Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT) The BSMT program offered by the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy is basically designed to prepare PMMA Midshipmen for duties as deck officers aboard ship after graduation. It is a four-year residency course consisting of a three-year academic studies (1st, 2nd and 4th year) and one year shipboard training (3rd …
The Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT) is a f our-year undergraduate degree program that leads to a professional career in the maritime industry, as a marine deck officer. Through this program, the students will be able to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge needed to accomplish their future duties and responsibilities as a marine officer and will be …
BSMT Course Abbreviation. 1. BSMT. Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation. Philippine, Transportation, Education. Philippine, Transportation, Education.
The Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology (BSMT) curriculum is designed to prepare future medical technologists and practitioners through a rich learning environment of combined didactic and clinical experiences.
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology.
4 yearsNormally, the BSMT program takes 4 years to complete. Internship takes a whole year to complete, so basically, this course involves 3 years of school-based education and 1-year internship period.Oct 1, 2017
The Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT) is a four-year degree program in the Philippines that will train you in performing and fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of a marine deck officer including navigation, radio communication, and basic safety among other things.
Aspiring seafarers need to take the Basic Safety Training (BST) course. This includes training on Sea Survival Techniques, Personal Safety and Social Responsibility, Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention, and First Aid, among other skills.
They may apply as an ordinary seaman, able seaman, boatswain, third mate, second mate, officer-in-charge of a navigational watch, merchant marine officer, maritime education and training officer, Philippine coast guard officer, or a naval officer.
The Marine Deck Officers Board Exam, also known as the Marine Deck Officers Licensure Exams, is a board exam facilitated by the Board of Marine Deck Officers under the Professional Regulatory Commission to assess the competency of BS Marine Transportation graduates.
Why did I choose Marine Transportation: I chose this course because I want to be captain of the ship someday. I want to travel the world and earn big money. And the course is easy compared to other. About my college education: I have learn to be a seaman.
This varies greatly from Php20,000.00 to about Php90,000.00 per year depending on which school you attend. But let's just say we take Php35,000.00 as our number for computational purposes. Aside from the tuition fee, there are also some miscellaneous fees that the cadet must shoulder.Jul 18, 2018
An early career Ordinary Seaman with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of ₱375,000 based on 15 salaries. A mid-career Ordinary Seaman with 5-9 years of experience earns an average total compensation of ₱748,800 based on 5 salaries.Jan 15, 2022
Seaman's BookHigh school diploma (High school graduate), or Transcript of Records (College Level)PSA Birth Certificate.Duly accomplished MARINA application form.NBI Clearance.Certificate of Authentication or Verification from CHED or DepEd.Two (2) passport size photos (colored, white background, collared shirt)More items...•Feb 14, 2020
three-yearIt is a four-year residency course consisting of a three-year academic studies (1st, 2nd and 4th year) and one year shipboard training (3rd year) on board commercial vessels plying the international sea lanes as deck cadets.
Also known as “BT,” “SOLAS,” “BST,” or “Basic Safety,” Basic Training is a mandatory course designed to teach seafarers (1) personal survival techniques, (2) fire prevention and fire-fighting, (3) elementary first-aid, and (4) personal safety and social responsibilities in keeping with Section A-VI/1 of the Standards ...
The Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT) is a four-year undergraduate degree program that leads to a professional career in the maritime industry, as a marine deck officer. Through this program, the students will be able to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge needed to accomplish their future duties ...
To become a Licensed Marine Engine Officer in the Philippines, a graduate of BS in Marine Transportation needs to choose from the Navigational Watch Licensure Examination, Chief Mate Licensure Examination, and Master Mariner Licensure Examination and pass the exam. The examination is conducted by the Board of Marine Deck and Marine Engine Officers under the supervision of the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC). Note that before taking any of the relevant licensure examinations, graduates of Marine Transportation must have an actual work experience aboard a ship, and the minimum length of service depends upon the requirements of the PRC.
During the fourth year of the program, students are required to attend an On the Job Training (OJT) in an actual ship in order to expose students to the real-life applications of the concepts and techniques that they have learned.
They may apply as an ordinary seaman, able seaman, boatswain, third mate, second mate, officer-in-charge of a navigational watch, merchant marine officer, maritime education and training officer, Philippine coast guard officer, or a naval officer.