once.

How to remove stubborn weed patches?

Remove the leftover stubborn weed patches manually or by using a weed fork.

What is rough meadow grass?

Rough meadow grass. This is arguably the most horrendous type of grass weed in the UK. Luckily, it’s the least occurring and it’s very easy to identify. The grass grows in so-called “whorls” (solid tufts of weed). Its leaves are rough, hardened and dark-green in colour.

Can you get rid of coarse grass?

Reality check – it’s not that easy to get rid of coarse grass completely. It’s invasive and in most cases, it might go unnoticed for a long time before it gets out of control. So, bear in mind that:

Why is my meadow grass dying out?

Avoid excessive watering in periods of drought. Due to its shallow roots, meadow grass will die out.

When to apply nitrogen fertilizer to lawn?

Choose one rich in nitrogen. The best time to implement it will be in March as you will accelerate the fine lawn grass’ growth.

Why is coarse grass better than decorative grass?

Extreme weather conditions. Gardening communities state that extensive periods of rain or drought are the reason why some coarse grasses thrive better than decorative lawns. Lawn compaction.

Why is my lawn burning?

If your lawn has a burnt-like outlook, it’s likely due to died out coarse grass. This usually happens during a period of drought, especially if your soil is clay. If you look at your lawn and see little bright seed heads, it’s highly likely that meadow grass has infested your green space and you are seeing its flowers.

What are coarse grasses in lawns?

In a lawn free of weed grasses, it should not be possible to easily make out the different grass species. Where different grasses are clearly distinguishable, coarse grasses are probably present. Early removal is important as there are no chemical controls. Coarser leaf blades may have poor drought tolerance or a tendency to flower at a low height.


The RHS believes that avoiding pests, diseases and weeds by good practice in cultivation methods, cultivar selection, garden hygiene and encouraging or introducing natural enemies, should be the first line of control. If chemical controls are used, they should be used only in a minimal and highly targeted manner.

Cultural controls

Apply a spring lawn fertiliser, high in nitrogen, in March. This will boost desirable lawn grasses as they come into growth

Chemical controls

There are no selective weedkillers that can be used against coarse grasses in lawns without also killing the turf grasses.

How to get rid of grass in small areas?

For small areas and light infestations, pull the offending plants, being sure to pull as much of the root as possible. Be prepared to pull new plants that sprout from root segments that are left behind. Large areas of coarse grass may require broader application of herbicides.

How to control annual coarse grass?

Annual coarse grasses can be controlled through a combination of physical, cultural and chemical approaches. Start by reducing the number of seeds by removing annual coarse grasses before the flowers go to seed. Annual coarse grasses have shallow root systems, meaning they can be pulled by hand.

What are some examples of weeds in lawns?

Annuals, as their name implies, complete their growth cycle in one year. According to Pennington, examples of annual grasslike weeds include crabgrass (Digi taria spp.), foxtails ( Setaria spp.) and ragweed (Ambro sia spp.). These unwelcome invaders tend to show up later in spring, hiding under the lawn grasses before sprouting from seeds that propagated in the fall and overwintered in a dormant state, according to Michigan State University Extension.

How to get rid of weeds in lawn?

Drought impacts the weeds more than a healthy lawn, so letting the soil dry out before the seeds develop will reduce the number of flowering weeds. Applying a high-nitrogen spring lawn fertilizer helps the lawn get a head start and will crowd out the sprouting weed seeds. If the number of coarse annual grasses in the lawn makes hand-pulling unrealistic, mow the lawn with the blade set lower than the flowering heads of the weeds. Cutting the desired grass too short, however, can overstress the lawn.

How to control grass weeds in spring?

Spring lawn weeds frequently appear due to seeds spread through loam used to top-dress the lawn, overwintering seeds, seeds in the grass seed or seeds spread by birds and wind. Annual coarse grasses can be controlled through a combination of physical, cultural and chemical approaches. Start by reducing the number of seeds by removing annual coarse grasses before the flowers go to seed. Annual coarse grasses have shallow root systems, meaning they can be pulled by hand.

What is coarse grass?

Coarse grass generally refers to any type of grass that isn't the grass you want growing in your lawn. If your lawn has a patchy appearance, a burnt look or a peppered pattern, you have coarse grass competing with your lawn grasses, according to Lawn & Weed Expert.

Can you cut grass too short?

Cutting the desired grass too short, however, can overstress the lawn. If large areas of the lawn have been taken over by the coarse grasses, remove the weedy patches in late summer or fall. Add clean soil and new grass seed.
