what is cis in computer course

by Mr. Mackenzie Haley 7 min read

College of Marin's Computer Information Systems (CIS) program is designed to provide education for computer-related careers, professional advancement, as well as transfer preparation.

What is Computer Information Systems (CIS)?

The field of computer information systems (CIS) involves the management and transfer of data through computer networks. As a CIS professional, you can apply information technology (IT), such as database management, computer networking and software development, to a variety of business settings. Your training in CIS can lend itself to areas such as Internet development …

What can you do with a CIS degree?

Oct 20, 2021 · A computer information systems (CIS) certificate is proof of specialized expertise in a certain area, such as project management, management information systems, PC support, and computer concepts. This certificate can be complementary to a college degree or stand alone. Some programs allow students to choose a specific area of study to focus on, preparing …

What is a Computer Information Systems degree?

May 29, 2021 · The computer information systems help the firm in business processes. Firstly, they help in collection, storage, analysis and interpretation of data. Secondly, CIS helps improve the processes. Thirdly, it integrates discrete business …

Does CIS count as credit for a computer science major?

A comprehensive list and description of all current CIS courses can be found using the links to the Registrar Course Catalog below: Computer and Information Science (CIS) Course List (Graduate courses are 5xx and above) Computer and Information Technology (CIT) Course List; Networked and Social Systems (NETS)

What is CIS course?

CIS 1323. Introduction to Microcomputer Applications. This course develops advanced information technology skills, focusing on office productivity software. Primary emphasis is placed on spreadsheet, database, and presentation software.

What is CIS in coding?

The field of computer information systems (CIS) involves the management and transfer of data through computer networks. As a CIS professional, you can apply information technology (IT), such as database management, computer networking and software development, to a variety of business settings.

What does CIS mean in college?

If you are thinking about a degree in computer information systems (CIS), that means that you can expect to enter a growing and flourishing workforce.Nov 29, 2017

What is CIS career?

Computer Information Systems (CIS) encompasses careers such as programmers, systems analysts or CIS managers - anything dealing with data input and the operation of computers for businesses.

Is CIS better than CS?

Although similar, computer information systems and computer science are distinct fields. Depending on your interests and professional goals, CIS or CS careers might be a better fit. CS tend to be more technical, whereas CIS focuses more on practical applications.Feb 26, 2021

Is CIS a good degree?

Is a CIS Degree Worth It? Yes, a computer information systems degree is worth it for many students. Jobs in the computer and information technology are projected to grow at a rate of 11% in the next 10 years (Bureau of Labor Statistics), much faster than the average job growth for all occupations.Nov 23, 2021

Is cis difficult?

Is a CIS Degree Hard? Getting your degree in CIS is not easy, but many people agree that it's completely worth it. You will likely need to take quite a few coding and math classes, which some people find to be challenging.Apr 10, 2022

How long does it take to study cis?

Generally, for one who starts CIS straight from A Level, the study period averages 2 ½ to 3 years of serious study full time.

Where should I start my cis degree?

Some common careers in this field include network and computer systems administrator, software developer, computer systems analyst, computer programmer, and IT manager. Many people use their undergraduate CIS degrees as a springboard for graduate work, but many find jobs in this field with just an undergraduate.Dec 2, 2021

What computer job pays the most?

20 highest paying computer science jobsProgrammer analyst. National average salary: $71,666 per year. ... Technical support engineer. National average salary: $72,224 per year. ... E-commerce business analyst. ... Business continuity analyst. ... Systems analyst. ... Database developer. ... Software developer. ... UX designer.More items...•Oct 5, 2021

Can you become a web developer with a CIS degree?

Computer Information Systems covers such a broad range of computer skills that it's become a field for specialists. You could be a database administrator, programmer, network administrator, computer technician, or web developer.Aug 3, 2015

What is Computer Information Systems?

Computer Information Systems is the application of computers in business processes. Computing technology and business processes are two components of CIS. In order to bring them together, we have to use the third critical element of CIS, the people.

What does CIS consist of?

We can understand what computer information systems is, in terms of the six facets. These six facets of CIS are summarized below:

What computer information systems do?

The computer information systems help the firm in business processes. Firstly, they help in collection, storage, analysis and interpretation of data. Secondly, CIS helps improve the processes. Thirdly, it integrates discrete business areas through enterprise resource management.

CIS jobs

The salary of a CIS professional varies wildly. It depends on job profile, education level, years of experience and organization. Even within the same organization, there could be different salaries. However, at the entry level, you may expect a starting salary of anywhere between $55k to $70k.

Education in CIS

Most of the top engineering schools offer specialization in CIS. Some may only offer elective courses. Your best bet is to complete a bachelors degree, gain some relevant work experience then go for MBA.

What do you learn in CIS341?

You know how to program, but do you know how to implement a programming language? In CIS341 you’ll learn how to build a compiler. Topics covered include: lexical analysis, grammars and parsing, intermediate representations, syntax-directed translation, code generation, type checking, simple dataflow and control-flow analyses, and optimizations. Along the way, we study objects and inheritance, first-class functions (closures), data representation and runtime-support issues such as garbage collection. This is a challenging, implementation-oriented course in which students build a full compiler from a simple, typed object-oriented language to fully operational x86 assembly. The course projects are implemented using OCaml, but no knowledge of OCaml is assumed.

What is CIS 191?

CIS 191 - Using and Understanding Unix and Linux. Prerequisite (s): CIS 110 or equivalent. Unix, in its many forms, runs much of the world’s computer infrastructure, from cable modems and cell phones to the giant clusters that power Google and Amazon.

What is the purpose of IPython?

The primary goal of this course is to introduce computational methods of interacting with data. In this course, students will be introduced to the IPython programming environment. They will learn how to gather data and store it in appropriate data structures. They will then write their own programs, building on existing libraries to analyze the data and display the salient information it contains. Data will be drawn from a variety of domains, including but not limited to travel, entertainment, politics, economics, biology etc. This course cannot count for engineering credit. Engineering school students can use it as a free elective. Students who have already taken CIS110 or 120 should not take this course.

How long is a senior thesis?

The goal of a Senior Thesis project is to complete a major research project under the supervision of a faculty member. The duration of the project is two semesters. To enroll in CIS 410, students must develop an abstract of the proposed work, and a member of the CIS graduate group must certify that the work is suitable and agree to supervise the project; a second member must agree to serve as a reader. At the end of the first semester, students must submit an intermediate report; if the supervisor and reader accept it, they can enroll in CIS 411.

How many units are required for CIS 990?

CIS 990 carries full time status with zero course units, and may be taken only once.

What is the first course in computer science?

Introduction to Computer Programming is the first course in our series introducing students to computer science. In this class you will learn the fundamentals of computer programming in Java, with emphasis on applications in science and engineering. You will also learn about the broader field of computer science and algorithmic thinking, the fundamental approach that computer scientists take to solving problems.

What are the basic mathematical concepts and techniques needed in computer science?

What are the basic mathematical concepts and techniques needed in computer science? This course provides an introduction to proof principles and logics, functions and relations, induction principles, combinatorics and graph theory, as well as a rigorous grounding in writing and reading mathematical proofs.

What is a computer science course?

This course provides a foundation for further studies in computer and information science and emphasizes a structured approach to problem solving and algorithm development. Topics include principles of program design, coding, debugging, testing, and documentation. Students are introduced to the Unified Modeling Language for requirements analysis using use-cases and activity diagrams, an object oriented programming language, and the fundamentals of computer hardware, system software, and components. The course will consist of three lecture hours and one two-hour laboratory.

What is CIS 487?

This course is a continuation of the material studied in CIS 487. The focus of the course will be hands-on development of computer game development tools (e.g. game engines). Students will study a variety of software technologies relevant to computer game design, including: 3D graphics, computer animation, data-driven game design, multiplayer game programming, and game AI. Lecture topics will be taken from several areas of computer science: simulation and modeling, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, game theory, software engineering, human computer interaction and game content development. (W)

What is microcomputer literacy?

This is a microcomputer literacy course with primary emphasis on the application tools of the word processor, spreadsheets, and database. Additional topics of computer terms, systems, and use in society are included. The course is intended for undergraduates in the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters. No previous experience with computers is expected. (YR).

What is the focus of the Introduction to Python course?

The focus of this course will be on the development of analytics/data science applications. (W)

What is the practical aspect of computer security?

Full Title: Practical Aspects of Computer Security THis course provides a practical introduction to a broad range of security topics including legal, ethical and professional issues in information security. Covered topics include: practical computer security principles; firewalls, malware, and intrusion detection; cryptography basics and its applications; mobile devices and related security issues; network technologies and their vulnerabilities. (YR)

What is a big data course?

It introduces the fundamental technologies, platforms, and methods that enable Big Data analysis , and covers how to acquire, store, and analyze very large amounts of information to complete Big Data analysis tasks. Topics include MapReduce, similarity search, mining real-time data streams, link analysis, clustering, recommender systems, social network graph mining, and large scale data mining tasks. (W)

What is forensic computer science?

This course takes a detailed, hands-on approach to study the procedures and techniques used to identify, extract, validate, document and preserve electronic evidence. Students completing this course will be familiar with the core computer science theory and practical skills necessary to perform basic computer forensic investigations, understand the role of technology in investigating computer-based crime, and be prepared to deal with investigative bodies at a basic level.

How to teach computer basics?

Students will achieve the following course objectives: 1 At the end of this course the students will understand the fundamental concepts, vocabulary, and operating principles of the personal computer and its operating system. Students will be introduced to the role played by the personal computer in business, and practical ways of acquiring, implementing, and operating the personal computer. 2 Students will be able to understand the fundamental concepts of word processing, electronic spreadsheets, and presentation software. 3 Students will be able to use that knowledge to select the word processing software, spreadsheet software, and presentation software best suited to solve a variety of business problems. 4 Students will get hands-on experience with Windows 10, Word 2016, Excel 2016, and PowerPoint 2016 by completing required computer assignments throughout the semester.

What is the purpose of analytical reasoning?

Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Apply information management and digital technology skills useful for academic research and lifelong learning.

Is plagiarism tolerated in college?

All assignments and projects must be the original work of the student or teammates. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any questions regarding academic integrity should be brought to the attention of the instructor.

What is computer science?

Computer science spans the range from theory to programming. While other disciplines can produce graduates better prepared for specific jobs, computer science offers a comprehensive foundation that permits graduates to adapt to new technologies and new ideas.

What is information systems?

Information systems specialists focus on integrating information technology solutions and business processes to meet the information needs of businesses and other enterprises, enabling them to achieve their objectives in an effective, efficient way. This discipline's perspective on "Information Technology" emphasizes information, and sees technology as an instrument to enable the generation, processing and distribution of needed information. Professionals in this discipline are primarily concerned with the information that computer systems can provide to aid an enterprise in defining and achieving its goals, and the processes that an enterprise can implement and improve using information technology. They must understand both technical and organizational factors, and must be able to help an organization determine how information and technology-enabled business processes can provide a competitive advantage.

What are the jobs of a computer scientist?

We can think of the work of computer scientists as falling into three categories: 1 They design and implement software. Computer scientists take on challenging programming jobs. They also supervise other programmers, keeping them aware of new approaches. 2 They devise new ways to use computers. Progress in the CS areas of networking, database, and human-computer-interface enabled the development of the World Wide Web. Now, researchers are working to make robots be practical aides that demonstrate intelligence, are using databases to create new knowledge, and are using computers to help decipher the secrets of our DNA. 3 They develop effective ways to solve computing problems. For example, computer scientists develop the best possible ways to store information in databases, send data over networks, and display complex images. Their theoretical background allows them to determine the best performance possible, and their study of algorithms helps them develop new approaches that provide better performance. Computer science spans the range from theory to programming. While other disciplines can produce graduates better prepared for specific jobs, computer science offers a comprehensive foundation that permits graduates to adapt to new technologies and new ideas.
