what is computer science course in high school

by Mortimer Ward 4 min read

High School Computer Science Courses

  • AP Computer Science Pathway. Computer science is a foundation skill. ...
  • Cybersecurity Pathway. As our world becomes increasingly dependent on technology, cybersecurity is a topic of growing importance for businesses and individuals.
  • Web Development Pathway. ...
  • Mobile Apps Pathway

Computer Science Projects focus on coding and technology projects, such as computer simulation, programming languages, microcontrollers (e.g., Raspberry Pi, Arduino), scientific applications, and web development. Additionally, students may create interactive art, virtual reality or video games, and computer graphics.Apr 22, 2020

Full Answer

What are the best computer science courses?

Computer Science 101 Stanford Online. CS101 CS101 is a self-paced course that teaches the essential ideas of Computer Science for a zero-prior-experience audience. Computers can appear very complicated, but in reality, computers work within just a few, simple patterns. CS101 demystifies and brings those patterns to life, which is useful for ...

What schools offer computer science?

What are some good schools for Computer Science?

What are some high school science classes?

Is computer science in high school hard?

Computer science is hard. It is not easy to learn computer science. Computer technology, software, and statistical algorithms are some of the most difficult topics in the field. Despite this, anyone can succeed in a challenging field such as computer science if they have the time and motivation.

What is in a computer science course?

Some core computer science courses you may cover include theory of computation, fundamentals of computer science, compliers and operating systems, information theory, basic programming, systems and architecture, software development and testing, web applications and databases, algorithms and data structures, and ...

What grade is computer science for?

California Computer Science Pathway. CodeHS courses align with California middle school and high school computer science standards for a robust grade 6-12 pathway.

What is computer science grade 11?

Introduction to Computer Programming. This course introduces students to computer programming concepts and practices. ... Students will write and test computer programs, using various problem-solving strategies.

Is computer science hard?

Is computer science a hard major? CS has earned a reputation as a challenging major. And earning a degree in computer science does test students. Majors need strong technical skills, the ability to learn multiple programming languages, and exceptional analytical and problem-solving abilities.Oct 6, 2021

What are 5 careers in computer science?

Top 10 Jobs for Computer Science MajorsSoftware Developer. ... Web Developer. ... UX Designer. ... Mobile App Developer. ... IT Project Manager. ... Information Security Analyst. ... Systems Architect. ... AI Engineer.More items...

Do I need math for computer science?

Math is an essential component of computer science which underpins computing and programming concepts. Without it, you would find it challenging to make sense of abstract language, algorithms, data structures or differential equations. All of which are necessary to fully appreciate how computers work.Feb 26, 2021

Is computer science a good job?

Is computer science a good major? With a median pay of $91,250 and job growth of 11% in the computer and IT field , yes, computer science is a good major. The pay is competitive, and job growth for the industry is faster than the national average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.Feb 11, 2022

Is computer science only coding?

Computer Science is Not Just Coding Computer science is not just about building computers or writing computer programs (we call this programming, or coding).

What do computer science learn in 10th grade?

This course introduces students to computer programming concepts and practices. Students will write and test computer programs, using various problem-solving strategies. They will learn the fundamentals of program design and apply a software development life-cycle model to a software development project.

What is done in computer science?

The discipline of computer science includes the study of algorithms and data structures, computer and network design, modeling data and information processes, and artificial intelligence.

Is Grade 11 computer programming hard?

It is one of the hardest majors in computer science. It's not uncommon to find a lot of math in the classroom, and some of the programming concepts can be very difficult.

What is computer science?

Now, computer science refers to “a branch of science that deals with the theory of computation or the design of computers.”. Beginning in the 1960s, computer programmers turned their attention to global challenges; consequently, computer scientists accelerated learning ...

What is cognitive computing?

As Dr. Molnar explains, cognitive computing means that the individual is an “information processor.”. In other words, every person is an organic computer, with the inexhaustible potential to develop “higher-order, thinking and problem-solving skills.”. High school students spend much of their time learning to think critically and solve problems.

When was the first computer invented?

“Computing” dates to ancient China, where mathematicians calculated their herds and acreage; yet, the greatest technological leap occurred in 1843, when Ada Lovelace wrote the first algorithm and collaborated with Charles Babbage, who envisioned a “programmable computer.”


Defining “Computer Science”

The Importance of Computer Science Programs For High School Students

  • Dr. Andrew Molnar is a pioneer in computer-assisted education, and he believes that our modern base of knowledge is so vast that “it would take 22 centuries to read the annual biomedical research literature or seven centuries to read a year’s chemical literature.” Consequently, we depend on computers to store, organize, cross-reference, and provide...
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Why Choose Marlborough?

  • Marlborough serves girls in grades 7 through 12. As a private, college-preparatory secondary school, we are conveniently located in the heart of Los Angeles, California. Our goalis to ignite intellectual inquiry and to build the problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills that our students will need to innovate, invent, and lead in college and beyond.
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Next Steps

  • If you want your daughter to become a curious, agile thinker, consider Marlborough. Our outstanding computer science program for high school students can enrich your daughter’s educational experience as she prepares for college and beyond. Want to know more about the Marlborough experience? Contact us today
See more on marlborough.org