what is bsis course

by Stacy Schimmel 3 min read

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (BSIS) Program Learning Outcomes. Apply analytical and critical thinking skills, and information systems concepts for solving organizational problems.

What does BSIS stand for?

mandatory courses outline of courses Objective: To familiarize and instruct the individual in basic skills and provide a common body of knowledge in the performance of security guard work. All courses shall include information and subject matter pertaining to the outline provided.

How long does it take to complete a BSIS training course?

Train to be an indispensable IT professional with the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems program. Delve into the components, tools, techniques, strategies, and methodologies involved in the cycle of system development as the program exposes you to different Enterprise Resource Platforms. BSIS graduates will be ready to manage information resources and come up with …

What can you do with a BSIS degree?

This training is for security officers who are looking for professional training and an exposed gun permit for work. In this course you will learn how to use your firearm safely and confidently, react in the time of an incident, and improve your security capabilities. Enroll …

Who is eligible to complete the BSIS firearms training course?

Jun 10, 2020 · In California, security guards are licensed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS). In order to get a security guard license (guard card), you must first complete a pre-licensing course, often referred to as a “guard card class”. The guard card class is 8 hours long and can be completed in one day. Click to see full answer.

What is a BSIS?

Train to be an indispensable IT professional with the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems program. Delve into the components, tools, techniques, strategies, and methodologies involved in the cycle of system development as the program exposes you to different Enterprise Resource Platforms. BSIS graduates will be ready to manage information resources and come up with novel business solutions.

What are the skills required to be a good communicator?

Communicate effectively with a range of audiences. Communication skills include technical writing, presentation and negotiation, and numeracy.

How many hours do you need to be a security guard?

The training hours listed above are broken down as follows: All Security Guards must take the first 8-hour required course before applying for their Guard Card (8 hours). All Security Guards must take 16 hours of Mandatory Courses and 16 hours of Elective Courses within the first six months getting their guard card.

How long do you have to keep training records?

Employers are required to maintain records for a minimum of two years; however registrants may need to provide subsequent employers or BSIS with training records. As a result BSIS recommends that registrants maintain copies of all of their own training records.

What is a peace officer?

A peace officer, as defined in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code, who has successfully completed a course of study in the exercise of the power to arrest approved by POST is exempt from completing the Bureau-related power to arrest training [BPC Section 7583.6(g)].

What is an employee on a W-2?

An "employee" is a person who has an employer-employee relationship with the employer. Generally, this means that the person is on a payroll, and all appropriate payroll deductions are taken, including federal and state taxes, and the employee receives an IRS W-2 for tax purposes.

Does the Alarm Company Act require a firearm license?

None. The Alarm Company Act requires that every person licensed, registered, or designated under the act, who in the course of his or her employment carries a firearm, shall complete a course of training in the carrying and use of firearms [BPC Section 7596].

Do you have to holster a firearm before going on duty?

In a safe area, inspect the firearm and ammunition for defects before going on duty. When on duty, the firearm must remain properly holstered at all times. Do not neutralize the safety features of the holster. Do not remove the firearm to show, compare, or demonstrate the weapon or to threaten with it.

What is a BSIS firearms permit?

A BSIS Firearms Permit authorize s the permitholder to carry an exposed firearm while performing the duties of only those license types listed on the Firearms Permit itself. For example, a permitholder who only has a Security Guard registration listed on their Firearms Permit and who also holds a Private Investigator (PI) license cannot work while armed while carrying out the duties of a PI licensee. The Firearms Permit card must list the PI license for the permitholder to work as an armed PI licensee.

How long does a BSIS permit last?

A BSIS Firearms Permit expires two years from the date of issuance. Approximately 90 days prior to the Firearms Permit’s expiration date, a renewal reminder will be mailed to the permitholder’s address of record. Please note, the renewal reminder is not a Firearms Permit renewal application and cannot be used to renew the Firearms Permit.

What training do security guards need?

Applicants must complete training in the power to arrest. The training may be administered by a Bureau-approved firearms or baton training facility or an organization or school approved by the Bureau. Security Guards may also obtain the training from their employing PPO or from Bureau-approved trainers.

Do you have to qualify for a firearms permit after a caliber is added?

Once a caliber (s) is added to your firearms permit, you must thereafter qualify on that caliber (s) during each subsequent qualification that you complete to renew your permit with that caliber. NOTE: All subsequent qualifications completed must comply with the qualification schedule based on your date of last renewal.
